For the month of July 2007
Commission File Number 1-15184
(Exact Name as Specified in its Charter)
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Rua Fortunato Ferraz, 365
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05093-901 Brazil
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Date: July 27, 2007
By:/s/Welson Teixeira Junior
Name: Welson Teixeira Junior
Title: Investor Relations Officer
2Q07 |
São Paulo, July 26, 2007 – SADIA S.A. (BOVESPA: SDIA3 and SDIA4; NYSE: SDA; LATIBEX: XSDI), a national leader in the segment of processed food, poultry and swine products, releases today its results for the second quarter of 2007 (2Q07). The Company's operating and financial information is presented in thousands of reais – except where indicated otherwise – based on consolidated figures, in accordance with the corporate legislation. In this release, all comparisons are made in relation to the same period in 2006 (2Q06), except where specified otherwise "The highlight of the second quarter of this year continues to be the growth in the sales volume, both in the domestic and in the export markets, stimulated mostly by the resumption of demand for poultry and by the sustained increase in sales of processed products. The first growth reflects a lessening of the concerns about the avian influenza which led to an increase in international demand for poultry and, consequently, to a growth of 40.2% in the revenues from this kind of animal protein. The second growth points out to an increase in the market share of processed products in the total volume of the domestic market, from 73.5% in the second quarter of 2006 to 82.6% in the quarter ended in June of the current year. Worthy of mentioning is the appreciation of the Brazilian real in relation to the U.S. dollar, by 9.4% over the same quarter of the prior year. In spite of such scenario, our export revenues increased 45.0% in the quarter and shipment prices increased 16.9% on average. With the investments in the Lucas do Rio Verde unit, the expansion of our production capacity is in progress. The new unit will be one of the most modern plants of the world, with an increased capacity for poultry and swine slaughtering for the production of feed and processed products. We have also reached the final stages of the investments in our production unit in Russia and the production processed products of poultry, pork and beef is scheduled to start by the end of this year. By sponsoring the Pan-American Games, we boosted our commercial team and our marketing campaigns. This sponsorship covers the whole Olympic cycle, extending to the 2008 Beijing Games. For our Company, sports have always been an important tool for social inclusion and the best media to raise awareness about the importance of a healthy life style. Those initiatives reflect Sadia's quest for maximum excellence, always seeking to strengthen its brands, offer high quality products to its consumers, value its employees and deliver the best results to its shareholders and investors." – Gilberto Tomazoni – Chief Executive Officer |
Data on July 25, 2007 |
Sadia ON (SDIA3)=R$ 9.30/share |
Investor Relations |
Welson Teixeira Junior Christiane Assis Silvia Helena Madi Pinheiro Corina Azevedo Steindler
1S06 |
1S07 |
1S07/ 1S06 |
2Q06 |
2Q07 |
2Q07/ 2Q06 |
1Q07 |
2Q07/ 1Q07 |
Gross Operating Revenue | 3,530,513 |
4,470,858 |
26.6% |
1,779,151 |
2,307,790 |
29.7% |
2,163,068 |
6.7% |
Domestic Market | 2,051,302 |
2,382,402 |
16.1% |
1,028,282 |
1,218,928 |
18.5% |
1,163,474 |
4.8% |
Export Market | 1,479,211 |
2,088,456 |
41.2% |
750,869 |
1,088,862 |
45.0% |
999,594 |
8.9% |
Net Operating Revenue | 3,042,821 |
3,912,665 |
28.6% |
1,536,802 |
2,018,596 |
31.4% |
1,894,069 |
6.6% |
Gross Profit | 651,309 |
1,008,128 |
54.8% |
316,982 |
519,693 |
64.0% |
488,435 |
6.4% |
Gross Margin | 21.4% |
25.8% |
20.6% |
25.7% |
25.8% |
EBIT | 23,865 |
282,548 |
1083.9% |
3,078 |
132,019 |
4189.1% |
150,529 |
-12.3% |
EBIT Margin | 0.8% |
7.2% |
0.2% |
6.5% |
7.9% |
Net Income | 84,536 |
205,544 |
143.1% |
17,573 |
109,375 |
522.4% |
96,169 |
13.7% |
Net Margin | 2.8% |
5.3% |
1.1% |
5.4% |
5.1% |
EBITDA | 150,776 |
460,704 |
205.6% |
68,102 |
229,273 |
236.7% |
231,431 |
-0.9% |
EBITDA Margin | 5.0% |
11.8% |
4.4% |
11.4% |
12.2% |
Exports / Gross Revenue | 41.9% |
46.7% |
42.2% |
47.2% |
46.2% |
1 |
The highlights of the first half of 2007 (1H07) were an increase in demand in both the domestic and export
markets and the recovery of poultry prices in the export market to the levels established prior to the avian crisis
in Europe, leading to a share of 47.2% in the export market and a share of 52.8% in the domestic market, more in
sync with the Company's strategy of keeping those markets on a 50/50 basis. In the first half of 2007 (1H07), gross operating revenues grew 26.6% over the same period in 2006 (1H06), to R$4.470.9 million, driven by the sales of processed products in the domestic market and of poultry in the export market. Volume sold grew 13.4% between the first half of 2007 and the first half of 2006, to 1,015.3 thousand tons. In the 2Q07, gross operating revenues grew 29.7% in relation to the same period in 2006, to R$ 2,307.8 million, and volumes sold grew 12.2% between the 2Q07 and the 2Q06, to 524.3 thousand tons. |
1S06 |
1S07 |
1S07/ 1S06 |
2Q06 |
2Q07 |
2Q07/2Q06 |
1Q07 |
2Q07/ 1Q07 |
Tons | 895,577 | 1,015,322 | 13.4% | 467,458 | 524,292 | 12.2% | 491,030 | 6.8% |
Processed Products | 377,074 | 435,975 | 15.6% | 191,695 | 225,974 | 17.9% | 210,001 | 7.6% |
Poultry | 449,372 | 475,025 | 5.7% | 238,243 | 241,026 | 1.2% | 233,999 | 3.0% |
Pork | 47,346 | 71,791 | 51.6% | 25,416 | 39,681 | 56.1% | 32,110 | 23.6% |
Beef | 21,785 | 32,531 | 49.3% | 12,104 | 17,611 | 45.5% | 14,920 | 18.0% |
R$ thousand | 3,530,513 | 4,470,858 | 26.6% | 1,779,151 | 2,307,790 | 29.7% | 2,163,068 | 6.7% |
Processed Products | 1,811,367 | 2,122,124 | 17.2% | 913,862 | 1,086,089 | 18.8% | 1,036,035 | 4.8% |
Poultry | 1,251,200 | 1,663,606 | 33.0% | 632,643 | 845,641 | 33.7% | 817,965 | 3.4% |
Pork | 192,347 | 309,278 | 60.8% | 107,120 | 172,036 | 60.6% | 137,242 | 25.4% |
Beef | 116,634 | 180,021 | 54.3% | 66,226 | 96,134 | 45.2% | 83,887 | 14.6% |
Other | 158,965 | 195,829 | 23.2% | 59,300 | 107,890 | 81.9% | 87,939 | 22.7% |
In the export market, average prices continued their road to recovery during the first half of 2007 in relation to
the same period last year, when performance was severely prejudiced by the avian influenza and by the Russian
embargo to the Brazilian pork. In the first half of 2007, the exported volume totaled 552.0 thousand tons,
representing a growth of 22.9% in relation to the same period in 2006. In the 2Q07, shipments grew 23.3% in
relation to the same quarter ended June 30 last year. Export revenues grew 41.2% when compared with the corresponding six-month period and 45.0% in the 2Q07/2Q06, in spite of the appreciation of the Brazilian real in relation to the U.S. dollar, i.e., 6.7% and 9.4%, respectively. The share of the export market in total volume has increased too. In the first six months of 2007, 54.4% of the total volume produced by Sadia was exported, against 50.2% by the end of the first six months of 2006. Volumes in the domestic market grew at a slower pace. In the first half of 2007, the volume sold in Brazil grew 3.8%, to 463.3 thousand tons. Growth between the 2Q07 and the 2Q06 was of 1.2% . The segment of processed products increased 15.6% in volumes sold in the six-month comparison, and between 17.9% between the 2Q07 and the 2Q06. Revenues from those products increased 17.2% and 18.8%, respectively. The poultry segment recorded a growth in physical sales of 5.7% in the six-month comparison. Between the 2Q07 and the 2Q06, performance remained almost stable, with an increase of 1.2% . On the other hand, revenues increased significantly in the first half of 2007, by 33.0% over the first half of 2006 and 33.7% in the 2Q07 over the 2Q06. The Company's pork segment resumed its growth and the volume sold increased 51.6% between the 1H06 and 1H07 and 56.1% between the 2Q07 and the 2Q06. Revenues from this segment have grown close to 61.0%, both in the quarterly and in the six-month comparison. The second largest percentage growth was in the beef segment, which rose 49.3% in volumes between the 1H06 and the 1H07, and 45.5% between the 2Q07 and the 2Q06. The increase in value was of 54.3% between the six- month periods and 45.2% between the quarters. |
Tons | 1S06 | 1S07 | 1S07/1S06 | 2Q06 | 2Q07 | 2Q07/2Q06 | 1Q07 | 2Q07/ 1Q07 |
Domestic Market | 446,368 | 463,326 | 3.8% | 235,594 | 238,506 | 1.2% | 224,820 | 6.1% |
Processed Products | 338,211 | 383,351 | 13.3% | 173,215 | 197,092 | 13.8% | 186,259 | 5.8% |
Poultry | 84,688 | 56,139 | -33.7% | 50,687 | 30,066 | -40.7% | 26,073 | 15.3% |
Pork | 18,718 | 20,501 | 9.5% | 9,427 | 9,454 | 0.3% | 11,047 | -14.4% |
Beef | 4,751 | 3,335 | -29.8% | 2,265 | 1,894 | -16.4% | 1,441 | 31.4% |
Export Market | 449,209 | 551,996 | 22.9% | 231,864 | 285,786 | 23.3% | 266,210 | 7.4% |
Processed Products | 38,863 | 52,624 | 35.4% | 18,480 | 28,882 | 56.3% | 23,742 | 21.6% |
Poultry | 364,684 | 418,886 | 14.9% | 187,556 | 210,960 | 12.5% | 207,926 | 1.5% |
Pork | 28,628 | 51,290 | 79.2% | 15,989 | 30,227 | 89.0% | 21,063 | 43.5% |
Beef | 17,034 | 29,196 | 71.4% | 9,839 | 15,717 | 59.7% | 13,479 | 16.6% |
Total | 895,577 | 1,015,322 | 13.4% | 467,458 | 524,292 | 12.2% | 491,030 | 6.8% |
R$ thousand | 1S06 |
1S07 | 1S07/ 1S06 | 2Q06 | 2Q07 | 2Q07/ 2Q06 | 1Q07 | 2Q07/1Q07 |
Domestic Market | 2,051,302 | 2,382,402 | 16.1% | 1,028,282 | 1,218,928 | 18.5% | 1,163,474 | 4.8% |
Processed Products | 1,638,095 | 1,900,905 | 16.0% | 826,673 | 970,089 | 17.3% | 930,816 | 4.2% |
Poultry | 197,034 | 212,649 | 7.9% | 108,995 | 111,647 | 2.4% | 101,002 | 10.5% |
Pork | 69,825 | 80,902 | 15.9% | 36,174 | 40,879 | 13.0% | 40,023 | 2.1% |
Beef | 20,782 | 17,477 | -15.9% | 8,713 | 9,936 | 14.0% | 7,541 | 31.8% |
Others | 125,566 | 170,469 | 35.8% | 47,727 | 86,377 | 81.0% | 84,092 | 2.7% |
Export Market | 1,479,211 | 2,088,456 | 41.2% | 750,869 | 1,088,862 | 45.0% | 999,594 | 8.9% |
Processed Products | 173,272 | 221,219 | 27.7% | 87,189 | 116,000 | 33.0% | 105,219 | 10.2% |
Poultry | 1,054,166 | 1,450,957 | 37.6% | 523,648 | 733,994 | 40.2% | 716,963 | 2.4% |
Pork | 122,522 | 228,376 | 86.4% | 70,946 | 131,157 | 84.9% | 97,219 | 34.9% |
Beef | 95,852 | 162,544 | 69.6% | 57,513 | 86,198 | 49.9% | 76,346 | 12.9% |
Other | 33,399 | 25,360 | -24.1% | 11,573 | 21,513 | 85.9% | 3,847 | 459.2% |
Total | 3,530,513 | 4,470,858 | 26.6% | 1,779,151 | 2,307,790 | 29.7% | 2,163,068 | 6.7% |
Domestic Market |
Volumes sold in the domestic market rose by 1.2% in the 2Q07 in relation to the same period in
2006, to 238.5 thousand tons. Revenues from this market, in turn, advanced 18.5% in that period, to R$ 1,219.0 million, signaling a growth in the demand for processed products. The average price in the domestic market increased 14.1%, driven by the increases in the prices of poultry and beef. In
the comparison between the 1H06 and the 1H07, the increase of 10.7% in the average price and of
3.8% in volume, to 463.3 thousand tons, resulted in a growth of 16.1% in revenues. Volumes were
the highlight in the segment of processed products, while physical sales of poultry and beef dropped
due to the redirection to the export market to take advantage of the recovery of demand. Processed products represented about 80.0% of revenues and of volumes sold in the domestic market in the 2Q07 and in the 1H07. Volumes sold in this segment increased by 13.3% in the 1H07/1H06 and 13.8% in the 2Q07 in relation to 2Q06, while revenues increased 16.0% and 17.3%, respectively. This growth was possible due to the increased income of the Brazilian population, mainly the low-income classes, who started to purchase a larger number of processed products. Out of the product portfolio in this segment, the highlights were pizzas, Hot Pockets®, margarines, frankfurters and bolognas. |
After the redirection to the export market, the poultry segment recorded the highest retraction in volume sold
in the 1H07/1H06, 33.7%, and between the 2Q07 and the 2Q06, 40.7%, but, on the other hand, it recorded the
highest increase in the average price in both periods. A comparison of both six-month periods shows that the
average price of birds rose by 62.7% and of both quarters shows that the average price rose by 72.6% . Thus,
revenues from this segment recorded an increase of 7.9% between the 1H06 and the 1H07 and of 2.4% between
the 2Q07 and the 2Q06. The pork segment increased by 9.5% in volumes and 15.9% in revenues in the 1H07/1H06. In the 2Q07, physical sales remained stable in relation to the 2Q06, but revenues grew by 13.0% . The beef segment dropped 29.8% in volumes sold between the six-month periods and 16.4% between the 2Q07 and the 2Q06. The increase of 19.9% in the average price in the six-month comparison helped to mitigate the drop in revenues, which accounted for 15.9% . The quarterly revenues, however, grew 14.0%, with an average price 36.4% higher in relation to the 2Q06. |
Export Market |
The Company's efforts to improve the market share of processed products in the sales mix for the export market
continue to be reflected in the performance of this segment. Processed products increased 35.4% in volumes
when comparing both six-month periods and 56.3% when comparing the 2Q07 with the 2Q06. In revenues, this
growth represented 27.7% and 33.0%, respectively. The average price in Brazilian reais of this segment fell 5.7%
between both six-month periods while in U.S. dollars it increased slightly by 1.0% and dropped 14.8% in Brazilian
reais between the 2Q07 and the 2Q06, representing a U.S. dollar drop of only 4.9% . The poultry segment recorded an increase of 14.9% in physical sales and 37.6% in revenues in the 1H07/1H06, and 12.5% and 40.2%, respectively, in the 2Q07 in relation to 2Q06. Upon the recovery of the international demand, the Company redirected its poultry production to this market. The average price in Brazilian reais increased by 19.7% in the 1H07/1H06, representing an increase in U.S. dollars of 27.7% and an increase in Brazilian reais of 24.7% in the 2Q07/2T06, i.e., an increase in U.S. dollars of 36.4% . The pork segment recovered its volumes. It should be pointed out that in the first half of 2006, international purchases of pork were prejudiced by the embargo imposed by Russia the main buyer of the Brazilian pork protein to the pork exports. Volumes sold rose 79.2% between the six-month periods and 89.0% between the 2Q07 and the 2Q06. The increase in revenues was of 86.4%, and 84.9% respectively. The average price in Brazilian reais of pork increased by 4.0% in the 1H07, when compared with the 1H06 (11.0% in U.S. dollars), and dropped in Brazilian reais by 2.3% in the 2Q07/2T06 (6.9% in U.S. dollars). The beef segment grew 71.4% in volumes sold and 69.6% in revenues in the six-month comparison, during which prices in Brazilian reais remained practically stable while in U.S. dollars they increased by 5.5% . Between the 2Q07 and the 2Q06, physical sales increased by 59.7% and revenues rose 49.9%, with an average price in Brazilian reais 6.3% lower, and 2.9% higher in U.S. dollars. |
Sadia's net revenues reached R$ 2.0 billion in the 2Q07, an amount 31.4% higher than that of the 2Q06. This
substantial increase in revenues resulted from higher volumes sold and the prices charged by the Company.
The performance could be still better if the U.S. dollar had not devaluated by 9.4% in a quarterly comparison.
Year-to-date figures relating to the six-month period reached R$3.9 billion, an increase of 28.6%, provided by
the significant growth of both the domestic and export markets. |
Gross profit rose 64.0% over 2Q06 and reached R$ 51.7 million. The ratio to net income corresponded to the gross margin of 25.7%, 5.1 percentage points higher than in the 2Q06. As seen on the graph to the right, the margin obtained in the 2Q06 was the lowest of the recent years, when the Company's margins suffered the effects of the avian influenza, the Russian embargo and the foreign exchange devaluation. On the other hand, the costs per ton sold increased by 9.6% and 7.1% in relation to 2Q07/2T06 and 1H07/1H06 respectively, mostly due to the increase in the prices of grains.
The market prices (ESALQ) for corn and soybean in the 1H07 were 32.0% and 16.0% higher, respectively,
than those in the 1H06; in the 2Q07/2T06 they were 22.0% and 16.4% higher. This new level in the prices
of grains confirms the soundness of our decision to invest in Lucas do Rio Verde (State of Mato Grosso), a
region where the grains are the most competitively priced of Brazil. |
Operating expenses - sales, general and administrative and other expenses - ratio have been reduced by 1.2
percentage points in relation to net income, reaching 19.2% in the 2Q07 (R$ 387.7 million), a percentage lower
than the 20.4% of the 2Q06. Selling expenses had a significant reduction: they fell to 17.4% in the 2Q07, compared with 19.0% in the 2Q06. General and administrative expenses to net income ratio remained at 1.2% in the 2Q07. The operating profit before financial expenses and equity pickup (EBIT) reached R$ 132.0 million in the 2Q07 and R$ 282.5 million in the 1H07, amounts much higher than those obtained in the same periods of 2006, which were R$ 3.1 million and R$ 23.9 million, respectively. |
The EBITDA (earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) in the 2Q07 amounted to R$ 229.3 million and the EBITDA margin, of 11.4%, a figure higher by 7.0 percentage points than that obtained in the 2Q06, shows the recovery of the Company from the levels reached in the worst period of the avian crisis in Europe and the Russian embargo on the Brazilian meat.
1S06 |
1S07 | 2Q06 | 2Q07 | |
EBIT | 23,865 | 282,548 | 3,078 | 132,019 |
(+)DEPRECIATION/AMORTIZATION/SUBVENTION | 122,476 | 166,170 | 64,698 | 91,290 |
(+)EMPLOYEE PROFIT SHARING | 4,435 | 11,986 | 326 | 5,964 |
EBITDA | 150,776 | 460,704 | 68,102 | 229,273 |
EBITDA MARGIN | 5.0% | 11.8% | 4.4% | 11.4% |
The Company has investment subsidies programmed to expire between 2014 and 2020, granted by the
governments of the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso where some of its industrial plants are located.
Until March 31, 2007, these subsidies were recognized in the income for the year, since they were not directly
related to the Companys investment projects. As amply disclosed to the market, the company has been
investing in a project for expanding and modernizing its production units, which consists of an increase in
installed capacity, expansion of its industrial park, an increase in production and generation of jobs. As from
April 2007, these states have tied the subsidies to investments, which led the Company to record the
aforementioned subsidy in the Capital Reserve in shareholders equity. The amount recorded for these
subsidies at June 30, 2007 was R$ 10.6 million. |
Sadia's financial results should be analyzed jointly with equity pickup due to management and risk policies which
aim to protect its assets and liabilities on a consolidated basis. Net income plus equity pickup in the 2Q07 was a
positive R$ 2.7 million, while in 2006 it was a negative R$ 10.0 million. |
Jun06 | % | Jun07 | % | Jun07/Jun06 | |
Short Term | 1,188.5 | 33% | 1,008.8 | 28% | 17.8% |
Local Currency | 468.4 | 46% | 377.7 | 37% | 24.0% |
Foreign Currency | 720.1 | 71% | 631.1 | 63% | 14.1% |
Long Term | 2,522.5 | 69% | 2,624.6 | 72% | -3.9% |
Local Currency | 641.5 | 24% | 797.2 | 30% | -19.5% |
Foreign Currency | 1,881.0 | 72% | 1,827.3 | 70% | 2.9% |
Total | 3,711.0 | 102% | 3,633.4 | 100% | 2.1% |
(-) Financial Investments | 2,689.8 | 106% | 2,527.2 | 100% | 6.4% |
Local Currency | 611.3 | 24% | 531.6 | 21% | 15.0% |
Foreign Currency | 2,078.5 | 82% | 1,995.5 | 79% | 4.2% |
(=) Net Financial Indebtedness | 1,021.2 | 92% | 1,106.2 | 100% | -7.7% |
Local Currency | 498.6 | 45% | 643.3 | 58% | -22.5% |
Foreign Currency | 522.6 | 47% | 462.9 | 42% | 12.9% |
Net Debt to Equity | 45.2% | 42.3% | |||
Net Debt to EBITDA* | 1.2 | 1.3 |
*Moving average 36 months
At the end of June 2007, Sadias net financial debt totaled R$ 1,106.2 million. The ratio of the net debt to shareholders' equity ratio closed the 2Q07 at 42.3% .
As a consequence of the events already described, net income for the 2Q07 was of R$ 109.4 million, much higher than the net income of the 2Q06. Net income for the six-month period reached R$ 205.5 million, while in the 1H06 it reached R$ 84.5 million. This enabled the Company to record a return on equity (ROE) of 7.9%, against 3.7% in the same period of 2006.
In the 2Q07, Sadia made investments of R$175.6 million, an amount close to that invested in the 1Q07. Out of
the total amount invested in the quarter, an amount of R$ 56.8 million (32.4%) was destined to the poultry
segment; R$ 49.7 million (28.3%) to the processed products segment; R$ 44.4 million (25.3%) to pork segment
and R$ 4.7 million (2.7%) to the beef segment. Sadia investments in 2007 shall total R$ 800.0 million, in addition to other R$ 150.0 million in breeding stock to increase the production capacity of Sadias plants. Sadias larger investment in 2007 is to the Lucas do Rio Verde plant, one of the lowest grain cost regions in the Country, and R$400.0 million will be invested in 2007, of which R$80.0 million was spent in the 1S07 and R$320.0 million will be invested in the 2S07. The expansion of the Uberlândia plant, one of Sadias most modern plants in Brazil, shall be concluded this year with investments of R$30.0 million in 2007. The Company is increasing its beef slaughtering capacity in Várzea Grande, from 1,000 heads/day to 2,000 heads/day, up to the beginning of 2008, and will invest R$30.0 million on the 2S07. The construction of the meat processing plant in Russia, with a partnership with a local distributor in that Country, will require R$60.0 million in 2007. The plant should begin its operations by the end of this year. Sadia will also invest in 2007 to expand its Brasília unit, to modernize both Concórdia and Chapecó (SC) units, and to improve internal technology processes. |
Sadia reiterates its commitment to growth and its expectations are to double annual sales in the oncoming five
years. The indebtedness can oscillate between an upper limit of 2x EBITDA and a lower limit of 1x EBITDA.
Necessarily the Companys indebtedness has to fit into this limit. The Board of Directors have approved an investment plan of R$2.0 billion for the next 18 months, distributed as follows: R$720.0 million to the processed products segment, R$640.0 million to the Lucas do Rio Verde Plant, R$130.0 million the beef segment and another R$510.0 million in various expansion, IT and infrastructure projects and breeding stock. The investment on the processed products segment will be destined to refrigerated products to the domestic market and baked, grilled and breaded products to both markets, besides other non-meat products. Lucas do Rio Verde investments include the construction of new poultry and pork slaughterhouses, a feed mill and a pork processing plant. As for the beef segment, Sadia should be slaughtering 6,000 heads/day by 2009. In order to do so, the Company is expanding its slaughtering capacity in Várzea Grande, of 1,000 heads/day to 2,000 heads/day by the beginning of 2008, and adding a new plant with a 2,000 heads/day slaughter capacity in the same year. |
CAPITAL MARKETS São Paulo Stock Exchange - BOVESPA The Company's preferred shares are part of the theoretical portfolio of the São Paulo Stock Exchange Index (IBOVESPA). This portfolio lists 60 shares and for the four-month period from May to August/07, the relative weight of Sadia in the index is 0.976% . Sadias preferred shares (SDIA4) had a year-to-date increase of 56.2% in the last twelve months (June 30, 2006 to June 30, 2007) while the variation of the Ibovespa in the period was of 48.5% . |
Sadia PN vs. Ibovespa / Base 100 = 6/30/06 |
In the last 12 months (June 30, 2006 to June 30, 20077), Sadias Level II ADRs [SDA] appreciated in U.S. dollars by
78.3%, while the Dow Jones Index recorded an appreciation of 20.3% in the period. The daily average volume grew 99.8%, to US$ 4,071.0 thousand, corresponding to 17.0% of the total stock volume traded with Sadias preferred shares in the 2Q07. |
Latibex |
During the 2Q07, the daily average trade volume was 386.5 thousand, an increase of 61.3% when compared with the average volume recorded in the 2Q06, which was 239.6 thousand. In the last 12 months, the shares appreciated by 55.8% . |
MARKET DATA - BOVESPA | 2Q06 | 2Q07 | 2Q07/2Q06 |
Sadia Common Shares / SDIA3 - thousands (Free Float = 46.8%) | 257,000 | 257,000 | |
Sadia Preferred Shares / SDIA4 - thousands (Free Float = 89.6%) | 426,000 | 426,000 | |
Total Outstanding Shares - thousands* (Float = 73.5%)(¹) | 683,000 | 683,000 | |
Closing Price - R$/share SDIA3 (¹) | 6.20 | 9.37 | 51.1% |
Closing Price - R$/share SDIA4 (¹) | 5.75 | 8.98 | 56.2% |
Mkt. Capitalization - R$ millions (¹) | 3,927.3 | 6,133.3 | 56.2% |
Volume of Shares Traded - thousand | 162,310 | 120,531 | -25.7% |
Daily Average Volume of Shares Traded - thousand | 2,660 | 1,944 | |
Financial Volume Traded - R$ million | 949.9 | 1,083.1 | 14.0% |
Daily Average Financial Volume Traded - R$ million | 15.6 | 17.5 |
MARKET DATA - NYSE | 2Q06 | 2Q07 | 2Q07/2Q06 |
Total Outstanting ADR´s - thousands | 4,214.1 | 7,256.0 | 72.2% |
Participations in Trading Sessions | 100% | 100% | |
Closing Prices - US$/ADR (¹) (²) | 26.19 | 46.70 | 78.3% |
Mkt. Capitalization - US$ millions(¹) | 110.4 | 338.9 | 207.1% |
Volume of Shares Traded | 4,889,200 | 5,691,200 | 16.4% |
Daily Average Volume of Shares Traded | 77,606 | 90,337 | |
Financial Volume Traded - US$ thousand | 128,430 | 256,475 | 99.7% |
Daily Average Financial Volume Traded - US$ thousand | 2,038.6 | 4,071.0 | |
(¹) At the end of the period |
EVENTS ON JULY 27 (FRIDAY) In Brazil: Meeting with Professional Investment Analysts Time: 11:30 am (Brasília), 10:30 am (New York). Place: Rua Fortunato Ferraz, 616 Vila Anastácio São Paulo International: Conference Call Time: 9:30 am (Brasília), 8:30 am (New York). Telephone numbers for connection: Brazil: +55 (11) 4688-6301 USA: +1 (800) 860-2442 Other countries: +1 (412) 858-4600 The audio of the meeting and of the conference call will be broadcast live over the Internet, accompanied by a slide presentation at the website |
The forward-looking statements on the business outlook, projections of operating and financial results, and the potential growth of the Company contained in this publication are mere predictions and were based on Management's expectations in relation to the future of the Company. These expectations are highly dependent on market changes, on the overall economic performance of Brazil, on the industry and on the international markets, being therefore subject to change. |
(R$ thousand) | ||||||||||||
1S06 | 1S07 | 1S07/1S06 |
2Q06 | 2Q07 | 2Q07/ 2Q06 | 1Q07 |
2Q07/ 1Q07 | |||||
R$ '000 | % |
R$ '000 | % |
% |
R$ '000 | % |
R$ '000 | % |
% |
% |
% | |
Gross Operating Revenue | 3,530,513 | 116.0% | 4,470,858 | 114.3% | 26.6% | 1,779,151 | 115.8% | 2,307,790 | 114.3% | 29.7% | 2,163,068 | 6.7% |
Domestic Market | 2,051,302 | 67.4% | 2,382,402 | 60.9% | 16.1% | 1,028,282 | 66.9% | 1,218,928 | 60.4% | 18.5% | 1,163,474 | 4.8% |
Export Market | 1,479,211 | 48.6% | 2,088,456 | 53.4% | 41.2% | 750,869 | 48.9% | 1,088,862 | 53.9% | 45.0% | 999,594 | 8.9% |
(-) Sales Tax and Services Rendered | (487,692) | -16.0% | (558,193) | -14.3% | 14.5% | (242,349) | -15.8% | (289,194) | -14.3% | 19.3% | (268,999) | 7.5% |
Net Operating Revenue | 3,042,821 | 100.0% | 3,912,665 | 100.0% | 28.6% | 1,536,802 | 100.0% | 2,018,596 | 100.0% | 31.4% | 1,894,069 | 6.6% |
Cost of Goods Sold and Services Rendered | (2,391,512) | -78.6% | (2,904,537) | -74.2% | 21.5% | (1,219,820) | -79.4% | (1,498,903) | -74.3% | 22.9% | (1,405,634) | 6.6% |
Gross Profit | 651,309 | 21.4% | 1,008,128 | 25.8% | 54.8% | 316,982 | 20.6% | 519,693 | 25.7% | 64.0% | 488,435 | 6.4% |
Selling Expenses | (580,610) | -19.1% | (669,617) | -17.1% | 15.3% | (291,379) | -19.0% | (351,721) | -17.4% | 20.7% | (317,896) | 10.6% |
Management Compensation | (6,355) | -0.2% | (7,636) | -0.2% | 20.2% | (3,176) | -0.2% | (3,811) | -0.2% | 20.0% | (3,825) | -0.4% |
Administrative Expenses | (28,733) | -0.9% | (35,101) | -0.9% | 22.2% | (16,067) | -1.0% | (20,042) | -1.0% | 24.7% | (15,059) | 33.1% |
Employees Profit Sharing | (4,435) | -0.1% | (11,986) | -0.3% | 170.3% | (326) | 0.0% | (5,964) | -0.3% | 1729.4% | (6,022) | -1.0% |
Others Operating Results | (7,311) | -0.2% | (1,240) | 0.0% | -83.0% | (2,956) | -0.2% | (6,136) | -0.3% | 107.6% | 4,896 | -225.3% |
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes | 23,865 | 0.8% | 282,548 | 7.2% | 1083.9% | 3,078 | 0.2% | 132,019 | 6.5% | 4189.1% | 150,529 | -12.3% |
Financial Result, Net | 44,406 | 1.5% | (3,777) | -0.1% | -108.5% | (9,952) | -0.6% | 2,667 | 0.1% | -126.8% | (6,444) | 0.0% |
Operating Profit | 68,271 | 2.2% | 278,771 | 7.1% | 308.3% | (6,874) | -0.4% | 134,686 | 6.7% | -2059.4% | 144,085 | -6.5% |
Nonoperating Income (expense) | (3,880) | -0.1% | 2,521 | 0.1% | -165.0% | (2,993) | -0.2% | 4,032 | 0.2% | -234.7% | (1,511) | -366.8% |
Income Before Taxes | 64,391 | 2.1% | 281,292 | 7.2% | 336.8% | (9,867) | -0.6% | 138,718 | 6.9% | -1505.9% | 142,574 | -2.7% |
Income Tax and Social Contribution | 19,546 | 0.6% | (75,743) | -1.9% | 487.5% | 27,152 | 1.8% | (29,314) | -1.5% | 208.0% | (46,429) | -36.9% |
Net Income before Minority Interest | 83,937 | 2.8% | 205,549 | 5.3% | 144.9% | 17,285 | 1.1% | 109,404 | 5.4% | 532.9% | 96,145 | 13.8% |
Minority Interest | 599 | 0.0% | 5 | 0.0% | 99.2% | 288 | 0.0% | (29) | 0.0% | 110.1% | (24) | 20.8% |
Net Income | 84,536 | 2.8% | 205,554 | 5.3% | 143.2% | 17,573 | 1.1% | 109,375 | 5.4% | 522.4% | 96,169 | 13.7% |
EBITDA | 150,776 | 5.0% | 460,704 | 11.8% | 205.6% | 68,102 | 4.4% | 229,273 | 11.4% | 236.7% | 231,431 | -0.9% |
R$ Thousand | |
March |
June | |
2007 |
2007 | |
Current Assets | 4,488,036 |
4,324,676 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents | 159,345 |
199,621 |
Trade Accounts Receivable | 383,497 |
358,465 |
Recoverable Taxes | 169,601 |
205,380 |
Inventories | 1,121,252 |
1,175,361 |
Marketable Securities | 2,391,223 |
2,190,008 |
Other Credits | 263,118 |
195,841 |
Non-Current Assets | 3,027,848 |
3,077,351 |
Long Term Assets | 578,810 |
543,071 |
Marketable Securities | 132,369 |
137,553 |
Other Credits | 446,441 |
405,518 |
Permanent | 2,449,038 |
2,534,280 |
Investments | 50,759 |
48,290 |
Property, Plant and Equipment | 2,267,556 |
2,346,866 |
Deferred Charges | 130,723 |
139,124 |
Total Assets | 7,515,884 |
7,402,027 |
0 |
Current Liabilities | 1,975,812 |
1,896,091 |
Loans and Financing | 1,110,025 |
1,008,839 |
Suppliers | 506,172 |
470,978 |
Salaries and Social ChargesPayable | 123,494 |
155,394 |
Taxes Payable | 53,827 |
52,152 |
Dividends | 22,246 |
52,128 |
Operating Liabilities | 160,048 |
156,600 |
Non-Current Assets - Long Term Liabilities | 3,009,742 |
2,890,616 |
Loans and Financing | 2,759,841 |
2,624,563 |
Operating Liabilities | 249,901 |
266,053 |
Deferred Discount of Investments | - |
- |
Minority Interest in Subsidiaries | 839 |
702 |
Shareholder's Equity | 2,529,491 |
2,614,618 |
Paid - Up Capital | 1,500,000 |
1,500,000 |
Income Reserve | 1,029,491 |
1,114,618 |
Total Liabilities and Equity | 7,515,884 |
7,402,027 |
R$ Thousand | ||
June |
June | |
2006 |
2007 | |
Net result from the period | 83,937 | 205,549 |
Adjusments to reconcile net income with cash generated from operating activities: |
Variation in minotiry interest | 235 | (268) |
Provisioned interest net of paid | 3,924 | (124,925) |
Depreciation, amortization and exhaustion | 109,337 | 145,209 |
Goodwill amortization from acquistion | 13,139 | 10,386 |
Invesments Subsidies | - | 10,575 |
Result of interest in companies | 645 | 89,631 |
Deferred taxes | (25,521) | 57,802 |
Contingencies | 3,984 | 197 |
Result of sale or write-off of property, plan & equip. | 5,098 | 1,550 |
Variations in operating assets and liabilities: | ||
Customer accounts receivable | 156,173 | 320,133 |
Inventories | (224,862) | (90,907) |
Taxes recoverable and others | (23,892) | (35,229) |
Judicial deposits | (725) | (7,623) |
Suppliers | (33,909) | (32,307) |
Taxes and contribns. To withhol, wages to pay, others | (50,747) | (55,351) |
Net cash generated from operating activities | 16,816 | 494,422 |
Investiments activities: | ||
Proceeds from sale of property, plant & equip. | 572 | 2,790 |
Acquisition of prop., plan & equip. / deferred assets | (489,036) | (352,572) |
Paid portion in subsidiary, net of cash | (485) | - |
Financial investments | (2,602,723) | (1,489,358) |
Financial investment redemptions | 2,414,338 | 1,398,041 |
Net cash generated from investment activities | (677,334) | (441,099) |
Financeing activities: | ||
Loans and financing | 1,799,420 | 1,399,107 |
Payment of financing | (925,954) | (1,428,631) |
Dividends paid | (127,290) | (57,831) |
Sale of treasury shares | - | 463 |
Purchase of treasury shares | - | (879) |
Net cash generated from financing activities | 746,176 | (87,771) |
Cash at beginning of fiscal year | 196,306 | 234,069 |
Cash at end of fiscal year | 281,964 | 199,621 |
Net addition (deduction) in cash | 85,658 | (34,448) |