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For the month of January, 2008

Commission File Number 1-15250


(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Cidade de Deus, s/n, Vila Yara
06029-900 - Osasco - SP
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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Bovespa: BBDC3, BBDC4                             Latibex: XBBDC                             NYSE: BBD

This Press Release may include information on future events. These considerations may reflect not only historical facts, but also the desires and expectations of Bradesco’s management. Words such as “anticipates”, “desires”, “expects”, “foresees”, “plans”, “predicts”, “projects”, “wishes” and similar expressions are intended to identify statements, which necessarily involve known and unknown risks. Known risks include uncertainties, which are not restricted to the impact of the competitive nature of prices and services, the acceptance of services by the market, service transactions of Bradesco and of its competitors, regulatory approvals, currency fluctuations, changes in the range of services offered and other risks described in Bradesco’s reports. This Press Release is valid as at this date and Banco Bradesco assumes no obligation whatsoever to update this release, either as a result of new information and/or future events.

Monday, 01.28.2008                                                         2007 Earnings Release.

We present below the main figures obtained by Bradesco in 2007. Our Report on Economic and Financial Analysis with the complete Financial Statements is available on Bradesco’s website (

1. The Net Income of 2007 stood at R$8.010 billion (a 58.5% growth compared to the income of R$5.054 billion of the same period of 2006), corresponding to R$3.97 EPS and profitability of 31.4% on the Average Stockholders’ Equity*. The Net Income of 4Q07 stood at R$2.193 billion (a 21.2% growth compared to the income of R$1.810 billion in 3Q07).

2. The origin of the income is comprised of R$5.655 billion stemming from financial activities, which correspond to 71% of the Net Income and R$2.355 billion generated by Insurance, Private Pension Plans and Certificated Savings Plans activities, which represented 29% of the Net Income.

3. Bradesco’s Market Capitalization grew by 29.1% compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching R$109.463 billion in December 2007.

4. Our Total Assets, at the end of the period, recorded a balance of R$341.184 billion, a 28.5% growth compared to December 2006. The annualized return on average Total Assets stood at 2.7%, higher than the 2.2% recorded in the same period of the previous year.

5. The total loan portfolio (considering sureties, guarantees and credit cards receivables) reached R$161.407 billion, a 38.9% growth compared to the same period of the previous year. Loans to individuals totaled R$59.277 billion (a 34.2% growth), while operations to corporate clients reached R$102.130 billion (a 41.7% growth).

6. Funds raised and managed added up to R$484.265 billion, a 25.3% growth over the R$386.586 billion of December 2006.

7. The Stockholders’ Equity added up to R$30.357 billion, a 23.2% growth on the same period of the previous year. The Capital Adequacy Ratio in December 2007 stood at 14.0% .

8. Remuneration to Stockholders, in the period, as Interest on Own Capital/Dividends paid and provisioned, added up to R$2.823 billion, equivalent to 35.2% of the Net Income of 2007.

9. The Efficiency Ratio in Dec/07 stood at 41.8%, an improvement of 0.3 p.p. compared to the 42.1% obtained in Dec/06.

10. In 2007, investments in Infrastructure, Information Technology and Telecommunications amounted to R$2.099 billion, a growth of R$273 million compared to the previous year.

11. Taxes and contributions, including social security, paid or provisioned in the period, stemming from the main activities developed by Bradesco Organization, totaled R$6.795 billion, equivalent to 84.8% of the Net Income.

12. Bradesco is Brazil’s largest private customer service network, with 3,160 Branches, 25,974 ATMs of the Bradesco Dia&Noite (Day&Night) Network, 3,939 ATMs of the Banco24Horas (24HourBank) Network, 11,539 Bradesco Expresso Outlets, 5,821 Banco Postal Branches, 2,776 Mini Branches and 375 Branches of Finasa Promotora de Vendas.

13. On November 14, started-up the activities of Bradesco’s Brokerage Firm in London, England, called Bradesco Securities UK Limited, which operates as a Broker Dealer, focusing on the intermediation of fixed income and equity products of Brazilian companies to European/Global institutional investors.

14. On 01.04.08, all matters discussed at the Special Stockholders’ Meeting held on this date were approved, such as the increase of the Capital Stock in the amount of R$1,200,000,000.00, upon the issuance of 27,906,977 new non-par registered book-entry stocks, with 13,953,489 common stocks and 13,953,488 preferred stocks, to be subscribed by stockholders in the period of 01.22 to 02.22.08 at the price of R$43.00 per stock. Such increase will be followed by the payment of Supplementary Interest on Own Capital and Dividends in the amount of R$1,988,150,000.00, declared on 12.28.07, which will be paid on the same date (03.17.08) of the payment of stocks.

15. Fundação Bradesco is dedicated, for more than 50 years, to the education of low-income children, adolescents and adults. Since its creation, it has provided free and quality education to around 2 million students which, added to distance courses, exceeded 2.5 million assistances. This year, it invested more than R$200.9 million, providing free education to more than 109 thousand students.

(*) It does not consider the mark-to-market effect of Securities Available for Sale recorded in the Stockholders’ Equity

Milton Vargas 
Executive Vice-President and Investor Relations Officer 
Domingos Figueiredo de Abreu 
Managing Director 
Jean Philippe Leroy 
Department Director 
Phone: (55 11) 2178-6201 
Institutional Area  Individuals Area 
Phone: (55 11) 2178-6218  Phone: (55 11) 2178-6203 

     Banco Bradesco’s Net Income of R$8.010 billion, in the twelve-month period ended in December 2007 and of R$2.193 related to 4Q07, includes some extraordinary events occurred in the period of 2007, as shown below:

R$ million  12M07  12M06  4Q07  3Q07 
REPORTED NET INCOME  8,010  5,054  2,193  1,810 
     Full Goodwill Amortization 1  953  2,109  140  631 
     Active Tax Credit  (718) (398) (300) (376)
     Civil Provision 2  274  74  126 
     Partial Sale of Bovespa/BM&F  (480) (405) (75)
     Total/Partial Sale of Investment 3  (1,017) (219) (64)
     Non-Technical Provision - Health Insurance  387 
     Supplementary Labor Provision  232  309  232 
     Other  (87) (36) (51)
     Fiscal Effects  43  (879) 20  (215)
Subtotal Extraordinary Events  (800) 1,309  (339) 40 
ADJUSTED NET INCOME  7,210  6,363  1,854  1,850 

1 Refers to the full goodwill amortization recorded in affiliated companies/subsidiaries.
2 Economic Plans.
3 In 2006: Usiminas R$219; in 2007: Serasa R$599; Arcelor R$354 and Indiana R$64.

     Thus, due to these extraordinary events, the Adjusted Net Income stood at R$1.854 billion in the 4th quarter of 2007 and at R$7.210 billion in 2007. This Adjusted Net Income will be the basis used for the analysis and comments of this Press Release, as well as of our Report on Economic and Financial Analysis.

Loan Portfolio

  R$ million  Variation % 
  Dec/07  Sep/07  Dec/06  Year  Quarter 
Individuals  59,277  54,383  44,156  34.2%  9.0% 
Large Corporates  58,150  48,331  42,087  38.2%  20.3% 
SMEs  43,980  37,379  29,982  46.7%  17.7% 
Total  161,407  140,093  116,225  38.9%  15.2% 

The Loan Portfolio, including Sureties and Guarantees and receivables from Credit Cards (purchases in installments and in cash) reached R$161.407 billion, a 38.9% growth compared to December/06 and a 15.2% increase in this quarter.

Loans to Individuals recorded a R$15.121 billion growth or 34.2% compared to December/06 and a R$4.894 billion increase or 9.0% in this quarter, resulting mainly from the higher demand for consumer finance. Not considering the acquired loan portfolios, there was a 37.2% growth on December/06 and an 8.9% increase in this quarter.

Loans to Corporates grew by R$30.061 billion or 41.7% compared to December/06, mostly in Working Capital, Leasing, Mortgage, Trade Finance Operations and Overdraft Accounts. In this quarter, the loan expansion stood at R$16.420 billion or 19.2%, with main increases recorded in Working Capital, Leasing and Sureties and Guarantees.

The demand for loans was higher in SMEs, recording increases of 46.7% compared to 2006 and of 17.7% in this quarter. Referring to Large Corporates, increases of 38.2% over December/06 and of 20.3% in this quarter were recorded. In addition, it is worth mentioning that 90.0% of Sureties and Guarantees operations are originated by Large Corporates.

Not considering Sureties and Guarantees and receivables from Credit Cards, the Loan Portfolio added up to R$131.307 billion, an increase of R$35.088 billion or 36.5% compared to the year and of R$14.950 billion or 12.8% in this quarter.

Breakdown of the loan portfolios – Individuals and Corporates:

Individuals  R$ million  Variation % 
  Dec/07  Sep/07  Dec/06  Year  Quarter 
Vehicles - CDC  21,183  19,556  16,260  30.3%  8.3% 
Personal Loans  7,063  7,016  6,356  11.1%  0.7% 
Credit Card  8,284  7,230  5,629  47.2%  14.6% 
Payroll Deductible Loans  6,106  5,608  3,837  59.1%  8.9% 
BNDES Onlendings  2,843  3,060  2,931  (3.0%) (7.1%)
Leasing  3,315  2,215  1,017  226.0%  49.7% 
Rural Loan  3,138  2,684  1,914  63.9%  16.9% 
Overdraft accounts  1,848  1,960  1,688  9.5%  (5.7%)
Mortgage  1,646  1,420  1,089  51.1%  15.9% 
Sureties and Guarantees  390  308  201  94.0%  26.6% 
Other  3,461  3,326  3,234  7.0%  4.1% 
Total  59,277  54,383  44,156  34.2%  9.0% 

Corporates  R$ million           Variation % 
  Dec/07  Sep/07  Dec/06  Year  Quarter 
Working Capital  14,685  10,589  8,498  72.8%  38.7% 
BNDES Onlendings  10,442  9,740  8,275  26.2%  7.2% 
Operations Abroad  8,535  8,294  6,513  31.0%  2.9% 
Overdraft accounts  7,643  7,284  6,120  24.9%  4.9% 
Export Financing  7,812  6,976  6,146  27.1%  12.0% 
Credit Card  4,265  3,327  2,433  75.3%  28.2% 
Leasing  4,886  4,098  2,891  69.0%  19.2% 
Vehicles - CDC  3,496  3,171  2,885  21.2%  10.2% 
Rural Loan  3,132  3,168  2,660  17.7%  (1.1%)
Mortgage  1,758  1,494  1,044  68.4%  17.7% 
Sureties and Guarantees  23,906  18,162  14,590  63.9%  31.6% 
Other  11,570  9,407  10,014  15.5%  23.0% 
Total  102,130  85,710  72,069  41.7%  19.2% 

Breakdown of the Vehicles portfolio:

  R$ million  Variation % 
  Dec/07  Sep/07  Dec/06  Year  Quarter 
CDC portfolio  24,679  22,727  19,145  28.9%  8.6% 
   Individuals  21,183  19,556  16,260  30.3%  8.3% 
   Corporates  3,496  3,171  2,885  21.2%  10.2% 
Leasing portfolio  6,308  4,697  2,530  149.3%  34.3% 
   Individuals  3,262  2,173  972  235.6%  50.1% 
   Corporates  3,046  2,524  1,558  95.5%  20.7% 
Finame portfolio  3,431  2,852  2,099  63.5%  20.3% 
   Individuals  68  66  48  41.7%  3.0% 
   Corporates  3,363  2,786  2,051  64.0%  20.7% 
Overall Total  34,418  30,276  23,774  44.8%  13.7% 
   Individuals  24,513  21,795  17,280  41.9%  12.5% 
   Corporates  9,905  8,481  6,494  52.5%  16.8% 

Information about Credit Cards:

    Variation % 
  4Q07  3Q07  4Q06  Year  Quarter 
Credit Cards           
   Card Base - Million  17.5  16.3  13.0  34.6%  7.4% 
   Revenues - R$ Million  9,321  8,456  7,492  24.4%  10.2% 
   # of transactions - Million  111.6  103.5  86.6  28.9%  7.8% 
Private Label           
   Card Base - Million  9.7  8.9  4.9  98.0%  9.0% 
   Revenues - R$ Million  1,226  1,110  595  106.1%  10.5% 
   # of transactions - Million  16.1  14.7  7.0  130.0%  9.5% 
   Card Base - Million  27.2  25.2  17.9  52.0%  7.9% 
   Revenues - R$ Million  10,547  9,566  8,087  30.4%  10.3% 
   # of transactions - Million  127.7  118.2  93.6  36.4%  8.0% 

Asset Quality

Below we present the asset quality of our portfolio distributed in the AA-C ratings, comparing with the Financial System and Private Banks:

  Dec/07  Sep/07  Dec/06 
Bradesco  93.3%  92.8%  92.1% 
Financial System  N/D  91.5%  90.6% 
Private Banks  N/D  92.3%  91.2% 

The balance of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (PDD) added up to R$7.826 billion on December 31, 2007, R$6.698 billion of which are required provisions and R$1.128 billion are exceeding provisions.

Coverage Ratios

In the table below we show the coverage and delinquency ratios of our portfolio:

  Dec/07  Sep/07  Dec/06 
ADA (PDD)/Loan Portfolio  6.0%  6.4%  6.9% 
Loans overdue more than 60 days/Loan Portfolio  4.0%  4.2%  4.5% 
ADA (PDD)/Loans overdue more than 60 days  148.3%  150.4%  155.1% 
Credits overdue more than 90 days/Loan Portfolio  3.3%  3.5%  3.6% 
ADA (PDD)/Loans overdue more than 90 days  180.6%  182.4%  191.9% 

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (PDD) Expenses

In the period we recorded PDD expenses of R$5.498 billion, a R$1.086 billion or 24.6% increase compared to 12M06, in line with the Loan Portfolio growth, which increased by 36.5% in the period, highlighting the 35.0% growth in the individual segment.

In the comparison between 4Q07 and 3Q07, PDD Expenses increased by R$118 million.

Deposits, Debentures, Subordinated Debts

In the table below we show the growth of these fundings:

  R$ million  Variation % 
  Dec/07  Sep/07  Dec/06  Year  Quarter 
Demand deposits 1  29,420  22,825  21,078  39.6%  28.9% 
Savings deposits  32,813  30,231  27,612  18.8%  8.5% 
Time deposits + Debentures  67,860  63,231  59,105  14.8%  7.3% 
Subordinated Debts 2  15,850  13,441  11,949  32.6%  17.9% 
Total  145,943  129,728  119,744  21.9%  12.5% 

1 The increase of the demand deposits, particularly verified in the last week of Dec/07, was influenced by the CPMF tax extinguishment, which caused the maintenance of funds in checking accounts for subsequent investment.

2 Out of this amount, $11,750 million was recorded for the purposes of calculation of the Basel Ratio.

Contingent Liabilities

In the table below, we highlight the balance of these liabilities:

  R$ million  Variation % 
  Dec/07  Sep/07  Dec/06  Year  Quarter 
Labor Proceedings  1,492  1,228  1,268  17.7%  21.5% 
Civil Proceedings  1,414  1,062  872  62.2%  33.1% 
Fiscal and Social Security Provisions  6,311  6,465  5,084  24.1%  (2.4%)
Total  9,217  8,755  7,224  27.6%  5.3% 


Bradesco’s Book Value of the Stockholders’ Equity in December 2007 totaled R$30.357 billion, while the Reference Stockholders’ Equity reached R$41.448 billion. Thus, the Capital Adequacy Ratio (BIS) stood at 14.0% in consolidated figures. Considering that the minimum BIS ratio established in Brazil is 11%, this margin enables Bradesco to increase its Loan Portfolio by around R$80 billion. The Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen), through the Article 9 of Circular 3,367, allows the option to exclude, for purposes of determination of the Capital Adequacy Ratio, of the sold position in foreign currency, including tax effects, carried out with the purpose of providing hedge for the investments abroad. If Bradesco opted for this prerogative, the BIS Ratio on December 31, 2007 would have been of 16.6% (out of which 12.1% in Tier I).

Unrealized Gains

Unrealized Gains, represented by the difference between market values of assets and liabilities and their respective book values, stood at R$4.709 billion in December/07 against R$3.214 billion in December/06, a growth of R$1.495 billion (note 32b).

Asset Management

Bradesco’s Total Assets under Management reached R$177.486 billion, comprising Investment Funds, Managed Portfolios and Third-Party Funds.

Stockholders’ Equity

  R$ million  Variation % 
  Dec/07  Sep/07  Dec/06  Year  Quarter 
Investment Funds  157,383  153,439  135,837  15.9%  2.6% 
Managed Portfolios  12,597  7,646  6,938  81.6%  64.8% 
Third-Party Funds  7,506  6,502  4,333  73.2%  15.4% 
Total  177,486  167,587  147,108  20.7%  5.9% 

Assets Distribution

  R$ million  Variation % 
  Dec/07  Sep/07  Dec/06  Year  Quarter 
Total in Fixed Income  148,166  146,258  134,874  9.9%  1.3% 
Total in Equities  21,814  14,827  7,901  176.1%  47.1% 
Total in Third-Party Funds  7,506  6,502  4,333  73.2%  15.4% 
Total  177,486  167,587  147,108  20.7%  5.9% 

Adjusted Net Interest Income (NII)

For a better analysis, the Net Interest Income adjusted by the effects of the disinvestments and hedge of equity abroad is presented as follows:

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation  4Q07  3Q07  Variation 
Reported Net Interest Income  23,530  20,394  3,136  6,156  5,785  371 
(-)Sale of stake in Usiminas  (219) 219 
(-)Sale of stake in Arcelor  (354) (354)
(-)Hedge/Exchange Variation  (876) (337) (539) (159) (205) 46 
Adjusted Net Interest Income  22,300  19,838  2,462  5,997  5,580  417 
- Net Interest Income – Interest  19,633  17,668  1,965  5,229  4,964  265 
   Volume      4,147      476 
   Interest Rate      (2,182)     (211)
- Net Interest Income – Non Interest  2,667  2,170  497  768  616  152 
Average Rate of Adjusted Net Interest             
Income (%) *  9.4  10.1  -  9.8  9.7  - 
(*) (Adjusted Net Interest Income)/(Total Assets – Permanent Assets – Purchase and Sale Commitments).

In the comparison between 12M07 and 12M06, the improvement of the R$2.462 billion Adjusted Net Interest Income was due to:

In the comparison between 4Q07 and 3Q07, the R$417 million increase was due to:

Net Interest Income – Interest:

We show in the chart below, the NII of interest income operations. We point out the nominal growth in the period and the maintenance of the nearly 8.6% margin.

Breakdown of the Net Interest Income - Interest:

Below we show the origin of the Net Interest Income, pointing out the importance of the relative share of loan operations, which represented 67% of the total in Dec/07, against 63% in Dec/06.

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
- Loan operations  13,159  11,059  19.0  3,567  3,384  5.4 
- Funding  2,201  2,545  (13.5) 541  556  (2.7)
- Insurance  2,147  2,431  (11.7) 497  486  2.3 
- Securities (TVM) and Treasury/Others  2,126  1,633  30.2  624  538  16.0 
Net Interest Income  19,633  17,668  11.1  5,229  4,964  5.3 

Loan Net Interest Income - Interest:

We present below a summary of the loan activity, considering that:


(*) ADA (PDD) + Discounts - Recoveries

Fee Income

Below we show the breakdown and the variations of fees, in the respective periods:

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Cards  2,449  1,758  39.3%  688  623  10.4% 
Checking Accounts  2,357  2,084  13.1%  609  591  3.0% 
Loan Operations  1,934  1,543  25.3%  521  504  3.4% 
Asset Management  1,439  1,245  15.6%  384  376  2.1% 
Charging/Collections  1,114  1,006  10.7%  283  280  1.1% 
Other  1,513  1,262  19.9%  411  368  11.7% 
TOTAL  10,806  8,898  21.4%  2,896  2,742  5.6% 

In the comparison between 12M07 and 12M06, the increase of R$1.908 billion was due to:

In the comparison between 4Q07 and 3Q07, the increase of R$154 million was due to:

Personnel Expenses

We present below the breakdown and the variations of personnel expenses, in the respective periods:

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Structural       5,295  4,879  8.5%  1,380  1,381  -0.1% 
Non-Structural       1,275  1,053  21.1%  441  259  70.3% 
TOTAL       6,570  5,932  10.8%  1,821  1,640  11.0% 

In the comparison between 12M07 and 12M06, the R$638 million variation was derived from:

In the comparison between 4Q07 and 3Q07, the R$182 million variation of personnel expenses –non-structural, was derived from:

Other Administrative Expenses

We show below the breakdown and variations of other administrative expenses, in the respective periods:

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation % 4Q07 3Q07 Variation %
Third-Party Services  1,618  1,232  31.3%  474  426  11.3% 
Communication  940  792  18.7%  250  238  5.0% 
Depreciation and Amortization  538  481  11.9%  137  135  1.5% 
Financial System Services  532  459  15.9%  142  138  2.9% 
Advertisement  598  534  12.0%  229  133  72.2% 
Transportation  522  502  4.0%  142  132  7.6% 
Rentals  402  350  14.9%  104  102  2.0% 
Data Processing  407  268  51.9%  114  106  7.5% 
Asset Maintenance and Conservation  296  291  1.7%  82  76  7.9% 
Other  1,059  961  10.2%  299  269  11.2% 
TOTAL  6,912  5,870  17.8%  1,973  1,755  12.4% 

In the comparison between 12M07 and 12M06, the variation of R$1,042 million was a result of:

     In the comparison between 4Q07 and 3Q07, the variation of R$218 million was a result of the increase in the business volume in the 4th quarter, especially third-party services, communication and transportation, and the seasonal increase in advertising expenses (R$96 million). Not considering this seasonal increase, the variation of administrative expenses in 4Q07 would be 6.9% .

Performance Indexes

Efficiency Ratio

We present in the chart below the continuous improvement in this ratio, reflecting the focus on the control of personnel and administrative expenses, as well as on the increase in several income sources:

Accumulated 12-month period

Coverage Ratio

The Coverage Ratio (Fee Income/Personnel Expenses + Administrative Expenses) has also been constantly improving during the quarters, with a slight decrease in the last quarter, basically a result of higher personnel expenses – non-structural, as presented below:

Accumulated 12-month period.

Insurance, Private Pension Plans and Certificated Savings Plans

Organizational Structure

Grupo Bradesco de Seguros e Previdência

Highlights of Balance Sheet

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Assets  73,318  60,558  21.1  73,318  69,996  4.7 
Securities  67,718  55,297  22.5  67,718  64,618  4.8 
Technical Provisions  58,526  48,742  20.1  58,526  55,319  5.8 
     - Insurance  5,492  4,397  24.9  5,492  5,496  (0.1)
     - Life and Pension Plan  50,543  42,038  20.2  50,543  47,405  6.6 
     - Certificated Savings Plans  2,491  2,307  8.0  2,491  2,418  3.0 
Stockholders’s Equity  8,647  7,250  19.3  8,647  8,885  (2.7)

Highlights of Results

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Net Premiums Written  21,479  19,022  12.9  6,175  5,448  13.3 
Operating Income  3,166  2,779  13.9  766  780  (1.8)
Net Income  2,355  2,159  9.1  582  548  6.2 
ROAE (%) 29  33  32  33 


  12M07  12M06  4Q07  3Q07 
Market Share Insurance, Private Pension Plan and         
Certificated Savings Plans  25.3*  25.8  25.3*  25.2** 
Claims Ratio  75.4  79.1  75.7  73.8 
Sales Ratio  11.4  11.2  11.2  11.4 
Administrative Expense Ratio ¹  5.3  5.4  5.1  5.5 
Combined Ratio  95.3  92.1  93.1  92.6 
Combined Ratio (Excluding additional provisions) 86.0  92.1  84.9  84.4 

* Data of November-07 ** Data of August-07 – Administrative Expenses/Revenues Source: Susep and ANS

Number of Clients (Insurance, Private Pension Plans and Certificated Savings Plans)

  12M07  12M06  Variation%  4Q07  3Q07  Variation% 
Insured Persons  19,802  14,164  39.8  19,802  17,787  11.3 
Private Pension Plan  1,321  1,267  4.3  1,321  1,294  2.1 
VGBL  580  531  9.2  580  562  3.2 
Certificated Savings Plans  2,289  2,311  (1.0) 2,289  2,287  0.1 
TOTAL  23,992  18,273  31.3  23,992  21,930  9.4 

Human Resources:

The result is distributed by business lines as follows:

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Life and Pension Plan  1,395  1,095  27.4  372  350  6.3 
Basic Lines  682  790  (13.7) 135  123  9.8 
Certificated Savings Plans  253  272  (7.0) 64  68  (5.9)
Health  25  11  57.1 
TOTAL  2,355  2,159  9.1  582  548  6.2 

In 2007 Grupo Bradesco de Seguros e Previdência had a growth in the net income of 9.1%, reaching the amount of R$2.355 billion (2006 - R$2.159 billion) with an annual return of 29% which, until November 2007, it represented 23.6% of the net income of the entire Brazilian insurance market.

Revenues with insurance premiums, private pension contribution and annual revenues from certificated savings plans reached R$21.5 billion (13.7% growth), which represented 25% of the insurance market revenues (until Nov/07). These revenues maintain the leadership of the Insurance Group in the segment of property and casualty, as well as in open private pension plans.

In addition to the 12.9% increase in production, the following factors contributed significantly to this result:
• the reduction of 4 points in the claims ratio (which even in absolute values was lower than in 2006);
• the drop of the administrative expenses x revenue ratio;
• the maintenance of the sales ratio in the same levels of the previous year; and
• the maintenance of the financial results in the same levels of 2007, despite the drop of the Selic rate in 2007 compared to 2006 (Selic 2006 of 15.08%/Selic of 2007 11.19%) .

As to the total number of insured individuals, not considering last quarters’ figures related to Indiana Seguros S.A., whose disinvestment was approved by SUSEP on December 12, 2007, Grupo Bradesco de Seguros e Previdência totaled 19.8 million insured individuals, recording a growth of 40% compared to 2006 figures.

Technical reserves amounted to R$58.526 billion (35.9% of the insurance market until November 2007 - source: Susep and ANS) and their financial assets totaled R$67.718 billion. Total assets had a growth of 21.1% compared to December 2006.

It is worth pointing out that in relation to solvency, the insurance Group is in compliance with the rules of Susep, which became effective as of January 1, 2008, and it is adequate inclusively to the world standards - Solvency II. Grupo Bradesco de Seguros e Previdência has a leverage of 2.7 of its stockholders’ equity, a level comparable to European and American companies, where insurance premiums usually do not exceed 3 times the stockholders’ equity.

Bradesco Vida e Previdência

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Premium Revenues and Contribution Income (*) 12,303  10,215  20.4%  3,894  2,963  31.4% 
Technical Provisions  50,543  42,038  20.2%  50,543  47,405  6.6% 
Claims Ratio (%) 59.9  70.8  - 10.9 p.p.  48.6  57.1  -8.5 p.p. 
Sales Ratio (%) 24.4  23.4  + 1 p.p.  20.3  24.6  -4.3 p.p. 
Combined Ratio (%) 48.1  67.4  -19.3 p.p.  45.0  45.5  -0.5 p.p. 
Participants/Insured Persons (thousand) 16,771  11,102  51.1%  16,771  14,610  14.8% 
Market Share – Premium Revenues and Contributions(%) 31.4**  32.0  -0.6 p.p.  31.4**  31.3***  +0.1 p.p. 
* Life/VGBL/PGBL/Traditional ** Data of November-07 *** Data of August-07

Note: We point out that the balance of technical provisions includes the contribution insufficiency provision (PIC), which is calculated, on a conservative basis, using the assuaged survival American table AT-2000, improved in 1.5%, separately considering men (male) and women (female), whose life expectancy is longer, with a actual interest rate of 4.5% per year.

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Net Income  1,395  1,095  27.4  372  350  6.3 
ROAE (%) 53  62  -9 p.p.  70  74  -4 p.p. 

Total revenues from Private Pension Plans and VGBL reached R$10.6 billion at the end of 2007, a market share of 37.6%, while revenues from Premiums of Life Insurance and Personal Accidents totaled R$1.7 billion with a market share of 15.8% . (Market data of Nov-07).

Technical Provisions and Investment Portfolio: (R$ billion)

Total Technical Provisions in 2007 reached R$23.9 billion of Supplementary Private Pension Plans, R$24.5 billion in VGBL products and R$2.1 billion in Life and Personal Accidents and others.
The Portfolio of Private Pension Plans Investments and VGBL represents 41.0% of the market (source: Fenaprevi). (Market data of Nov-07)

Premiums and Contributions:

Life + VGBL+ Contribution Income (R$ million)


Bradesco Capitalização

R$ million
  12M07  12M06 Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Income form Certificated Savings             
Plans  1,556  1,418  9.7%  417  394  5.8% 
Technical Provisions  2,491  2,307  8.0%  2,491  2,418  3.0% 
Clients (thousand) 2,289  2,311  -1.0%  2,289  2,287  0.1% 
Market Share – Income (%) 20.5*  19.9  +0.6 p.p.  20.5*  20.4**  +0.1 p.p. 
* Data of November-07 ** Data of August-07

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Net Income  253  272  -7.0%           64  68  -5.9% 
ROAE (%) 42  62  -20 p.p.           50  57  -7 p.p. 

Number of Active Certificated Savings Plans (thousand):

Out of the 14.3 million Plans sold in 2007, 4.5 million are Active Certificated Savings Plans and 9.8 million are Active Plans of Assignment of Right of Certificated Savings Plans Draw. The plans have a reduced effective term, a reduced grace period and a low ticket.

Bradesco Auto/RE

R$ million
  12M07  12M06 Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Net Premiums Written ¹  2,862  2,916  -1.9%  653  912  -28.4% 
Technical Provisions  2,201  2,329  -5.5%  2,201  2,370  -7.1% 
Claims Ratio (%) 69.4  71.0  -1.6 p.p.  69.8  66.0  +3.8 p.p. 
Sales Ratio (%) 19.2  18.5  + 0.7 p.p.  19.4  18.5  +0.9 p.p. 
Combined Ratio (%) 102.6  103.4  -0.8 p.p.  102.2  99.9  +2.3 p.p. 
Insured Persons² thousand  2,074  1,976  5.0%  2,074  2,024  2.5% 
Market Share – Premiums Written (%) 12.1*  13.0  -0.9 p.p.  12.3*  12.4**  -0.1 p.p. 
* Data of November-07 ** Data of August-07

1 Auto/RE segments
2 Excluding insured persons of Indiana Seguros

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Net Income  137  126  8.7%  40   35  14.3% 
ROAE (%) 13  17  -4 p.p.  18  15  +3 p.p. 

Insurance premiums of the Auto/RE segment correspond to 12.1% of the market. (Market data of Nov-07)

Bradesco Saúde

R$ million
  12M07  12M06 Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Net Premiums Written  4,246  3,918  8.4%  1,111  1,065  4.3% 
Technical Provisions  3,202  1,862  72.0%  3,202  3,007  6.5% 
Claims Ratio (%) 83.5  87.1  -3.6 p.p.  89.5  83.4  +6.1 p.p. 
Selling Ratio (%) 3.3  2.9  +0.4 p.p.  3.6  3.4  +0.2 p.p. 
Combined Ratio (%) 92.0  97.5  -5.5 p.p.  99.9  88.6  +11.3 p.p. 
Insured persons - thousand  2,858  2,620  9.1%  2,858  2,754  3.8% 
Market Share – Premiums Written (%) 42.3*  43.0  -0.7 p.p.  42.3*  42.3** 
* Data of November-07 ** Data of August-07

R$ million
  12M07  12M06  Variation %  4Q07  3Q07  Variation % 
Net Income  25  11             7  57.1% 
ROAE (%) +1 p.p.             2 

Technical provisions in the “individual health” portfolio include provision to support insured individuals older than 59 years from plans prior to the Law 9,656/09, to equate remission benefits, as well as to face the difference among values resulting from the investment to premiums of readjustments authorized annually by ANS and the values calculated having as basis the price readjustment of the sector, which burden the average value of indemnified events. These provisions reflect the work that the Management of the Insurance Group developed, during the last years, in the sense to try to maintain a conservative provisioning policy for coverage of risks inherent to the business. Thus, if the current market conditions are maintained, mainly concerning claims levels, and the capacity to readjust premiums according to the medical inflation, Bradesco believes that the provisioning level is adequate for covering risks identified, pursuant to the respective technical notes.

Bradesco Saúde continues with an outstanding position, operating focused on the corporate segment. In December 2007, out of the 2.9 million insured individuals, 90.6% of the total belonged to the corporate segment.

Number of Insured Persons (thousand):

Highlights from the Market Relations Department

Investor Relations Area
In the 4th quarter, we participated in 2 Road Shows abroad (Asia and Europe), in addition to organizing a Bradesco Day in NY and to taking part in Latibex Conference in Madrid.

In Brazil, we hosted several APIMEC meetings, closing the year with events in the cities of Salvador and Recife, both live broadcasted through the Internet.

Bradesco was the winner of the Banking Report award as the Best Bank of 2007 and winner in the category of Best IR Website, in a event held on 12/12/2007.

Main Corporate Social Responsibility Actions in 2007

Dow Jones: Bradesco continues to integrate the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI) of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Thus, after complying with the requirements of a strict and comprehensive analysis process, Bradesco continued to belong to in the selected group of 318 publicly-held companies listed all around the world.

Bank of the Planet: On November 13, the “Bank of the Planet” was created, a Bank within Bradesco which will unify all social-environmental actions of the Organization. In this context, an innovative partnership with the Government of the State of Amazonas was launched, in which Bradesco became one of the co-founders of Fundação Amazonas Sustentável (FAS). The initiative estimates an investment of R$70 million to support the actions of FAS.

Corporate Sustainability Index: Bradesco was maintained in the portfolio of the Corporate Sustainability Index – ISE, of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa). By remaining in ISE, Bradesco shows its commitment to corporate sustainability and to social-environmental responsibility.

Bank Statement in Braille: In an innovative initiative in the Brazilian market, Bradesco launched the first bank printed statement in Braille to enable the reading by visually impaired account holders.

Meeting of Suppliers: With the purpose to insert service providers and product suppliers in its social-environmental responsibility culture of Bradesco, Bradesco carried out, in November, the 4th Meeting with its Suppliers, which gathered around 200 representatives from companies of products and services of the Organization.

Rule SA 8000®: Bradesco was the First Financial Institution of the Americas to receive the SA 8000®, a certification granted by Social Accountability International – SAI, which attests the adoption of good social responsibility practices concerning human rights, children’s rights and main labor rights, in addition to a safe and healthy work environment.


Date: Tuesday January 29, 2008

Portuguese  English 

11:00 a.m. (São Paulo time)
8:00 a.m. (US EDT time)

 Brazil (55 11) 4688-6301
 International (55 11) 4688-6301 

Code: Bradesco 

12:30 p.m. (São Paulo time)
9:30 a.m. (US EDT time)

 USA (1-800) 860-2442 
International (1-412) 858-4600 
Brazil (0-55-11) 4688-6301 

Code: Bradesco 

The conference calls will also be live broadcasted online with audio and slideshow. Please access our website On the conference call page, the presentation will be available for download on the morning of the event.

An audio replay of the conference calls will be available from January 29 to February 8, 2007, at the phone numbers (55 11) 4688-6312 for Portuguese, conference call code: 805 (event in Portuguese) and (55 11) 4688-6312, conference call code: 340 (event in English). Alternatively, it will be available on Bradesco’s Investors Relations website approximately two hours after the event has ended.

Market Indicators

In %  12M07  12M06  4Q07  3Q07 
USD Commercial Rate  (17.15) (8.66) (3.68) (4.52)
CPI (IPCA) 4.46  3.14  1.43  0.89 
CDI  11.81  15.03  2.62  2.79 
IGP-M  7.75  3.83  3.54  2.57 
Selic (year-end) 11.25  13.25  11.25  11.25 
USD Commercial Rate (year end) - R$  1.7713  2.1380  1.7713  1.8389 

Macroeconomic Scenario

In %  2008  2009  2010 
USD Commercial Rate (year-       
end) - R$  1.75  1.80  1.87 
CPI (IPCA) 4.50  4.00  4.00 
IGP-M  4.50  4.00  4.00 
Selic (year-end) 11.25  10.75  10.25 
GDP  4.50  4.15  4.50 

The last quarter of 2007 will be remembered for the persistence of problems in the global financial markets, while in the internal scenario there was a new shock in food prices and acceleration of the growth of the activity and of the credit, causing greater inflationary pressures.

(Comments from the Economic Research and Studies Department)

The turbulence in the international financial markets, especially in the mortgage loan market of the US, continued during the last quarter of 2007. The central banks of the regions most affected by the crisis (US, Euro Zone and United Kingdom) operated in a coordinated manner, providing liquidity to the financial system and, in the case of the North American central bank, promoting substantial reductions in the interest rate. There was an important increase of the aversion to the risk and unfavorable impact on spreads of credit assets, which also had an impact on the risk premium of emerging countries. The growth expectation of the GDP for the US and for the European economy has been reduced. However, emerging countries, which already represent 50% of the global GDP, still show high growth rates, making the global growth to decelerate just a little.

Despite the deterioration of the international environment, the liquidity conditions for Brazil did not change a lot and, most important, the price of important commodities for the commercial guideline of the country continued in a high level, reflecting the firm growth in the emerging economies (specially the Asian one).


The exchange rate, the main potential transmission mechanism of external turbulences, confirmed the strength of the external accounts and showed a relative stability, fluctuating between R$1.75 and R$1.80 and with few moments above this level. We expect not many changes in this scenario for 2008. International reserves closed the year at US$180.3 billion compared to US$85.8 billion at the end of 2006. Jointly with a high trade balance, despite the reduction trend (we expect US$32 billion for 2008, against US$40.4 billion in 2007), the current level of international reserves should result in a lower volatility of the exchange rate and the fluctuation trend should stand at around R$1.75. This comfortable situation of external accounts should also be favorable for future decisions about the risk rating level by rating agencies.

A new shock on food prices, both on those whose prices are formed in the international market and on products that essentially depend on domestic factors, had an unfavorable impact on the inflation of the last quarter. Thus, inflation measured by the Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA) closed 2007 at 4.46%, near the target of the Central Bank. During 2008, we should notice a decrease of pressures on food prices, but secondary effects of the inflation acceleration in the second half of 2007 should keep inflation near 4.5% at the end of this year. For this reason, the scenario shows the maintenance of the interest rate at 11.25% during 2008.

The upward activity also confirms this expectation for the interest rate and allows the anticipation of a strong performance for the GDP in 2008. We expected a 5.3% growth of the GDP in 2007 and expect an expansion near 4.5% in 2008. The consumption increase of families has been sustained by the substantial growth of the actual income volume and of the loan expansion, which increased from 30.8% of the GDP at the end of 2006 to 34.8% of the GDP in 2007. The favorable outlook for the job market implies in a healthy environment for the loan expansion, with maintenance of a satisfactory level for delinquency. The trust of consumers and businessmen continues in a high level. The investment has presented a substantial expansion (we estimate a 12.8% growth of the gross formation of fixed capital in 2007) and the intentions to increase the productive capacity estimate a new significant growth in 2008.


R$ Million  12M07  12M06  %  4Q07  3Q07  % 
Reported Net Income  8,010  5,054  58.5  2,193  1,810  21.2 
Adjusted Net Income  7,210  6,363  13.3  1,854  1,850  0.2 
Earnings per Stock (R$) (*) 3.57  3.18  12.3  0.92  0.92 
Book Value per Stock (R$) (*) 15.04  12.31  22.2  15.04  14.47  3.9 
ROAE (Annualized) (**) (%) 28.3  31.1  29.4  31.4 
ROAA (Annualized) (%) 2.4  2.7  2.3  2.5 
Adjusted Net Interest Income  22,300  19,838  12.4  5,997  5,580  7.5 
Fee Income  10,806  8,898  21.4  2,896  2,742  5.6 
Personnel and Administrative Expenses  13,482  11,802  14.2  3,794  3,395  11.8 
Total Assets  341,184  265,547  28.5  341,184  317,648  7.4 
Loan Portfolio  131,307  96,219  36.5  131,307  116,357  12.8 
Sureties and Guarantees  24,296  14,791  64.3  24,296  18,471  31.5 
Credit Cards (***) 5,804  5,215  11.3  5,804  5,266  10.2 
Total Loan Portfolio  161,407  116,225  38.9  161,407  140,094  15.2 
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts  (7,826) (6,646) 17.8  (7,826) (7,429) 5.3 
Demand Deposits  29,420  21,078  39.6  29,420  22,825  28.9 
Savings Deposits  32,813  27,612  18.8  32,813  30,231  8.5 
Time Deposits + Debentures  67,860  59,105  14.8  67,860  63,231  7.3 
Subordinated Debts  15,850  11,949  32.6  15,850  13,441  17.9 
Technical Provisions  58,526  48.742  20.1  58,526  55,319  5.8 
Stockholders’ Equity  30,357  24,636  23.2  30,357  29,214  3.9 
In %             
Efficiency Ratio (****) 41.8  42.1  41.8  41.8 
Combined Ratio  86.0  92.1  84.9  84.4 
BIS Ratio (Economic-Financial Consolidated) 15.7  18.8  15.7  16.3 
(Total Consolidated) 14.0  16.5  14.0  14.2 
Fixed Asset Ratio (Financial Consolidated) 45.8  48.0  45.8  48.9 
(Total Consolidated) 14.5  12.2  14.5  14.7 

R$ Million  12M07  12M06  %  4Q07  3Q07  % 
Interest on Own Capital/Dividends  2,823  2,160  30.7  683  743  (8.1)
Total Stocks (in Thousand) (*) 2,018,674  2,001,766  0.8  2,018,674  2,019,241  0.0 

(*)      Note: For comparison purposes, the amounts were adjusted by the 100% stock bonus in 2007.
(**)      Calculated without mark-to-market effects of Securities Available for Sale recorded in the Stockholders’ Equity.
(***)      Operations with loan characteristic – purchases paid in installments and in cash.
(****)      Accumulated 12-month period.


R$ Million  12M07  12M06  %  4Q07  3Q07   % 
REVENUES FROM FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION  40,375  37,665  7.2  10,901  10,283  6.0 
EXPENSES FROM FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION  18,075  17,827  1.4  4,904  4,703  4.3 
NET INTEREST INCOME  22,300  19,838  12.4  5,997  5,580  7.5 
Allowance For Doubtful Accounts  (5,498) (4,412) 24.6  (1,556) (1,438) 8.2 
GROSS INCOME FROM FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION  16,802  15,426  8.9  4,441  4,142  7.2 
OTHER OPERATING INCOME (EXPENSES) (7,173) (6,760) 6.1  (1,963) (1,683) 16.6 
Fee Income  10,806  8,898  21.4  2,896  2,742  5.6 
Retained Premiums from Insurance, Private Pension Plans and Certificated Savings Plans  16,432  15,180  8.2  4,837  4,146  16.7 
Variation of Provisions from Insurance, Private Pension Plans and Certificated Savings Plans  (5,047) (3,515) 43.6  (1,965) (1,322) 48.6 
Claims – Insurance Operations  (6,014) (6,127) (1.8) (1,595) (1,488) 7.2 
Certificated Savings Plans Draws and Redemptions  (1,378) (1,222) 12.8  (378) (346) 9.2 
Insurance and Private Pension Plans Selling Expenses  (1,084) (1,023) 6.0  (288) (274) 5.1 
Private Pension Plans Benefits and Redemption             
Expenses  (2,198) (2,268) (3.1) (465) (508) (8.5)
Personnel Expenses  (6,570) (5,932) 10.8  (1,821) (1,640) 11.0 
Other Administrative Expenses  (6,912) (5,870) 17.8  (1,973) (1,755) 12.4 
Tax Expenses  (2,389) (2,150) 11.1  (623) (599) 4.0 
Equity in the Earnings of Affiliated Companies  42  72  (41.7) 10  16  (37.5)
Other Operating Income  1,436  1,420  1.1  424  376  12.8 
Other Operating Expenses  (4,297) (4,223) 1.8  (1,022) (1,031) (0.9)
OPERATING INCOME  9,629  8,666  11.1  2,478  2,459  0.8 
INCOME BEFORE TAXES AND PROFIT SHARING  9,653  8,657  11.5  2,499  2,460  1.6 
TAXES ON INCOME  (2,432) (2,285) 6.4  (642) (607) 5.8 
ADJUSTED NET INCOME  7,210  6,363  13.3  1,854  1,850  0.2 
(+) Extraordinary Events  800  (1,309) 339  (40)
REPORTED NET INCOME  8,010  5.054  58.5  2,193  1,810  21.2 

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: January 28, 2008

/S/ Milton Almicar Silva Vargas

Milton Almicar Silva Vargas
Executive Vice-President and
Investor Relations Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.