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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of August, 2006

Commission File Number 1-15106

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Brazilian Petroleum Corporation - PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Avenida República do Chile, 65
20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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(Rio de Janeiro – August 11, 2006) – PETRÓLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. – PETROBRAS today announced its consolidated results stated in millions of reais, in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in Brazil. 

PETROBRAS earned consolidated net income of R$ 6,959 million in the second quarter of 2006, 41% higher than the net income generated in the second quarter of 2005.

In the first half of 2006, consolidated net income was R$ 13,634 million, 37% higher than the net income achieved in the first half of 2005. The growth in net income was supported by a 7% increase in the domestic production of oil and NGL´s. Operating cash flow (EBITDA) was R$ 27,727 million, generating sufficient resources to meet the Company’s investment plan, while reducing debt.

The equity market value of the Company on June 30, 2006 totaled R$ 202,635 million, an appreciation of 17% in relation to December 31, 2005.

This document is divided into 5 topics:

Financial Performance    4    Accounting Statements    36 
Operating Performance    9         
Financial Statements    22         
Appendices    30         


Statement from the CEO, Mr. José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo

In the second quarter of 2006, we achieved a consolidated net profit of R$ 7.0 billion, an increase of 41 % in relation to the same period of 2005. The consolidated profit for the first half of 2006, at R$ 13.6 billion, was up 37% in comparison with that of the first half of 2005.

This was a quarter of consolidation, marked by the start up of operations for platform P-50, in the Albacora Leste field, and the FPSO Capixaba in the Golfinho field. FPSO Capixaba is particularly important, because its light oil output, which enjoys a substantially higher commercial value, will increase the share of this kind of oil in the company’s production portfolio. We point out that R$ 13,6 billion were invested in first half of 2006, representing 24% increase in relation to the same period of last year.

Oil production during the semester averaged 1,754 thousand bpd, 7% higher than the figure for the same period of 2005. In the second quarter, the average of 1,757 thousand bpd was stable compared to the previous quarter, as a result of the programmed stoppages carried out in May and June at nine production units.

The company’s refineries continue to show outstanding performance, operating at 91% of installed capacity, while the proportion of domestic oil in the throughput of our Brazilian refineries remained stable, at 80%. These strong indicators were made possible by the ongoing capital expenditure program in our refinery segment, as well as by the start of light oil production from Golfinho.

The scheduled stoppages, the accumulation of inventory at the new production units, the increase in the operational inventory of top quality diesel oil for metropolitan areas, and the government mandated reduction of ethanol content in domestic gasoline (which in turn restricted the availability of gasoline for export), all contributed to a slow down in the growth of our net exports of oil and oil products. During the first half of this year, net exports totalled 76 thousand bpd (including exports in progress), versus 54 thousand bpd in the same period of 2005.

In the petrochemical segment we concluded the operation to incorporate the shares of PETROQUISA into PETROBRAS. This measure will increase the existing synergies and rationalize the investments in this segment.

During the second quarter, we were also faced with changes in Bolivian hydrocarbon policy. To date, gas sales have fully complied with the existing provisions of our supply agreement, including a price increase in accordance with the terms of the contract. We will continue to pursue all legal means, both within Bolivia and internationally, to preserve the company’s rights and to protect its assets.

In order to increase the availability of natural gas for the Brazilian market, we presented a plan to expand natural gas production in the southeast of Brazil. Our goal is to raise current production in the southeast from 15.8 million m3 /day to 40 million m3 /day by year-end 2008. To meet this target, we are developing two new oil and gas fields in Espírito Santo. The company also intends to increase its gas output from the Marlim and Merluza fields in Campos Basin.

Work has begun on the Coari-Manaus gas pipeline, which will transport natural gas from the production area of Urucu to the Amazon state capital. The work is expected to be completed by March 2008. Additionally we signed the contracts for the construction of the Cabiúnas-Vitória (Gascav) pipeline, the first stage of the Gasene gas pipeline project, which will transport natural gas between the southeast and northeast regions of Brazil.


In the energy segment, we have completed the acquisition of the Macaé thermoelectric plant, having fully resolved all disputes related to the plant. With this acquisition, the company has eliminated all contingency payments to plants where we do not have an equity stake.

At the international level, of particular note is our acquisition of a stake in exploratory Block 18, located in deep waters off the coast of Angola, which has great potential for new discoveries. Petrobras will be the operator of the block.

At the end of June, we released our updated Business Plan, which covers the period from 2007-2011. In the new Plan we retained the aggressive growth targets for oil and gas production, maintaining a balance between production and refining capacity. Additionally we are expanding our business in the areas of petrochemicals and fertilizers, renewable energy and international operations, in an integrated manner with the company’s other operations.

Achieving the production targets established in the Plan will require intensive exploration. To this end, we have already made important discoveries of light oil in the Espírito Santo Basin, thus raising our potential reserves in that basin to 600 million boe. In the Santos Basin, a new discovery was announced in July, marking a historical benchmark in Brazilian exploration by passing through a salt layer more than 2,000 meters thick.

With respect to the development of renewable energy sources, it is worth highlighting the initial testing of a new process at our refineries that will increase diesel production by the addition of vegetable oil. Referred to as H-Bio, this patented process uses vegetable oil as an input for obtaining a diesel oil of a superior quality that generates less pollution.

The Executive Board, following meetings with union representatives, put forward a proposal to resolve the company’s Supplementary Pension Plan. The proposal seeks to balance the existing Petros Plan, and envisions a new plan to be introduced. This new model is fundamental to the long term management of the company, and must be an attractive, self sustaining program that will motivate and retain the employees in the Group’s companies.

Finally, I would just like to point out that our ongoing efforts at transparency and sound corporate governance practices continue to be recognized by the market. In June, Investor Relations Magazine, awarded Petrobras the titles of Best Investor Relations Website, Best Program of Relations with Individual Investors, and Best Annual Report.

Our shares began trading on the Buenos Aires stock exchange, thus enabling local Argentine investors to invest directly in Petrobras, as well as allowing the company to diversify its shareholder base and raise its profile among the people of Argentina.

For us at Petrobras, the results achieved this quarter reflect our focus on the quality, transparency and seriousness by which we conduct our activities, both in Brazil and countries where we operate. We believe these qualities contribute to the solid foundation that will sustain our growth into the future.


PETROBRAS SYSTEM  Financial Performance 

Net Income and Consolidated Economic Indicators

Petrobras, its subsidiaries and controlled companies, improved net income in the 1H-2006 to R$ 13,634 million, 37% higher than the net income achieved in the 1H-2005.

R$ Million
    Second Quarter       First Half 
1Q - 2006    2006     2005    D       2006    2005    D% 
46,768    49,633    42,646    16    Gross Operating Revenue    96,401    82,444    17 
35,886    37,948    32,359    17    Net Operating Revenue    73,834    62,256    19 
12,010    11,267    9,458    19    Operating Profit (1)   23,277    18,268    27 
(444)   (141)   (683)   (79)   Financial Result    (585)   (1,725)   (66)
6,675    6,959    4,899    42    Net Income for the Period    13,634    9,951    37 
1.52    1.59    1.12    42    Net Income per Share    3.11    2.27    37 
197,995    202,674    126,543    60    Market Value (Parent Company)   202,674    126,543    60 
45    44    44      Gross Margin (%)   45    45   
33    30    29      Operating Margin (%)   32    29   
19    18    15      Net Margin (%)   18    16   
14,113    13,614    11,706    16    EBITDA – R$ million    27,727    22,174    25 
                Financial and Economic Indicators             
61.75    69.62    51.59    35    Brent (US$/bbl)   65.69    49.54    33 
2.1944    2.1840    2.4850    (12)   US Dollar Average Price - Sale (R$)   2.1892    2.5741    (15)
2.1477    2.1643    2.3504     (8)   US Dollar Last Price - Sale (R$)   2.1643    2.3504     (8)

(1)      Income before financial income, equity income and taxes.
(2)      For purposes of comparison, net income per share was recalculated for the prior periods, due to the stock split which was approved by AGE on 07/22/2005.
(3)      Operating income before the financing results and the equity income + depreciation/amortization/ well write-offs.
R$ Million
    Second Quarter        First Half 
1Q-2006    2006     2005       %        2006    2005 
11,140    11,243    8,321       35    Operating Income as per Brazilian Corporate Law    22,383    16,260 
444    141    683    (79)   (-) Financial Result    585    1,725 
426    (117)   485    (124)   (-) Equity Income Result    309    283 
12,010    11,267    9,489       19    Operating Profit    23,277    18,268 
2,103    2,347    2,233      Depreciation & Amortization    4,450    3,906 
14,113    13,614    11,722       16    EBITDA    27,727    22,174 
39    36    36     -    EBITDA Margin (%)   38    36 


The increase in consolidated net income in the 1H-2006 was mainly due to the realization of higher domestic and international market prices, as well as other factors detailed below:

      R$ Million 
1H-2006 X 1H-2005 
Main Items    Net    Cost of    Gross 
  Revenues    Goods Sold    Profit 
. Domestic Market:  - Effect of Volumes Sold    1,455    (1,022)   433 
  - Effect of Prices    5,252      5,252 
. Intl. Market:  - Effect of Export Volumes    (148)   101    (47)
  - Effect of Export Price    1,453      1,453 
. Increase in expenses (*)     (1,141)   (1,141)
. Increase in Profitability of Distribution Segment    1,245    (1,179)   66 
. Increase (Decrease) in Operations of Commercialization Abroad    1,284    (1,248)   36 
. Increase (Decrease) in International Sales    890    (789)   101 
. FX Effect on Controlled Companies Abroad    (677)   503    (174)
. Others      824    (1,640)   (816)
      11,578    (6,415)   5,163 

(*) Expenses Composition:    Value 
                 - Oil, Gas and Oil Product Imports    (363)
                 - Third-Party Services    (229)
                 - Domestic Government Take    (927)
                 - Transportation: Maritime and Pipelines    65 
                 - Salaries, Perquisites and Benefits    44 
                 - Materials, Services and Depreciation    269 

These reductions in expenses were partially offset by the following increases:


Financial income increased R$ 1.140 million as a result of the following factors:

Ending of hedge contracts related to sales of PESA, which in the same period of 2005 generated a loss of R$ 276 million;
Improved performance of financial variations (R$ 449 million), resulting from reduced losses associated with monetary assets and liabilities linked to the U.S. dollar (R$ 259 million), given the lower appreciation of the real against the U.S. dollar (7.54%) in the 1H-2006 compared to the 1H-2005 (11.45%). Also contributing was the higher profitability of securities held abroad, as a result of a decrease in Brazilian Risk (R$ 93 million);
Reduction of financing charges on financings (R$ 164 million);
Financial gains related to the operating partnership negotiation in Nigeria (R$ 81 million);
Financial charges related to the renegotiation of securities received in arrears (R$ 90 million);
These effects were partially offset by the positive reduction in exchange rate (R$ 161 million), on monetary assets & liabilities originating from the lower appreciation of the real against the U.S. dollar during 1H-2006 (7.54%) as compared to 1H-2005 (11.45%).

       Non-operating expenses declined with platforms idleness (R$ 126 million).

Higher income tax and social contribution expense in the 1H06 resulted from the effect of the provisioning of Interest on own capital in June 2005, which improved 1H05 profitability in R$ 746 million.


Net income for the 2Q-2006 increased 4% when compared to the 1Q-2006, reaching R$ 6,959 million. The principal explanation for the variation between 1Q-2006 and 2Q-2006 was the increase in average prices of oil and oil products in the domestic and international markets, largely offset by a reduction in exported volumes and an increase in average unit costs (due to generally higher costs throughout the oil industry). The table below details the variations:


CHANGES 2Q-2006 X 1Q-2006
Main Influences

      R$ Million 
Main Items    Net    Cost of    Gross 
  Revenues    Goods Sold    Income 
. Domestic Market:  - Effect of Volumes Sold    511    (339)                172 
  - Effect of Prices    312                         -                 312 
. Intl. market:  - Effect of Export Volumes    (764)   346    (418)
  - Effect of Export Price    442                         -                 442 
. Increase Expenses (*):                     -    (888)   (888)
. Increase in Profitability of Distribution Segment    132    (119)   13 
. Increase (Decrease) Operations of Commercialization Abroad    748    (781)                (33)
. Increase (Decrease) in International Sales    300    (357)                (57)
. FX Effect on Controlled Companies Abroad    (29)   22    (7)
. Others      410    500                 910 
      2,062    (1,616)                446 

(*) Expenses Composition:    Value 
- Oil, Gas and Oil Product Imports    (815)
- Third-Party Services    28 
- Domestic Government Take    (438)
-Transportation: Mritime and Pipelines    25 
- Salaries, Perquisites and Benefits    131 
- Materials, Services and Depreciation    181 

The increase in operating income was partially offset by an increase in the following expenses:


A positive impact of R$ 303 million on the net financial results is mainly due to the improvement in the net financial results from reduced losses associated with monetary assets and liabilities (R$ 220 million), as a result of the lower appreciation of the real in the 2Q-2006 (0.37%) compared to the 1Q-2006 (7.19%) .

Reduction in the loss with exchange rate variation (R$ 375 million) calculated on stockholders’ equity from companies headquartered outside of Brazil, as a result of the lower appreciation of the real against the U.S. dollar in the 2Q-2006 (0.37%) versus the 1Q-2006 (7.19%);


PETROBRAS SYSTEM  Operating Performance 

Phsyical Indicators

    Second Quarter      First Half 
1Q-2006    2006    2005    %      2006    2005    % 
Exploration & Production - thousand bpd           
1,909    1,895    1,893      Oil and LNG production  1,902    1,802   
1,751    1,757    1,730                   Domestic  1,754    1,637   
158    138    163    (15)                International  148    165    (10)
369    378    382    (1)   Natural Gas production (1) 374    373   
270    282    284    (1)                Domestic  276    275   
99    96    98    (2)                International  98    98   
2,278    2,273    2,275      Total production  2,276    2,175   
(1) Does not include liquified gas and includes reinjected gas

Refining, Transport and Supply - thousand bpd           
344    354    332       7    Crude oil imports  349    327   
115    88    160    (45)   Oil products imports  102    105    (3)
459    442    492    (10)   Import of crude oil and oil products  451    432   
262    267 (2)   343    (37)   Crude oil exports  264 (2)   252    (6)
257    269 (2)   230      Oil products exports  263 (2)   234   
519    536    573    (22)   • Export of crude oil and oil products (2) 527    486    (1)
60    94    81    (95)   Net exports (imports) crude oil and oil products  76    54    (43)
148    149    135    10    Import of gas and others  148    131    13 
  7 (2)     (33)   Others Exports  5 (2)   10    (60)
1,916    1,900    1,767       8    Output of oil products  1,908    1,791   
1,812    1,795    1,668       8    • Brazil  1,803    1,688   
104    105    99       6    • International  105    103   
2,115    2,114    2,114      Primary Processed Installed Capacity  2,115    2,114   
1,986    1,985    1,985      • Brazil (3) 1,986    1,985   
129    129    129      • International  129    129   
                Use of Installed Capacity (%)          
91    91    83    10    • Brazil  91    85   
80    81    75       8    • International  81    79   
81    80    81    (1)   Domestic crude as % of total feedstock processed  80    80   

(2) Volumes of oil and oil products exports include ongoing exports
(3) As per ownership recognized by the ANP

Sales Volume - thousand bpd

1,649    1,684    1,665      Total Oil Products  1,666    1,627   
30    13    23    (45)   Alcohol, Nitrogens and others  21    26    (20)
232    239    222      Natural Gas  236    218   
1,911    1,936    1,910      Total domestic market  1,923    1,871   
519    536    573    (6)   Exports  527    486    (2)
437    459    334    37    International Sales  448    376    19 
956    995    907    10    Total international market  975    862   
2,867    2,931    2,817      Total  2,898    2,733   


Price and Cost Indicators

    Second Quarter      First Half 
1Q-2006    2006    2005    %      2006    2005    % 
Average Oil Products Realization Prices           
153.16    154.20    138.43    11    Domestic Market (R$/bbl) 153.69    136.22    13 
Average Sales price - US$ per bbl               
                Oil (US$/bbl)          
53.69    58.20    43.04    35                 Brazil (4) 55.92    40.39    38 
38.47    47.30    34.05    39                 International  42.43    32.65    30 
                Natural Gas (US$/bbl)          
15.53    15.61    12.23    28               Brazil (5) 15.57    11.98    30 
11.50    12.33    9.16    35               International  11.91    8.59    39 
(4)      Average of the exports and the internal transfer prices from E&P to Supply
(5)      Internal transfer prices from E&P to Gas & Energy
Cost - US$/barril                       
                Lifting cost           
                • Brazil (6)          
6.32    6.12    5.45    12       • • without government participation  6.22    5.70   
17.28    17.47    13.85    26       • • with government participation  17.37    13.72    27 
2.96    3.14    2.80    12    • International  3.04    2.65    15 
                Refining cost           
1.90    2.07    1.96      • Brazil (6) 1.99    1.85   
1.57    1.36    1.34      • International  1.46    1.23    19 
426    455    335    36    Corporate Overhead (US$ million) Holding Company (5) 881    648    36 
(6) The company, in order to promote a better indexes adherence to its operating and management models, has reviewed their concepts, recalculating the values of previous periods, as already mentioned on 4Q05 Report.

Cost - R$/barril

                Lifting cost           
                • Brazil (7)          
13.84    13.16    13.37    (2)   • • without government participation  13.50    14.56    (7)
36.89    38.18    32.90    16        • • with government participation  37.54    34.31   
                Refining cost           
4.19    4.55    4.36      • Brazil (7) 4.37    4.52    (3)
(7) The company, in order to promote a better indexes adherence to its operating and management models, has reviewed their concepts, recalculating the values of previous periods, as already mentioned on 4Q05 Report.


Exploration and Production – Thousands Barrels/day

Domestic oil and NGL production in the 1H-2006 increased 7% when compared to the 1H-2005, mainly due to the start of production in various platforms, including P-43 (Barracuda), on December 21, 2004, P-48 (Caratinga), on February 28, 2005, P-50 (Albacora Leste), on April 21, 2006, and FPSO-Capixaba (Golfinho), on May 6, 2006. The stabilization of production at full capacity on the P-43 and P-48 platforms was only reached in June 2005.

In the 2Q-2006, domestic oil and NGL production was relatively flat when compared to 1Q-2006 production levels.

In the 1H-2006, international oil production declined 10% when compared to the same period of 2005, due to the natural decline of mature fields in the Angola unit, the closing of main fields in the U.S. due to production drainage problems after hurricanes Katrina and Rita and the loss of control in Venezuelan operations due to the shift from an operating agreement to a mixed company, in which the Venezuelan government assumed a majority interest through the PDVSA. There was no variation in the production of gas in relation to the same period of 2005.

International oil production in the 2Q-2006 declined 13%, in comparison with the 1Q-2006, due to above mentioned changes in the Venezuelan operations. Gas production declined 3% in relation to the previous quarter mainly because of a ruptured line in the San Antonio field in the Bolivian unit, as a result of heavy rains during the month of April 2006.

Refining, Transport, and Supply – Thousands Barrels/day

Feedstock processed in domestic refineries during the 1H-2006 increased 7% when compared to the 1H-2005, due to the improvements in operational reliability and the reduced number of scheduled maintenance stoppages in 2006.

In the 2Q-2006, processed feedstock by the domestic refineries was virtually flat, increasing 1% in relation to the 1Q-2006.

Feedstock processed (primary processing) by international refineries in the 1H-2006, increased by 1.4% versus the same period of the prior year, due to a lower number of scheduled maintenance stoppages in the refineries in the Argentine and Bolivian units in 2006.

In the 2Q-2006, feedstock processed by the international refineries increased 3.2%, when compared to 1Q-2006, mainly because of the lower number of scheduled maintenance stoppages, in relation to the prior quarter, in the San Lorenzo refinery in Argentina.



Lifting Cost (US$/barrel)

In the 1H-2006, the domestic lifting cost, excluding government take, expressed in US$ increased 9% in relation to the 1H-2005. After adjusting for the 15% appreciation of the real for lifting costs denominated in reais, lifting cost declined 8% in relation to the 1H-2005. The decline was a result of the increase in oil and gas production, at the Barracuda, Caratinga, Albacora Leste and Golfinho fields.

In relation to the 1Q-2006, domestic lifting cost, excluding governmental take, declined 3% in US$, due to higher spending during the first quarter on materials for turbine maintenance, gas line repairs and substitution of collection and drainage lines.

Including government take, 1H-2006 lifting cost increased 27% in relation to the 1H-2005, because of the increase in average reference price used to calculate royalties and Special Participation of domestic oil, in line with the increased international oil prices. Additionally the increased productivity at the Barracuda and Caratinga fields after production startup in June 2005, increased Special Participation because of the higher tax bracket associated with these fields.

Including government take, domestic lifting costs for the 2Q-2006 were in line with the previous quarter, recording an increase of 1%.

In the 1H-2006, international lifting costs increased 15% in comparison with the same period of the prior year due to higher costs for third party services and materials for the Argentine unit.

For the 2Q-2006, international lifting costs increased 6% in relation to 1Q-2006 mainly because of higher costs for third party services in Argentina and higher security and environmental costs in Ecuador.


Refining Costs (US$/Barrel)

Domestic unit refining costs in the 1H-2006 expressed in US$, increased 8% when compared to the same period of 2005. After adjusting for the effects of the 15% appreciation of the real for expenses denominated in Reais, domestic refining costs declined 6% mostly because of a larger number of scheduled stoppages in the prior period.

Compared with the 1Q-2006, unit refining costs for the 2Q-2006 increased 9%, mainly because of a larger number of scheduled maintenance stoppages and increased expenses for catalysts and chemical products.

In the 1H-2006, average international refining costs increased 19% in relation to the same period of 2005, due to higher costs for materials, equipment maintenance and personnel in the refineries in Bolivia and Argentina.

The average international refining cost in the 2Q-2006 declined 13% compared with the 1Q-2006. This decline was mainly due to lower costs for third party services, materials and personnel at the Argentina unit and lower costs with scheduled maintenance stoppages in Bolivia.

Corporate Overhead – Parent Company(US$ millions)

In comparison with the 1H-2006, corporate overhead increased 36%, primarily due to higher expenses for agreements, consulting, publicity and advertising, besides the higher expenses for personnel in relation to health plans, salary adjustments, and the growing workforce. Discounting the effects of the 15% appreciation of the real, with all of the costs for this activity in reais, corporate overhead increased 20% when compared with 1H-2005.

The corporate overhead in 2Q-2006 increased 7%, when compared with 1Q-2006, mainly due to sponsorships, social programs, information technology and personnel expenses associated to workforce increase.


Sales Volume – Thousands Barrels/day

Domestic sales volume increased 3% in the 1H-2006 compared to the 1H-2005.

The improved sales during the period was mainly related to higher volumes sold of gasoline and nafta. The increase in gasoline is associated with many factors, including: reduced competitiveness of alcohol due to increased prices; reduced use of alcohol in the gasoline mix and the increase of the domestic vehicle fleet.

There was an increase in sales of nafta due to more attractive domestic prices relative to the international market, thereby leading to increased delivery to major clients in Brazil.

International sales volume increased 19%, mainly due to increased offshore trading operations, which were able to take advantage of international commercial opportunities that were partially offset by sales in the international segment.


Result by Business Area R$ million (1)

Second Quarter        First Half 
1Q-2006    2006    2005    D %        2006    2005    D % 
6,774    6,915    6,070    14    EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION    13,689    10,466    31 
2,000    1,642    2,135    (23)   SUPPLY    3,642    3,739    (3)
(78)   (222)   (121)   83    GAS & ENERGY    (300)   (192)   56 
163    132    128      DISTRIBUTION    295    322    (8)
236    257    324    (21)   INTERNATIONAL (2)   492    858    (43)
(1,862)   (1,149)   (2,123)   (46)   CORPORATE    (3,009)   (3,521)   (14)
(558)   (616)   (1,483)   (58)   ELIMINATIONS AND ADJUSTMENT    (1,175)   (1,721)   (32)
6,675    6,959    4,930    41    CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME    13,634    9,951   

(1) Financial statements by business area and their respective comments are presented starting on page 26.

(2) In the international business unit, the ability to make comparisons between the periods is influenced by changes in the exchange rate, keeping in mind that all operations are executed abroad, in dollars or in other currencies of those countries where each firm is headquartered. As a result, there may be significant variations in reais, principally arising from and reflecting changes in the exchange rate.

(3) In order to align the financial statement of each business segment with the best practices of companies in the Oil & Gas sector and to improve the understanding of Petrobras management, the Company switched to allocating all financial results and items of financial nature to the corporate level. As a result of this change, the income tax, social contribution and minority interest line items were adjusted.

To facilitate comparisons, we have presented segmented financial statements for prior periods in accordance with new criteria.



Petrobras is a company that operates in an integrated manner, with a high percentage of oil and gas production in the Exploration and Production area being sold/transferred to other internal areas of the Company.

The main criteria used to report results by business area are highlighted below:

a) Net operating revenue: revenues related to sales made to external clients were considered, plus the billing and transfers between business areas, using internal transfer prices defined between the areas as a reference, with methodology based on market parameters;

b) Included in the computation of operating income are: net operating revenues, the costs of goods and services sold, which are reported by each business areas considering the internal transfer price and the other operating costs of each area, as well as operating expenses in which the expenses effectively incurred in each area are considered.

c) Financial results are allocated to the corporate group;

d) Assets: includes the assets identified in each area. The equity accounts of a financial nature are allocated to the corporate group.

E&P - In the 1H-2006, net income for the Exploration and Production segment were R$ 13,689 million, 31% higher than in the same period of the previous year (R$ 10,466 million), due to the R$ 4,663 million increase in gross profits from oil sales and transfers, reflecting the 5% increase in sales/transfer volume of petroleum and NGL, as well as the rise in international petroleum prices. The improvement occurred despite the lower value of heavy oil in relation to lighter oil, and the 15% appreciation in the average exchange rate of the real against the U.S. dollar.

The spread between the average price of sold/transferred domestic oil and the average Brent price increased from US$ 9.15/bbl in the 1H-2005 to US$ 9.77/bbl in the 1H-2006.

In comparison with the previous quarter, net income increased by 2%, due to the R$ 936 million increase in gross profit, reflecting an increase in international oil prices, despite the 2% reduction in sales/transfers of oil and NGL and the increase in the spread between the average domestic oil price and the average Brent price from US$ 8.06/bbl in the 1Q-2006 to US$ 11.42/bbl in the 2Q-2006.

These results were partially offset by the following factors:

• R$ 175 million increase in prospecting and drilling expenses, as a result of the write-off of non-economic wells and the increase in costs for geological and geophysical exploration projects; 
• Research & Development expenses (R$ 183 million) resulting primarily from allocating R$ 122 million in accordance with regulation of the ANP. 

SUPPLY – In the 1H-2006, net income for the Supply segment was R$ 3,642 million, a 3% decline in net income when compared to the same period of the previous year (R$ 3,739 million), reflecting the R$ 85 million reduction in gross profit, as highlighted by the following factors:

• Rise in cost of acquisition and transfer of oil and oil products, pressured by the increase in international prices; 

• 4% increase in imports of oil and oil products; 

• Sales, in the 1H-2005, of lower cost inventories from the previous period. 


Part of these effects were offset by the following factors:

• Increase in the average realization price of oil products in the domestic and international markets; 

• 7% increase in oil product production due to the increased refinery utilization; 

• Lower value of heavy oil versus light oil. 

In the 2Q-2006, net income for the Supply segment was R$ 1,642 million, 18% lower than the net income reported for the prior quarter (R$ 2,000 million), due to the R$ 278 million reduction in gross profit as a consequence of the following factors:

• Rise in international oil prices; 

• 3% increase in oil imports. 

These effects were partially offset by the following factors: 

• Sales of lower cost inventories from the previous period. 

• Increase in the average realization price for oil products in the domestic and international market; 

• Lower value of heavy oil versus light oil. 

GAS AND ENERGY – In the 1H-2006, the Gas and Energy segment reported a loss of R$ 300 million, 56% higher than the loss reported in the same period of 2005 (R$ 192 million), due to the following factors:

• Reduction of R$ 43 million in gross profit, mostly because of lower margins in energy commercialization, due to the increase in energy buying prices in the spot market, but not being able to pass these increased costs along in the fixed sales price contracts; 

• Increase of R$ 41 million in research and development expenses, in accordance with the regulatory agreement with the ANP. 

In the 2Q-2006, the Gas and Energy segment reported a loss of R$ 222 million, compared with the R$ 78 million loss reported in the previous quarter, due to the R$ 165 million reduction in gross profit, in function with lower margins for energy commercialization and increased costs for the acquisition of imported natural gas.


DISTRIBUTION – In the 1H-2006, the Distribution segment reported a net income of R$ 295 million, 8% lower than the net income reported in the same period of the previous year (R$ 322 million), due to the R$ 70 million increase in selling, general and administrative expenses, due to higher shipping costs and product commercialization and distribution, and the R$ 27 million in increase in other operating revenues (expenses), mainly to the higher costs related to institutional relations and cultural projects.

These effects were partially offset by the R$ 66 million increase in gross profit, in light of the rise in average realization price of oil products.

Participation in the fuels distribution market n the 1H-2006 was 32.5% (530 thousand bbl/day), whereas in the same period of the prior year, it was 33.9% (538 thousand bbl/day).

In relation to the previous quarter, net income for the 2Q-2006 was 19% lower due to an increase of R$ 32 million in selling, general and administrative expenses, due to higher costs for product commercialization and distribution, as well as R$ 17 million in other operating revenues (expenses), in light of the increased costs related to institutional relations and cultural projects.

These effects were partially offset by the R$ 13 million increase in gross profit, in light of the 2% increase in oil product sales volume despite the loss of market share.

Participation in the fuels market was 32.2% in the 2Q-2006 (532 thousand bbl/day) and 32.5% in the 1Q-2006 (528 thousand bbl/day).

INTERNATIONAL – In the 1H-2006 the International segment reported a net income in the amount equivalent to R$ 492 million, 43% lower than the net income equivalent of R$ 858 million reported in the same period of the previous year.

This decline in net income was mainly due to the following:

• A decrease of R$ 70 million in gross profit for the following reasons: i) 8% appreciation of the real against the U.S. dollar used in the currency conversion process for the financial statements; ii) closing of the main U.S. fields caused by production flow problems following the hurricanes Rita and Katrina; iii) decline in mature fields in Angola; iv) loss of control of Venezuelan operations due to the migration of operating contracts to a mixed company type, with majority control by the Venezuelan government through PDVSA; and v) an increase in production costs in Bolivia due to the increase of taxes imposed on hydrocarbons from 18% to 50%, as of May 2005, and from 50% to 82% as of May 2006. This reduction was partially mitigated by the increase of international oil prices, by the higher volume and price for commercial electricity in Argentina and by the higher volume of gas sales in Bolivia to Brazil and Argentina; and

• An increase of R$ 192 million in costs related to exploration and drilling as a result of the write-off of exploration costs in the U.S. and Bolivia.

In the 2Q-2006, the International business segment reported a net income of R$ 256 million, R$ 21 million (9%) higher than the net income of R$ 236 million reported in the previous quarter, mainly as a result of the reduction of R$ 107 million in prospecting and drilling expenses, in light of the recognition, in the previous quarter, of the write-off of exploration costs in the U.S. and Bolivia. This increase was partially offset by a reduction in gross


profit of R$ 67 million due to the reduction of our stake in Venezuelan operations and by the increased production costs in Bolivia.

CORPORATE – The corporate activities of the Petrobras system generated a loss of R$ 3,009 million in the 1H-2006, 15% lower than the loss reported in the same period of the prior year (R$ 3,521 million), mainly due to the following factors:

• Reduction of R$ 1,140 million in net financing expenses, as commented on page 6; 

• R$ 385 million reduction in costs associated with the participation of minority shareholders, due to the lower financial results reported by the Special Purpose Company and controlled companies, where Petrobras and its subsidiaries do not have a 100% stake.

These effects were partially offset by the reduction of R$ 1,167 million in the income after taxes and social contributions due to fiscal savings of R$ 746 million in the 1H-2005, as a result of provision for interest on shareholders equity.

In relation to the previous quarter, when the loss reported by the corporate group was R$ 1,862 million, the loss recorded in the 2Q-06 was R$ 1,147 million, for the following reasons:

• R$ 47 million gain in the currency conversion for equity investments abroad in the 2Q-2006. In the 1Q-2006, there was a R$ 457 million loss due to the 7% appreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar;

• Reduction of R$ 303 million in net financial expenses due to the generation of financial revenues on the back of currency exchange effect on applications.


Consolidated Debt

    R$ Million     
    06.30.2006   03.31.2006   D
Short-term Debt (1)   12,214    11,399   
Long-term Debt (1)   31,307    33,107    (5)
Total    43,521    44,506    (2)
Net Debt (2)   20,808    21,523    (3)
Net Debt/(Net Debt + Shareholder's Equity) (1)   18%    20%    (2)
Total Net Liabilities (1) (3)   170,624    166,029   
Capital Structure             
(Third Parties Net / Total Liabilities Net)   45%    48%    (3)

(1)  Included in debt through leasing contracts (R$ 2.815 million on June 30, 2006 and R$ 2.981 million on March 31, 2006).
(2)  Total debt – Cash and cash equivalents.
(3)  Net short term liabilities/financial applications.

Net debt of the Petrobras system on June 30, 2006 reached R$ 20,808 million, a 3% reduction when compared to March 31, 2006, mainly due to scheduled debt payment. The Net Debt/EBITDA ratio on June 30, 2006 was stable when compared to March 31, 2006 (0.38) . The portion of the capital structure represented by third parties is 45% at June 30, 2006, a three basis point reduction when compared to March 31, 2006.


Consolidated Investments

R$ Million
    First Half
    2006    %    2005    %    D 
• Own Investments    12,345    91    9,790    89    25 
Exploration & Production    7,195    53    5,786    53    24 
Supply    1,538    11    1,350    12    14 
Gas and Energy    1,041      940      11 
Internacional    1,889    14    1,231    11    53 
Distribution    333      242      10 
Corporate    349      241      45 
• Special Purpose Companies (SPCs)   1,156    8    1,008    9    15 
• Ventures under Negotiation    142    1    111    1    28 
• Structured Projects    1    -    81    1    (99)
Exploration & Production    1    -    81    1    (99)
Espadarte/Marimbá/Voador        52      (98)
Others        29     
Total Investments    13,644    100    10,990    100    24 

R$ Million
    First Half
    2006    %    2005    %    D 
Exploration & Production    1,460    77    1,076    87    36 
Supply    127      67      90 
Gas and Energy    33      46      (28)
Distribution    26      11      136 
Others    243    13    31      684 
Total Investments    1,889    100    1,231    100    53 

R$ Million
    1º Half
    2006    %    2005    %    D 
Special Purpose Companies (SPCs)                    
Marlim Leste    447    39       
PDET Off Shore    37      276    27    (87)
Barracuda e Caratinga    40      259    26    (85)
Malhas    243    21    407    40    (40)
Cabiúnas       -       
Gasene    330    29       
EVM    32         
Amazônia    27      60      (55)
Total Investments    1,156    100    1,008    100    15 

In line with its strategic objectives, PETROBRAS acts in consortiums with other companies as a concessionaire of oil and natural gas exploration, development and production rights. The Company currently has partnerships in 162 blocks through 89 consortiums. Total investment of US$ 11,488 million is projected for these undertakings.

In fulfillment of the goals outlined in its strategic plan, PETROBRAS continues to prioritize investments in developing its oil and natural gas production capabilities through its own investments and the structuring of undertakings with partners. In the 1H-2006, total capital expenditures were R$ 13,644 million, which is a 24% increase over the amount invested in the same period of 2005.


PETROBRAS SYSTEM  Financial Statements 

Income Statement - Consolidated

R$ Million 

Second Quarter        First Half 
1Q-2006    2006    2005 (1)       2006    2005 (1)
46,768    49,633    42,646    Gross Operating Revenues    96,401    82,444 
(10,882)   (11,685)   (10,287)   Sales Deductions    (22,567)   (20,188)
35,886    37,948    32,359    Net Operating Revenues    73,834    62,256 
(19,644)   (21,260)   (17,979)                    Cost of Goods Sold    (40,904)   (34,489)
16,242    16,688    14,380    Gross Profit    32,930    27,767 
            Operating Expenses         
(1,342)   (1,353)   (1,251)                    Sales    (2,695)   (2,521)
(1,186)   (1,415)   (1,229)                    General and Administratives    (2,601)   (2,469)
(310)   (378)   (341)                    Cost of Prospecting, Drilling & Lifting    (688)   (584)
(242)   (495)   (222)                    Research & Development    (737)   (416)
(240)   (405)   (199)                    Taxes    (645)   (418)
(484)   (485)   (587)                    Pension and Health Plan    (969)   (1,070)
(428)   (890)   (1,062)                    Other    (1,318)   (2,021)
(4,232)   (5,421)   (4,891)       (9,653)   (9,499)
            Net Financial Expenses         
370    602    46                     Income    972    269 
(1,084)   (734)   (1,064)                    Expenses    (1,818)   (2,416)
(228)   (1,345)   (1,753)                    Monetary & FX Correction - Assets    (1,573)   (1,532)
498    1,336    2,088                     Monetary & FX Correction - Liabilities    1,834    1,954 
(444)   (141)   (683)       (585)   (1,725)
(4,676)   (5,562)   (5,574)       (10,238)   (11,224)
(426)   117    (485)   Gains from Investments in Subsidiaries    (309)   (283)
11,140    11,243    8,321    Operating Profit    22,383    16,260 
(93)   29    (79)   Non-operating Income (Expenses)   (64)   (206)
(3,868)   (3,865)   (2,068)   Income Tax & Social Contribution    (7,733)   (4,875)
(504)   (448)   (1,244)   Minority Interest    (952)   (1,228)
6,675    6,959    4,930    Net Income    13,634    9,951 

Some values related to prior periods were reclassified for the purpose of aligning the financial statements to the current period, thus facilitating comparability.


Balance Sheet - Consolidated

Assets    R$ Million 
    06.30.2006    03.31.2006 
Current Assets    62,023    61,939 
Cash and Cash Equivalents    22,713    22,983 
Accounts Receivable    12,193    13,909 
Inventories    17,316    15,313 
Taxes Recoverable    5,576    5,273 
Others    4,225    4,461 
Non-current Assets    14,576    14,075 
Petroleum & Alcohol Account    777    774 
Advances to Suppliers    715    613 
Marketable Securities    598    599 
Deferred Taxes and Social Contribution    4,219    4,010 
Advance for Pension Plan Migration    1,228    1,241 
Prepaid Expenses    1,865    1,207 
Accounts Receivable    1,478    1,988 
Deposits - Legal Matters    1,849    1,781 
Taxes Recoverable    131    355 
Others    1,716    1,507 
Fixed Assets    113,923    110,017 
Investments    4,075    2,235 
Property, Plant & Equipment    107,785    106,110 
Deferred    2,063    1,672 
Total Assets    190,522    186,031 
Liabilities    R$ Million 
    06.30.2006    03.31.2006 
Current Liabilities    38,632    41,477 
Short-term Debt    11,670    10,845 
Suppliers    10,614    10,451 
Taxes and Social Contribution Payable    9,718    10,336 
Project Finance and Joint Ventures    29    23 
Pension Fund Obligations    411    415 
Dividends    188    2,816 
Salaries, Benefits and Charges    1,373    1,124 
Others    4,629    5,467 
Long-term Liabilities    51,448    52,059 
Long-term Debt    29,036    30,680 
Pension Fund Obligations    2,538    2,266 
Health Care Benefits    7,728    7,374 
Deferred Taxes and Social Contribution    8,489    8,178 
Other    3,657    3,561 
Provision for Future Earnings    406    457 
Minority Interest    6,872    5,851 
Shareholders’ Equity    93,164    86,187 
Capital Stock    48,248    33,235 
Reserves    31,282    46,277 
Net Income    13,634    6,675 
Total Liabilities    190,522    186,031 


Statement of Cash Flow - Consolidated

R$ Million 

Second Quarter        First Half 
1Q-2006    2006    2005 (1)       2006    2005 (1)
6,675    6,959    4,930   Net Income (Loss)   13,634    9,951 
3,469    4,406    5,588   (+) Adjustments    7,875    4,780 
2,103    2,347    2,233   
   Depreciation & Amortization 
  4,450    3,906 
(1,078)   654    (3,227)      Charges on Financing and Connected Companies    (424)   (2,968)
504    448    1,244       Minority interest    952    1,228 
426    (117)   485       Result of Participation in Material Investments    309    283 
2,575    189    4,268       Foreign Exchange on Fixed Assets    2,764    3,965 
775    (175)   432       Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution    600    967 
(1,707)   (2,003)   (195)      Inventory Variation    (3,710)   43 
1,290    77    754       Supplier Variation    1,367    (1,255)
604    622    704       Pension and Health Plan Variation    1,226    1,361 
(2,023)   2,364    (1,110)      Other    341    (2,750)
10,144    11,365    10,518    (=) Net Cash Generated by Operating Activities    21,509    14,731 
6,020    6,640    6,285    (-) Cash used for Cap.Expend.    12,660    11,061 
4,419    4,738    4,690       Investment in E&P    9,157    7,986 
755    960    780       Investment in Refining & Transport    1,715    1,610 
297    361    384       Investment in Gas and Energy    658    701 
144    260    130       Project Finance    404    252 
(21)   (32)   (33)      Dividends    (53)   (41)
426    353    334       Other investments    779    553 
4,124    4,725    4,233   (=) Free cash flow    8,849    3,670 
4,558    4,995    4,666   (-) Cash used in Financing Activities    9,553    6,462 
499    1,472    2,859       Financing    1,971    1,574 
4,059    3,523    1,807       Dividends    7,582    4,888 
(434)   (270)   (433)   (=) Net cash generated in the period    (704)   (2,792)
23,417    22,983    17,628       Cash at the Beginning of Period    23,417    19,987 
22,983    22,713    17,195       Cash at the End of Period    22,713    17,195 

Some values related to prior periods were reclassified for the purpose of aligning the financial statements to the current period, thus facilitating comparability.


Statement of Value Added – Consolidated

R$ million 
First Half  
Sales of Products and Services and Non-Operating Revenues    96,891    82,490 
Raw Materials Used    (9,628)   (5,664)
Products for Resale    (11,756)   (7,701)
Materials, Energy, Services & Others    (7,651)   (11,135)
Added Value Generated    67,856    57,990 
Depreciation & Amortization    (4,450)   (3,906)
Participation in Related Companies, Goodwill & Negative Goodwill    (309)   (282)
Financial Result    1,233    691 
Rent and Royalties    275    254 
Total Distributable Added Value    64,605    54,747 
Distribution of Added Value         
Salaries, Benefits and Charges    4,868    4,731 
    4,868    4,731 
Government Entities         
Taxes, Fees and Contributions    28,355    23,220 
Government Take    8,464    6,441 
    36,819    29,661 
Financial Institutions and Suppliers         
Interest, FX Rate and Monetary Changes    1,819    2,416 
Rent and Freight Expenses    6,513    6,760 
    8,332    9,176 
Minority Interest    952    1,228 
Dividens/Interest on Own Capital      2,193 
Retained Earnings    13,634    7,758 
    13,634    9,951 
    14,586    11,179 

Some values related to prior periods were reclassified for the purpose of aligning the financial statements to the current period, thus facilitating comparability.


Consolidated Result by Business Area - 1H-2006

INCOME STATEMENTS                               
Net Operating Revenues  38,808    59,631    4,607    19,152    5,834    -    (54,198)   73,834 
     Intersegments  35,900    15,231    1,396    324    1,347      (54,198)  
     Third Parties  2,908    44,400    3,211    18,828    4,487        73,834 
Cost of Goods Sold  (15,974)   (52,257)   (3,860)   (17,311)   (3,865)     52,363    (40,904)
Gross Profit  22,834    7,374    747    1,841    1,969    -    (1,835)   32,930 
Operating Expenses  (1,373)   (1,875)   (879)   (1,388)   (965)   (3,229)   56    (9,653)
 Sales, General & Administrative  (447)   (1,448)   (387)   (1,196)   (577)   (1,285)   44    (5,296)
 Taxes  (28)   (107)   (60)   (84)   (72)   (294)     (645)
 Exploratory Costs  (387)         (301)       (688)
 Research & Development  (365)   (137)   (67)   (5)   (2)   (161)     (737)
 Health and Pension Plans            (969)     (969)
 Others  (146)   (183)   (365)   (103)   (13)   (520)   12    (1,318)
Operating Profit (Loss) 21,461    5,499    (132)   453    1,004    (3,229)   (1,779)   23,277 
Interest Income (Expenses)           (585)     (585)
 Equity Income    49    12    (8)   48    (410)     (309)
 Non-operating Income (Expenses) (117)   (15)   (6)     (6)   74      (64)
Income (Loss) Before Taxes and Minority                               
Interests  21,344    5,533    (126)   451    1,046    (4,150)   (1,779)   22,319 
Income Tax & Social Contribution  (7,257)   (1,865)   47    (156)   (322)   1,217    604    (7,733)
Minority Interests  (398)   (26)   (221)     (231)   (76)     (952)
Net Income (Loss) 13,689    3,642    (300)   295    493    (3,009)   (1,175)   13,634 

Consolidated Result by Business Area - 1H-2005

INCOME STATEMENTS                               
Net Operating Revenues  31,711    49,421    3,714    17,907    5,447    -    (45,944)   62,256 
     Intersegments  29,666    13,887    1,119    273    999      (45,944)  
     Third Parties  2,045    35,534    2,595    17,634    4,448        62,256 
Cost of Goods Sold  (13,540)   (41,962)   (2,924)   (16,132)   (3,408)     43,477    (34,489)
Gross Profit  18,171    7,459    790    1,775    2,039    -    (2,467)   27,767 
Operating Expenses  (1,291)   (2,004)   (780)   (1,285)   (791)   (3,208)   (140)   (9,499)
 Sales, General & Administrative  (421)   (1,450)   (348)   (1,126)   (538)   (1,107)     (4,990)
 Taxes  (7)   (40)   (30)   (81)   (55)   (205)     (418)
 Exploratory Costs  (475)         (109)       (584)
 Research & Development  (157)   (55)   (26)   (2)   (2)   (174)     (416)
 Health and Pension Plan            (1,070)     (1,070)
 Others  (231)   (459)   (376)   (76)   (87)   (652)   (140)   (2,021)
Operating Profit (Loss) 16,880    5,455    10    490    1,248    (3,208)   (2,607)   18,268 
Interest Income (Expenses)           (1,725)     (1,725)
 Equity Income    141    (16)     103    (511)     (283)
 Non-operating Income (Expense) (192)   22    (46)   (2)   10        (206)
Income (Loss) Before Taxes and                               
Minority Interests  16,688    5,618    (52)   488    1,361    (5,442)   (2,607)   16,054 
Income Tax & Social Contribution  (5,674)   (1,862)   12    (166)   (453)   2,382    886    (4,875)
Minority Interests  (548)   (17)   (152)     (50)   (461)     (1,228)
Net Income (Loss) 10,466    3,739    (192)   322    858    (3,521)   (1,721)   9,951 

In order to align the financial statement of each business segment with the best practices of companies in the Oil & Gas sector and to improve the understanding of Petrobras management, starting in the 1Q-2006, the Company switched to allocating all financial results and items of financial nature to the corporate level. As a result of this change, the income tax, employee profit share and minority interest line items were adjusted.

To facilitate comparisons, we have presented segmented financial statements for prior periods in accordance with new criteria.


Statement of Other Operating Revenues (Expenses) - 1H-2006

Institutional relations and cultural projects    (21)     (45)     (384)     (450)
Operating expenses with thermoelectric plants      (401)           (401)
Losses and Contingencies related to Legal Procedures  (7)   (29)   (5)   (2)   (3)   (114)     (160)
Contractual losses from ship-or-pay transport services          (63)       (63)
Unscheduled stoppages at installations and production equipment  (9)   (43)             (52)
Rent revenues        32          32 
Result from hedge operations    (8)   39            31 
Others  (130)   (82)     (88)   53    (22)   12    (255)
  (146)   (183)   (365)   (103)   (13)   (520)   12    (1,318)

Statement of Other Operating Revenues (Expenses) - 1H-2005

Institutional relations and cultural projects    (4)     (38)     (313)     (355)
Operating expenses with thermoelectric plants      (492)           (492)
Losses and Contingencies related to Legal Procedures    (292)   (13)   (28)   (11)   (46)     (382)
Contractual losses from ship-or-pay transport services          (68)       (68)
Unscheduled stoppages at installations and production equipment  (84)   (58)             (142)
Rent revenues        29          29 
Result from hedge operations    (3)   94            91 
Others  (155)   (102)   35    (39)   (8)   (293)   (140)   (702)
  (231)   (459)   (376)   (76)   (87)   (652)   (140)   (2,021)


Consolidated Assets by Business Area - 06.30.2006

ASSETS  72,280    42,669    20,075    7,811    19,341    37,148    (8,802)   190,522 
CURRENT ASSETS  7,010    21,815    3,158    4,270    5,158    28,573    (7,961)   62,023 
 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS            22,713      22,713 
 OTHERS  7,010    21,815    3,158    4,270    5,158    5,860    (7,961)   39,310 
NON-CURRENT ASSETS  4,541    1,178    2,037    636    836    6,189    (841)   14,576 
 PETROLEUM AND ALCOHOL ACCT.            777      777 
 MARKETABLE SECURITIES  258            335      598 
 OTHERS  4,283    1,173    2,037    636    836    5,077    (841)   13,201 
FIXED ASSETS  60,729    19,676    14,880    2,905    13,347    2,386    -    113,923 

Consolidated Assets by Business Area - 03.31.2006

ASSETS  68,618    41,724    19,743    8,752    18,720    36,540    (8,066)   186,031 
CURRENT ASSETS  6,875    21,305    3,171    4,809    4,775    28,357    (7,353)   61,939 
 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS            22,983      22,983 
 OTHERS  6,875    21,305    3,171    4,809    4,775    5,374    (7,353)   38,956 
NON-CURRENT ASSETS  3,988    1,163    2,107    1,037    923    5,570    (713)   14,075 
 PETROLEUM AND ALCOHOL ACCT.            774      774 
 MARKETABLE SECURITIES  287            305      599 
 OTHERS  3,701    1,158    2,107    1,035    923    4,491    (713)   12,702 
FIXED ASSETS  57,755    19,256    14,465    2,906    13,022    2,613    -    110,017 

In order to align the financial statement of each business segment with the best practices of companies in the Oil & Gas sector and to improve the understanding of Petrobras management, starting in the 1Q-2006, the Company switched to allocating all financial results and items of financial nature to the corporate level. As a result of this change, the income tax, employee profit share and minority interest line items were adjusted.

To facilitate comparisons, we have presented segmented financial statements for prior periods in accordance with new criteria.


Consolidated Results – International Business Area - 1H-2006

    R$ Million
INTERNATIONAL AREA                             
ASSETS    13,828    3,020    4,093    683    1,233    (3,516)   19,341 
Income Statement                             
Net Operating Revenues    2,692    2,802    1,248    1,418    23    (2,349)   5,834 
    Intersegments    1,855    1,636    200        (2,349)   1,347 
    Third Parties    837    1,166    1,048    1,413    23      4,487 
Operating Profit (Loss)   928    152    292    (126)   (271)   29    1,004 
Net Income (Loss)   497    85    172    (53)   (229)   20    492 

Consolidated Results – International Business Area

    R$ Million
INTERNATIONAL AREA                            
ASSETS (03/31/2006)   13,777    2,896    3,911    458    1,024    (3,346)   18,720 
Income Statement (1H-2006)                            
Net Operating Revenues    2,642    2,664    1,084    1,233    3    (2,179)   5,447 
   Intersegments    1,541    1,473    161        (2,179)   999 
   Third Parties    1,101    1,191    923    1,230        4,448 
Operating Profit (Loss)   1,204    139    205    (42)   (251)   (7)   1,248 
Net Income (Loss)   722    68    157    (19)   (66)   (4)   858 

In order to align the financial statement of each business segment with the best practices of companies in the Oil & Gas sector and to improve the understanding of Petrobras management, starting in the 1Q-2006, the Company switched to allocating all financial results and items of financial nature to the corporate level. As a result of this change, the income tax, employee profit share and minority interest line items were adjusted.

To facilitate comparisons, we have presented segmented financial statements for prior periods in accordance with new criteria.



1. Changes in the Petroleum and Alcohol Accounts

R$ million
    Second Quarter      
First Half  
1Q-2006   2006  
770    774    752    Initial Balance   770    749 
      Intercompany Lending     
774    777    758    Final Balance    777    758 


In accordance with Law Number 10,742 of October 6, 2003, final account reconciliation with the government should have occurred by June 30, 2004. PETROBRAS, after having furnished all the information required by the National Treasury Secretary – STN, is in discussion with the Ministry of Mines and Energy – MME, seeking to resolve the disparities that still exist between the parties in an effort to conclude the offset of accounts with the government, as per Provisionary Measure Number 2,181-45, dated August 24, 2001.

The amount of the account may be paid through the issuance of National Treasury bonds in a value equal to the final amount of the account rectification or with other amounts that PETROBRAS may owe to the federal government, including tax amounts or a combination of the aforementioned options.


2. Consolidated Taxes and Obligations

The economic contribution of PETROBRAS to Brazil, measured by generation of taxes, duties and current social contributions, in the 1H-2006 totaled R$ 25,911 million.

R$ million
First Half
1Q-2006   2006   2005  
                Economic Contribution - Country             
4,085    4,463    3,571    25    Value Added Tax (ICMS)   8,548    7,288    17 
1,847    1,930    1,862      CIDE (1)   3,777    3,642   
2,645    2,982    2,475    20    PASEP/COFINS    5,627    4,900    15 
2,973    3,911    1,630    140    Income Tax & Social Contribution    6,884    3,710    86 
590    485    484      Others    1,075    948    13 
12,140   13,771   10,022   37   Subtotal    25,911   20,488   26
843   1,001   758   32   Economic Contribution - Foreign   1,844   1,765   4
12,983   14,772   10,780   37   Total    27,755   22,253   25

3. Payments to Governments

R$ million
        Second Quarter      
First Half
1Q-2006   2006   2005  
1,758    1,981    1,580    25    Royalties    3,739    2,885    30 
2,000    2,146    1,658    29    Special Participation    4,146    3,240    28 
24   29    15    97    Surface Rental Fees    53    34    58 
3,782    4,156    3,253    28    Subtotal    7,938   6,159    29
216    310    148    109    Foreign    526    282    87 
3,998    4,466    3,401    31    Total    8,464    6,441    31 

The government take in the country increased 29% in 1H-2006 over the same period of 2005, reflecting the higher tax bracket in the calculation of Special Participation for the higher production levels a the Barracuda and Caratinga fields, and the 33% increase in the reference price for domestic oil, which reached the average price of R$ 115.64 (US$ 53.43) in 1H-2006 versus R$ 87.04 (US$ 37.03) in the 1H-2005, as a result of the linkage with the price of Brent in the international markets.


4. Consolidated Reconciliation of Shareholders’ Equity and Net Income

    R$ Million 
    Shareholders' Equity    Result 
. According to PETROBRAS information as of June 30, 2006    95,213    14,014 
. Profit in the sales of products in affiliated inventories    (525)   (525)
. Reversal of profits on inventory in previous years      326 
. Capitalized interest    (661)   (104)
. Absorption of negative net worth in affiliated companies *    (292)   (29)
. Other eliminations    (571)   (48)
. According to consolidated information as of June 30, 2006    93,164    13,634 

* As per CVM Instruction Number 247/96, the losses that are considered to be of a non-permanent type (temporary) on investments evaluated by the equity in results of non-consolidated companies method, whose invested company does not show signs of paralysis or need for financial help from the investor company, should be limited to the value of the controlling company’s investment. Therefore, the losses occasioned by unfunded liabilities (negative net shareholder’s equity) of controlled companies did not affect the results and the net shareholder’s equity of PETROBRAS in 2005, generating a conciliatory item between the Financial Statements of PETROBRAS and the Consolidated Financial Statements.

5. Performance of PETROBRAS shares and ADRs

R$ million
    Second Quarter      
First Half
1Q-2006   2006  
12.83%    3.86%    3.23%    Petrobras ON    17.19%    13.89% 
15.94%    0.09%    4.03%    Petrobras PN    16.04%    10.46% 
21.61%    3.05%    17.99%    ADR- Level III - ON    25.31%    31.05% 
24.05%    -0.01%    19.68%    ADR- Level III - PN    24.03%    27.15% 
13.44%    -3.48%    -5.86%    IBOVESPA    9.49%    -4.37% 
3.66%    0.37%    -2.18%    DOW JONES    4.04%    -4.71% 
6.10%    -7.17%    2.89%    NASDAQ    -1.51%    -5.45% 

Book value of a PETROBRAS share on June 30, 2006 reached R$ 21.70.

6. Increase of Capital Stock and Incorporation of PETROQUISA shares

a) At the extraordinary general shareholders meeting held on April 3, 2006, shareholders approved the increase of capital stock for incorporation in part of net reserves in the amount of R$ 15,012 million, and the monetary correction of realized capital in the amount of R$ 339 million, increasing capital stock from R$ 32,896 million to R$ 48.248 million, without a change in the number of shares issued, which continue to be 2,536,673,672 common shares and 1,849,478,028 preferred shares, all subscribed and without nominal value.

b) At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on June 1, 2006, shareholders approved the operation for incorporating the shares of PETROQUISA by PETROBRAS, in the manner specified in the Re-ratification of the Justification Protocol of the operating for incorporating shares established between the two companies. For the implementation of the operation in relation to the exchange of shares utilized is based on the book value of both companies on the date of December 31, 2005, attributing 4,496 preferred shares issued by Petrobras for each lot of 1,000 common shares or for each lot of 1,000 preferred shares issued by Petroquisa.
Five Petroquisa`s shareholders, totaling 1.015.910 shares exercised the withdraw right within the term established (up to June, 05, 2006) and therefore they were reimbursed by the value of R$ 153,47 per thousand of shares, paid on July, 10, 2006. Thereafter, Petrobras acquired these shares for the same value, certifying the ownership transfer. Up to July, 07, 2006 none Petrobras` shareholders exercised their withdraw right.


7. Currency Exposure

Currency exposure of the PETROBRAS System is measured as per the following table:

Assets    R$ million 
    06.30.2006    03.31.2006 
Current Assets    18,266    17,917 
     Cash and Cash Equivalents    6,834    6,744 
     Others Current Assets    11,432    11,173 
Non-current Assets    4,939    4,731 
Fixed Assets    27,430    29,373 
     Investments    279    (451)
     Property, Plant & Equipment    26,507    29,495 
     Others Fixed Assets    644    329 
Total Assets    50,635    52,021 

Liabilities    R$ million 
    06.30.2006   03.31.2006
Current Liabilities    16,138    16,982 
        Short-term Debt    8,859    8,662 
        Suppliers    4,687    4,486 
     Others Current Liabilities    2,592    3,834 
Long-term Liabilities    24,230    28,027 
        Long-term Debt    22,764    23,952 
     Others Long-term Liabilities    1,466    4,075 
Total Liabilities    40,368    45,009 
Net Liabilities in Reais    10,267    7,012 
(+) Investment Funds - Exchange    6,931    7,504 
(-) FINAME Loans - dollar-indexed reais    535    592 
Net Assets in Reais    16,663    13,924 
Net Assets in Dollar    7,699    6,410 
Exchange rate (*)   2.1643    2.1724 

(*) Conversion into reais from the U.S. Dollar is done at the selling price at the closing date of the period.


8. Change in Accounting Practices

Beginning in January 2006, in accordance with Deliberation CVM No. 489/2005 and the Technical Interpretation No. 1/2006 of IBRACON, the Company reversed the reserve balance for programmed shut-downs and adopted the practice of registering the amounts related to the maintenance of industrial units and boats in Property, Plant & Equipment, which includes spare parts, assembly and disassembly services, amongst others.

Regarding the change in accounting policy, the reversal of amounts provisioned through of December 31, 2005 for depreciation of a portion of the relevant maintenance costs, capitalization of expenses incurred and accumulated depreciation on these expenses, through December 31, 2005, was made directly to the retained earnings, net of taxes, as a prior period adjustment in the amount of R$ 529,406 thousand.


Income Statement – Parent Company

R$ million
    Second Quarter      
First Half
1Q-2006   2006  
37,920    38,872    35,426    Gross Operating Revenues    76,792    66,781 
(9,809)   (10,431)   (9,321)   Sales Deductions    (20,240)   (18,110)
28,111    28,441    26,105    Net Operating Revenues    56,552    48,671 
(14,025)   (14,562)   (14,531)   Cost of Goods Sold    (28,587)   (26,583)
14,086    13,879    11,574    Gross Profit    27,965    22,088 
            Operating Expenses         
(1,163)   (1,176)   (858)   Sales    (2,339)   (1,679)
(832)   (969)   858    General & Administrative    (1,801)   (1,647)
(106)   (281)   (291)   Cost of Prospecting, Drilling & Lifting    (387)   (476)
        Losses on Recovery of Assets         
(240)   (492)   (222)   Research & Development    (732)   (415)
(116)   (218)   (102)   Taxes    (334)   (209)
(456)   (456)   (456)   Health and Pension Plans    (912)   (1,013)
(484)   (686)   (1,164)   Others    (1,170)   (2,184)
            Net Financial Expense         
302    776    107    Income    1,078    707 
(489)   (499)   (587)   Expense    (988)   (1,166)
(2,463)   123    (4,776)   Monetary & Foreign Exchange Correction - Assets    (2,340)   (4,515)
1,971    (134)   3,854    Monetary & Foreign Exchange Correction - Liabilities    1,837    3,475 
(679)   266    (1,402)       (413)   (1,499)
343    713    87    Gains from Investment in Subsidiaries    1,056    1,003 
10,353    10,581    8,024    Operating Profit    20,934    13,969 
(85)   31    (64)   Non-operating Income (Expense)   (54)   (216)
(3,354)   (3,513)   (1,559)   Income Tax & Social Contribution    (6,867)   (3,946)
6,914    7,100    6,401    Net Income (Loss)   14,014    9,806 

Some values related to prior periods were reclassified for the purpose of aligning the financial statements to the current period, thus facilitating comparability.


PETROBRAS  Financial Statements 

Balance Sheet – Parent Company

Assets    R$ million 
    06.30.2006   03.31.2006
Current Assets    44,269    46,485 
Cash and Cash Equivalents    16,264    17,898 
Accounts Receivable    9,140    10,562 
Inventories    13,800    12,483 
Dividends Receivable    253    798 
Taxes recoverable    3,024    2,956 
Deferred Taxes & Social Contribution    664    512 
Others    1,124    1,276 
Non-current assets    38,963    36,504 
Petroleum & Alcohol Account    777    774 
Subsidiaries, Controlled Companies and Affiliates    29,671    26,950 
Ventures under Negotiation    585    476 
Advances to Suppliers    571    613 
Advance for Pension Plan Migration    1,228    1,241 
Deferred Taxes and Social Contribution    2,429    2,362 
Deposits - Legal Matters    1,455    1,391 
Antecipated Expenses    959    995 
Others    1,288    1,702 
Fixed assets    79,422    75,218 
Investments    22,563    20,756 
 Property, Plant & Equipment    56,177    53,862 
 Deferred    682    600 
Total Assets    162,654    158,207 

Liabilities    R$ million 
    06.30.2006   03.31.2006
Current Liabilities    40,725    44,115 
Short-term Debt    1,658    1,574 
Suppliers    25,790    25,307 
Taxes & Social Contribution Payable    8,106    8,716 
Dividends      2,644 
Project Finance and Joint Ventures    953    975 
Pension fund obligations    394    396 
Clients Anticipation    276    1,414 
Others    3,548    3,089 
Long-term Liabilities    26,716    25,979 
Long-term Debt    5,828    5,944 
Subsidiaries & Controlled Companies    1,831    1,868 
Pension fund obligations    2,303    2,056 
Health Care Benefits    7,128    6,795 
Deferred Taxes & Social Contribution    6,936    6,596 
Others    2,691    2,720 
Shareholders' Equity    95,213    88,113 
Capital Stock    48,248    33,235 
Reserves    32,952    47,964 
Net Income    14,014    6,914 
Total liabilities    162,654    158,207 

Some values related to prior periods were reclassified for the purpose of aligning the financial statements to the current period, thus facilitating comparability.


Statement of Cash Flow – Parent Company

R$ million
    Second Quarter      
First Half
1Q-2006   2006  
6,914    7,100    4,699    Net Income (Loss)   14,014    9,806 
1,920    1,000    (904)   (+) Adjustments    2,920    (272)
943    1,273    915       Depreciation & Amortization    2,216    1,817 
(4)   (3)   (5)   Oil and Alcohol Accounts    (7)   (9)
1,207    1,678    (2,456)      Oil and Oil Products Supply - Foreign    2,885    (1,026)
1,055    (154)   668       Charges on Financing and Affiliated Companies    901    167 
(1,281)   (1,793)   (26)      Other Adjustments    (3,074)   (1,221)
8,833    8,100    3,795    (=) Net Cash Generated by Operating Activities    16,934    9,534 
(3,841)   (4,092)   3,327    (-) Cash used for Cap.Expend.    (7,933)   6,551 
(2,947)   (2,785)   2,241       Investment in E&P    (5,732)   4,404 
(545)   (751)   475       Investment in Refining & Transport    (1,296)   1,069 
(136)   (811)   427       Investment in Gas and Energy    (947)   840 
(153)   (210)   186       Structured Projects Net of Advance    (363)   281 
171    665    (297)      Dividends    836    (297)
(231)   (200)   295       Other Investments    (431)   254 
4,992    12,192    468    (=) Free Cash Flow    9,001    2,983 
(4,576)   (5,643)   (1,007)   (-) Cash used in Financing Activities    (10,219)   3,068 
416    6,550    1,475    (=) Cash Generated in the Period    (1,218)   (85)
17,481    17,898    10,020    Cash at the Beginning of Period    17,482    11,580 
17,898    24,448    11,495    Cash at the End of Period    16,264    11,495 

Some values related to prior periods were reclassified for the purpose of aligning the financial statements to the current period, thus facilitating comparability.


Statement of Value-Added – Parent Company

           R$ million 
    First Half
Description    2006    2005 
Gross Operating Revenue from Sales & Services    77,328    66,817 
Raw Materials Used    (6,763)   (5,093)
Products for Resale    (4,114)   (2,605)
Materials, Energy, Services & Others    (6,842)   (9,795)
Value Added Generated    59,608    49,324 
Depreciation & Amortization    (2,216)   (1,817)
Participation in Associated Companies    1,056    1,003 
Financial Income Net from affiliated companies    562   
Rent and royalties    195    210 
Total Distributable Value Added    59,206    48,727 
Distribution of Value Added         
Salaries, Benefits and Charges    3,790    3,750 
Government Entities         
Taxes, Fees and Contributions    27,415    21,855 
Government Participation    7,938    6,159 
Deferred Income Tax & Social Contribution    680    947 
    36,033    28,961 
Financial Institutions and Suppliers         
Interest, FX Rate and Monetary Changes    976    1,506 
Rent and Freight Expenses    4,393    4,703 
    5,369    6,209 
Dividends       -    2,193 
Net Income    14,014    7,613 
    14,014    9,806 

Some values related to prior periods were reclassified for the purpose of aligning the financial statements to the current period, thus facilitating comparability.




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Petróleo Brasileiro S.A – PETROBRAS
Investor Relations Department
Raul Adalberto de Campos– Executive Manager
Av. República do Chile, 65 - 22nd floor
20031-912 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
(55-21) 3224-1510 / 9947

This document may contain forecasts that merely reflect the expectations of the Company’s management. Such terms as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “forecast”, “intend”, “plan”, “project”, “seek”, “should”, along with similar or analogous expressions, are used to identify such forecasts. These predictions evidently involve risks and uncertainties, whether foreseen or not by the Company. Therefore, the future results of operations may differ from current expectations, and readers must not base their expectations exclusively on the information presented herein.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: August 11, 2006

/S/  Almir Guilherme Barbassa

Almir Guilherme Barbassa
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates offuture economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually oc cur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.