(RULE 14A-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO.  )

     Filed by the registrant [X]

     Filed by a party other than the registrant [ ]

     Check the appropriate box:

     [ ] Preliminary proxy statement.       [ ] Confidential, for use of the
                                                Commission only (as permitted by
                                                Rule 14a-6(e)(2).

     [X] Definitive proxy statement.

     [ ] Definitive additional materials.

     [ ] Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12.

                           ANIXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
                           ANIXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

     [X] No fee required.

     [ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5) Total fee paid:


     [ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

     [ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
         Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
         was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
         statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:


     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     (3) Filing Party:


     (4) Date Filed:


                                 [ANIXTER LOGO]

                            TO BE HELD MAY 20, 2004

To the Stockholders of Anixter International Inc.:

     The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Anixter International Inc. will be
held at 2301 Patriot Boulevard, Glenview, IL 60025 Illinois on Thursday, May 20,
2004, at 9:00 a.m., for the purpose of:

     (1) electing 10 Directors;

     (2) approving the Company's Management Incentive Plan;

     (3) approving an amendment to the Company's 2001 Stock Incentive Plan; and

     (4) transacting such other business as may properly be brought before the
         meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.

     The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on March 31, 2004 as
the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof. A complete list of the
stockholders entitled to vote at the meeting will be open for examination by any
stockholder for any purpose germane to the meeting during ordinary business
hours for ten days prior to the meeting at the offices of Anixter International
Inc., 2301 Patriot Boulevard, Glenview, Illinois 60025, and will also be
available at the meeting.

     A copy of Anixter International Inc.'s Annual Report to Stockholders for
the fiscal year ended January 2, 2004 is being mailed to all registered holders.
Only one annual report and proxy statement is being delivered to consenting
multiple stockholders sharing an address unless Anixter International Inc. has
received contrary instructions from one or more of the holders. Stockholders at
a shared address who are receiving a single copy of the annual report and proxy
statement and who wish to receive separate copies now and/or in the future
should make a request in writing to the Corporate Secretary at Anixter
International Inc., 2301 Patriot Boulevard, Glenview, Illinois 60025 or by phone
at 224-521-8000. Additional copies of the annual report and proxy statement may
be obtained without charge by writing to the Corporate Secretary or from the
Company's website at
Stockholders at a shared address who are receiving multiple copies of those
documents and who wish to receive a single copy should direct their request to
the bank or brokerage firm which holds their shares.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          [/s/ JOHN A. DUL]
                                          JOHN A. DUL, Secretary

Chicago, Illinois
April 13, 2004


                                PROXY STATEMENT


                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                         OF ANIXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.

                            TO BE HELD MAY 20, 2004

     This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of
proxies by the Board of Directors of Anixter International Inc., a Delaware
corporation (the "Company," which as used herein shall mean together with or
without its subsidiaries, as the context may require). The Company's corporate
headquarters are located at 2301 Patriot Boulevard, Glenview, Illinois 60025
(telephone 224-521-8000). The Proxy Statement and form of proxy were first
mailed to stockholders on or about April 13, 2004. Proxies solicited by the
Board of Directors of the Company are to be voted at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of the Company to be held on Thursday, May 20, 2004, at 9:00 a.m.,
at 2301 Patriot Boulevard, Glenview, IL 60025, Illinois, or any adjournment(s)

     This solicitation is being made by mail, although directors, officers and
regular employees of the Company may solicit proxies from stockholders
personally or by telephone, telegram or letter. The costs of this solicitation
will be borne by the Company. The Company may request brokerage houses, nominees
or fiduciaries and other custodians to solicit their principals or customers for
their proxies, and may reimburse them for their reasonable expenses in so doing.
In addition, the Company has retained Morrow & Co. to assist in the solicitation
for a fee of $6,000 plus expenses.


     Shares of Common Stock, $1.00 par value, of the Company ("Common Stock")
represented by proxies in the accompanying form which are properly executed and
returned to the Company (and which are not effectively revoked) will be voted at
the meeting in accordance with the stockholders' instructions contained therein.
In the absence of contrary instructions, shares represented by such proxies will
be voted IN FAVOR OF the election as directors of the nominees listed herein and
other proposals.

     Each stockholder has the power to revoke his or her proxy at any time
before it is voted by (i) delivering to the Company prior to or at the meeting
written notice of revocation or a later dated proxy or (ii) attending the
meeting and voting his or her shares in person.

     The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on March 31, 2004 as
the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.

     As of March 31, 2004, 36,641,625 shares of Common Stock were outstanding.
Each holder is entitled to one vote per share.

     A majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock will constitute a
quorum for purposes of the meeting. If a quorum is present, in person or by
proxy, the election of directors will be determined by a plurality of the votes.
Abstentions and broker non-votes are counted as present for establishing a
quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting, but neither will
be counted as votes cast. A broker "non-vote" occurs when a broker votes on some
matter on the proxy card but not on others because the broker does not have
discretionary voting authority to do so and has not received instructions as to
how to vote on a particular proposal. Brokers have discretionary authority to
vote on the election of directors.

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     In the absence of contrary instructions, the proxies received will be voted
for the election as directors of the nominees listed below to hold office until
the next annual meeting of stockholders or until their successors are elected
and qualified. Although the Board of Directors does not contemplate that any
nominee will decline or be unable to serve as a director, in either such event
the proxies will be voted for another person selected by the Board of Directors
upon recommendation of the Nominating and Governance Committee, unless the
Nominating and Governance Committee acts to reduce the size of the Board in
accordance with the provisions of the Company's by-laws. The current number of
directors has been set by the Nominating and Governance Committee at ten.

     The following table sets forth the name and age as of March 20, 2004 of
each director or nominee for director of the Company, the year each director was
first elected, his or her position with the Company, his or her principal
occupation(s) during the last five years, any other directorships held by such
person in companies which have a class of securities registered pursuant to
Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange
Act"), or subject to the requirements of Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act or
directorships of issuers registered as investment companies under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, and family relationships between directors and other
directors or executive officers. The term of office of each director will extend
until the holding of the next annual meeting of stockholders or until his or her
successor is elected and qualified.

                                               PRESENT PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION OR
                                             EMPLOYMENT; MATERIAL POSITIONS HELD
         NAME AND AGE                               DURING PAST FIVE YEARS
         ------------                        -----------------------------------
Lord James Blyth, 63...........  Director of the Company since 1995; Chairman since 2000 of
                                 Diageo plc, a beverage and food company; Chairman from 1998
                                   to 2000, Deputy Chairman from 1994 to 1998 and Chief
                                   Executive Officer from 1987 to 1998 of The Boots Company,
                                   involved in retailing, manufacturing and property.
Robert L. Crandall, 68.........  Director of the Company since 1999; Chairman of the Board of
                                 Directors and Chief Executive Officer from 1985 to 1998 of
                                   AMR Corporation, an air transportation and diversified
                                   services company; Director of Celestica Inc., Halliburton
                                   Company and i2 Technologies, Inc.
Robert W. Grubbs Jr., 47.......  Director since 1997, and President and Chief Executive
                                 Officer since 1998 of the Company; President and Chief
                                   Executive Officer of Anixter Inc., a subsidiary of the
                                   Company, since 1994.
F. Philip Handy, 59............  Director of the Company since 1986; a private investor;
                                 Chief Executive Officer since 2001 of Strategic Industries,
                                   LLC, a diversified global manufacturing enterprise;
                                   Managing Director of EGI Corporate Investments, a
                                   diversified management and investment business, from 1997
                                   to 1999; Director of Rewards Network Inc. and WCI
                                   Communities, Inc.
Melvyn N. Klein, 62............  Director of the Company since 1985; President of JAKK
                                 Holding Corp., a General Partner of the investment
                                   partnership GKH Partners, L.P., since 1987; Attorney and
                                   counselor-at-law since 1968; a founder of Questor Partners
                                   Fund, L.P. in 1995 and a principal of that partnership
                                   through 1999.
Stuart M. Sloan, 60............  Director of the Company since 1994; a Principal since 1984
                                 of Sloan Capital Companies, a private investment company;
                                   Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1986 to 1998 and
                                   Chief Executive Officer from 1991 to 1996 of Quality Food
                                   Centers, Inc., a supermarket chain; Director of Rite Aid
Thomas C. Theobald, 66.........  Director of the Company since 1995; Managing Director of
                                 William Blair Capital Partners, L.L.C. since 1994; Chairman
                                   and Chief Executive Officer from 1987 to 1994 of
                                   Continental Bank Corporation; Chairman of Columbia Mutual
                                   Funds; Director of Jones Lang LaSalle Inc., MONY Group,
                                   and Ventas Inc.


                                               PRESENT PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION OR
                                             EMPLOYMENT; MATERIAL POSITIONS HELD
         NAME AND AGE                               DURING PAST FIVE YEARS
         ------------                        -----------------------------------
Mary Agnes Wilderotter, 49.....  Director of the Company since 2002; Senior Vice
                                 President -- Worldwide Public Sector of Microsoft
                                   Corporation since 2002; President, Chief Executive Officer
                                   and a director of Wink Communications, Inc., an
                                   interactive telecommunications and media company, from
                                   1997 to 2002; Director of American Tower Corporation, The
                                   McClatchy Company and Time Warner Telecom.
Matthew Zell, 37...............  Director of the Company since 2001; Managing Director since
                                 2001 of Equity Group Investments, L.L.C., a private
                                   investment firm; President from 1990 to 2001 of Prometheus
                                   Technologies, Inc. and its predecessor, an information
                                   technology consulting firm. Mr. Zell is the son of Samuel
Samuel Zell, 62................  Director since 1984, and Chairman of the Board of Directors
                                 since 1985 of the Company; Chairman of the Board since 1999
                                   of Equity Group Investments, L.L.C., a private investment
                                   firm; Chairman of the Board from before 1994 through 1998
                                   of Equity Group Investments, Inc., a private investment
                                   firm; Chairman of the Board of Manufactured Home
                                   Communities, Inc., Capital Trust, Inc. and Rewards Network
                                   Inc., and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Equity
                                   Residential and Equity Office Properties Trust. Mr. Zell
                                   is also Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
                                   of Danielson Holding Corporation. Mr. Zell has announced
                                   his intention to step down as Chief Executive Officer and
                                   as a director of Danielson prior to December 31, 2004. Mr.
                                   Zell is the father of Matthew Zell.

                          BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS

     The Audit Committee currently consists of Messrs. Crandall (Chair), Klein,
Petty and Theobald, each of whom are "independent" as defined in Sections
303.01(B)(2)(a) and (3) of the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange.
Mr. Crandall has been designated as the "audit committee financial expert," as
defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Board has determined that
Mr. Crandall's service on the audit committees of three other public companies
does not impair his ability to effectively serve on the Company's Audit
Committee. Pursuant to its written charter, a copy of which is attached as an
appendix, the Audit Committee provides general review of the Company's
accounting and auditing procedures, selects its independent auditors, meets with
the Company's independent auditors to review their recommendations, and reviews
related party transactions. The Audit Committee held seven meetings in 2003.

     The Compensation Committee, currently consisting of Messrs. Sloan (Chair)
and Crandall, Lord Blyth and Ms. Wilderotter, each of whom meet the independence
requirements of the New York Stock Exchange, exercises all powers of the Board
of Directors in connection with compensation matters, including incentive
compensation, benefit plans and stock grants. The Compensation Committee held
three meetings in 2003.

     The Executive Committee, currently consisting of Messrs. Klein and Petty
and Samuel Zell (Chair), exercises the full powers of the Board of Directors to
the extent permitted by law in the intervals between Board meetings. The
Executive Committee did not meet in 2003.

     The Nominating and Governance Committee, currently consisting of Ms.
Wilderotter (Chair), Lord Blyth, and Messrs. Crandall, Handy, Klein, Petty,
Sloan and Theobald, each of whom meet the independence requirements of the New
York Stock Exchange, identifies and recommends director nominees, advises the
Board of Directors on corporate governance issues and Board organization, and
assesses Board performance. The Nominating & Governance Committee will consider
candidates submitted by shareholders on the same basis as other candidates.
Shareholders desiring to recommend a candidate for nomination at an annual
stockholder's meeting must notify the Company's Secretary no later than 120 days
prior to the first anniversary of the date of the most recent annual meeting
proxy statement. Communications should be sent to: Secretary, Anixter
International Inc., 2301 Patriot Boulevard, Glenview, IL 60025. Communications
must set forth: the name, age, business address and residence address, e-mail
address and telephone number of the


proposed nominee; the principal occupation or employment of the proposed
nominee; the name and record address of the shareholder who is submitting the
notice; and a description of all arrangements or understandings between the
shareholder who is submitting the recommendation and the proposed nominee. The
Nominating and Governance Committee held four meetings in 2003.

     The Board of Directors held four meetings in 2003. Each of the directors
attended 75 percent or more of the total of all meetings held by the Board and
the committees on which the director served.

     The Board determines the independence of its directors by requiring each of
them to complete and return a questionnaire which solicits information relevant
to a determination of independence under applicable rules and listing standards,
as well as any other direct or indirect relationship that the director may have
with the Company. Independence is determined by the Board after presentation and
discussion of questionnaire responses. Based on this procedure, the following
directors were found to be independent: Lord Blyth, Robert Crandall, F. Philip
Handy, Melvyn Klein, John Petty, Stuart Sloan, Thomas Theobald and Maggie

                              CORPORATE GOVERNANCE

Executive Sessions and Communication with the Board of Directors and
Non-Management Directors

     The Chairman of the Board of Directors presides over executive sessions of
the Board. If he is not present, the presiding director for the meeting is
selected by the non-management directors present.

     Shareholders and other parties interested in communicating directly with
the Board of Directors, individual directors, the presiding director or the
non-management Directors may do so by directing such communications to the
Company's Secretary at: Secretary, Anixter International Inc., 2301 Patriot
Boulevard, Glenview, IL 60025 and should prominently indicate on the outside of
the envelope that it is intended for the board of directors, individual
directors, the presiding director, or for non-management directors. Each
communication intended for members of the Board of Directors and received by the
Secretary will be reviewed by the Secretary. Communications related to the
operation of the Company which are not sales solicitations or of a similar
commercial nature will be forwarded to the specified party or parties.

Governance Guidelines and Charters

     The operation of the Board of Directors is governed by the Company's
by-laws and Corporate Governance Guidelines. The operations of the Audit
Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Nominating & Governance Committee
are governed by the charters for each committee. The Corporate Governance
Guidelines and the committee charters can be viewed on the Company's website at:
CorporateGovernance. Copies of these documents can be obtained by writing the
Company's Secretary at: Secretary, Anixter International Inc., 2301 Patriot
Boulevard, Glenview, IL 60025.

Code of Ethics

     The Company has a longstanding Business Ethics and Conduct Policy which is
applicable to all employees, directors and officers, including the principal
executive officer, the principal financial officer and the principal accounting
officer. The Company's Business Ethics & Conduct Policy can be viewed on the
Company's website at:
Copies of this document can be obtained by writing to the Company's Secretary
at: Secretary, Anixter International Inc., 2301 Patriot Boulevard, Glenview, IL


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The following tables set forth information about the compensation of the
chief executive officer and the four other most highly compensated executive
officers of the Company.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                     LONG TERM
                                                                                COMPENSATION AWARDS
                               ANNUAL COMPENSATION                            SECURITIES     SECURITIES
                           ---------------------------     OTHER ANNUAL       UNDERLYING     UNDERLYING      ALL OTHER
         NAME &                      SALARY     BONUS     COMPENSATION(1)   STOCK UNITS(2)    OPTIONS     COMPENSATION(3)
   PRINCIPAL POSITION      YEAR        ($)       ($)            ($)              ($)            (#)             ($)
   ------------------      ----      ------     -----     ---------------   --------------   ----------   ---------------
Robert W. Grubbs.........  2003      650,000   356,930            --           976,000             --          3,000
  President & Chief        2002      580,000   299,400            --                --        200,000          2,750
  Executive Officer        2001      580,000   156,400        13,242                --        300,000          2,550
Dennis J. Letham.........  2003      340,000   198,340            --           439,200             --          3,000
  Senior Vice President--  2002      325,000   153,750            --                --         75,000          2,750
  Finance and Chief        2001      325,000    91,800         8,843                --         90,000          2,550
  Financial Officer
Terrance A. Faber........  2003      187,000    51,000            --            85,400             --          3,000
  Vice President--         2002      183,365    39,175            --                --          8,000          2,750
  Controller               2001      180,000    24,750            48                --          5,000          2,625
John A. Dul..............  2003      200,000    48,500            --            97,600             --          3,000
  Vice President--         2002      180,000    44,300            --                --          8,000          2,750
  General Counsel          2001      180,000    20,250           541                --          5,000          2,550
  and Secretary
Rodney A. Shoemaker......  2003      167,000    47,000            --            73,200             --          2,946
  Vice President--         2002      160,000    31,760            --                --          8,000          2,520
  Treasurer                2001      160,000    18,000           212                --          5,000          2,550

(1) Represents above-market earnings on deferred compensation.

(2) Value of restricted stock units for 2003, on the date granted. Stock units
    vest annually in thirds beginning on the second anniversary of the grant.
    Holders of stock units are entitled to receive any distributions on the
    stock of the Company or an equitable adjustment to the number of stock units
    based on such distribution. At January 2, 2004, the aggregate values of
    restricted stock and restricted stock units granted to Messrs. Grubbs,
    Letham, Faber, Dul and Shoemaker were respectively, $1,915,940, $988,049,
    $90,405, $103,320 and $77,490.

(3) Contributions to employee savings plan.

                        AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUE

                                                               NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                                                    UNDERLYING        VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                               UNEXERCISED OPTIONS    IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                                                                   AT FY-END(#)           AT FY-END($)
                                        SHARES       VALUE     --------------------   --------------------
                                      ACQUIRED ON   REALIZED       EXERCISABLE/           EXERCISABLE/
                NAME                  EXERCISE(#)     ($)         UNEXERCISABLE          UNEXERCISABLE
                ----                  -----------   --------      -------------          -------------
Robert W. Grubbs....................        0           0        792,500/337,500       5,419,556/296,719
Dennis J. Letham....................        0           0        322,500/117,500       2,236,159/115,978
Terrance A. Faber...................        0           0          4,100/8,500             1,323/1,575
John A. Dul.........................        0           0         28,750/9,750           216,343/8,316
Rodney A. Shoemaker.................        0           0         12,500/9,500            65,184/6,968


                               PENSION PLAN TABLE

  REMUNERATION                                  YEARS OF SERVICE
ON WHICH BENEFITS   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ARE BASED       5 YEARS   10 YEARS   15 YEARS   20 YEARS   25 YEARS   30 YEARS   35 YEARS
-----------------   -------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
      200,000       12,000     23,000     35,000     46,000     58,000     69,000     69,000
      300,000       18,000     36,000     54,000     72,000     90,000    108,000    108,000
      400,000       25,000     49,000     74,000     98,000    123,000    147,000    147,000
      500,000       31,000     62,000     93,000    124,000    155,000    186,000    186,000
      600,000       38,000     75,000    113,000    150,000    188,000    225,000    225,000
      700,000       44,000     88,000    132,000    176,000    220,000    264,000    264,000
      800,000       51,000    101,000    152,000    202,000    253,000    303,000    303,000
      900,000       57,000    114,000    171,000    228,000    285,000    342,000    342,000
    1,000,000       64,000    127,000    191,000    254,000    318,000    381,000    381,000
    1,200,000       77,000    153,000    230,000    306,000    383,000    459,000    459,000
    1,400,000       90,000    179,000    269,000    358,000    448,000    537,000    537,000

     Above amounts are annual straight life annuity amounts (which are not
reduced for social security benefits) payable upon retirement at age 65 under
Anixter Inc. funded and unfunded defined benefit plans for Messrs. Grubbs,
Letham, Faber, Dul and Shoemaker, who have 26, 11, 4, 15 and 18 years of
service, respectively. The determination of remuneration is based upon payment,
not accrual, and therefore the covered compensation for 2003 will be the salary
shown in the summary compensation table for 2003 and the bonus shown in that
table for 2002. Under the enhanced portion of the management incentive plan in
effect in 1999, 2000 and 2001, the regular bonus opportunities for Messrs.
Grubbs and Letham were halved; therefore, their cash bonuses for these years
will be doubled in computing their covered compensation for pension purposes.

                           COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS

     In 2003, the Company paid its non-employee directors (except the Chairman
of the Board) annual retainers of $90,000 payable in stock units which will
convert to Common Stock at the pre-arranged time selected by each director,
$2,500 for each Board, Compensation Committee and Nominating and Governance
Committee meeting attended, and a $5,000 annual retainer for the chair of each
of these committees. Audit Committee members received $3,500 for each meeting
attended, and the chair received an annual retainer of $10,000.

     The Chairman of the Board received an annual retainer of $200,000 payable
in stock units as described above, and did not receive meeting fees.

     Directors are reimbursed for any expenses they incur in attending meetings.


     Messrs. Grubbs and Letham are employed pursuant to contracts terminable on
six months notice by either party, or earlier if there is good cause for
termination as defined in the contracts. Good cause for termination by the
executive includes forced relocation, significant reduction of salary, regular
bonus opportunity, and other benefits, no longer holding his current position as
defined in the contracts or any other significant reduction of responsibilities.
Good cause for termination by the Company includes material fiduciary breaches
and dishonest acts. If employment is terminated by the executive for good cause
or by the Company without good cause within four years after a change of control
as defined in the contracts, the executive is entitled to certain benefits.
These benefits include (i) payment of a pro rata portion of his regular bonus
for that year and his salary and regular bonus for the next two years, (ii) all
his options to purchase stock will vest and be exercisable for the lesser of two
years or their remaining life, (iii) his medical and life


insurance coverage will continue during this two year period, and (iv) he will
be held harmless from any golden parachute federal excise tax on these benefits.
The executive is required to delay his termination for a specified period if the
good cause is based on a change of position or reduction in responsibilities,
but his stock options will vest at the time of the change of control if he is
not continuing in his current position. If in connection with a change of
control, at least 25% of the Common Stock is being exchanged for any
consideration other than publicly traded common stock, the contracts provide
that the executive's stock options will be exercisable to the extent necessary
to enable the executive to participate in such exchange on a pro rata basis.
Change of control is defined by the contracts as any third person (other than
Samuel Zell and his affiliates) acquiring at least 25% of the Common Stock or
substantially all the assets of the Company or the majority of the directors of
the Company being comprised of individuals who were not nominated by the Board
of Directors of the Company. Such a change of control will also vest the
restricted shares or restricted stock units granted to Messrs. Grubbs and Letham
and the other participants in the enhanced portion of the Company's management
incentive plan. See "Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation."

                             INSIDER PARTICIPATION

     Stuart Sloan, Lord James Blyth, Robert Crandall and Maggie Wilderotter were
members of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors in 2003.

     During the year ended January 2, 2004, no person who is or was formerly an
officer or employee of the Company or any of its subsidiaries served as (i) a
member of the Compensation Committee; (ii) a member of the compensation
committee (or other board committee or full board performing equivalent
functions) of another entity, one of whose executive officers served on the
Board of Directors of the Company; or (iii) a director of another entity, one of
whose executive officers served on the Board of Directors of the Company.

     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in any of the Company's
filings under the Securities Act of 1933, or the Exchange Act that might
incorporate future filings, including this Proxy Statement, in whole or in part,
the Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation, the Audit Committee
Report and the Performance Graph presented below shall not be incorporated by
reference into any such filings.

                         COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT
                           ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The compensation policy of the Company for its executive officers
(including those named in the Summary Compensation Table) has been to pay, based
on performance and seniority, base salaries and annual bonuses at or above the
median of the range paid by others for comparable positions, and to provide
long-term incentive opportunities within the high end of the range provided by
others for comparable positions. From time to time, the Committee reviews
studies comparing the compensation of the Company's executives with the
compensation of similar executives of selected groups of companies. The
companies in the comparison groups were selected because they were believed to
be representative of the types of companies with which the Company competes for
executives. The companies in the comparison group were of all sizes and in
several industries and have no correlation to the companies included in the peer
group used in the "Performance Graph." Because of the great differences in size
and industry between the Company and the companies in the comparison group, the
determination of the Committee that the current compensation of the Company's
executives is consistent with the Company's compensation policy is subjective.

     The salary of Mr. Grubbs was increased 12% in 2003 to move his salary
closer to his peers in other companies and to offset inflation. Previous to
this, it had been 24 months since Mr. Grubbs' last salary review.

     Mr. Grubbs participated in the 2003 regular management incentive plan. Mr.
Grubbs' incentive target opportunity for 2003 was established at 105% of his
salary, with 38% of this opportunity determined by the operating earnings of the
Company, 37% of this opportunity determined by the Company's return on tangible

capital, and 25% of this opportunity determined by the achievement of
qualitative goals, with no weighting among these goals. Mr. Grubbs was awarded a
regular incentive bonus for 2003 of $356,930. This represented 52% of his
incentive target because the Company's financial goals were partially achieved
and his qualitative goals in the aggregate were achieved.

     The incentive opportunities for the other executive officers who
participated in the 2003 regular incentive plan were set by the Committee at the
beginning of the year at 38% to 101% of salary. Seventy to seventy-five percent
(70-75%) of this opportunity was based on the financial results of the Company
and the remainder was based on the achievement of specified qualitative goals.
The components of the financial results were operating earnings and return on
tangible capital, with the weighting dependent upon responsibilities. Incentive
awards for 2003 for these executive officers were from 57% to 72% of target
incentive opportunities because the Company's financial goals were partially
achieved and the qualitative goals in the aggregate of each participant were

     The guideline to determine unit grants was assessment of the incentives
required to pay at or above the median of comparator companies for long-term
compensation. In 2003, the committee made a grant to Mr. Grubbs consistent with
this approach.

     The components of executive officer compensation related to the performance
of the Company are the levels of the annual incentive awards as described above
and the ultimate value of long-term incentive awards as determined by the stock

     It is the policy of the Company to structure its compensation in a manner
which will avoid the limitations imposed by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
Act of 1993 on the deductibility of executive compensation under Section 162(m)
of the Internal Revenue Code to the extent it can reasonably do so consistent
with its goal of retaining and motivating its executives in a cost effective

Stuart Sloan
Lord James Blyth
Robert L. Crandall
Maggie Wilderotter


                           REPORT OF AUDIT COMMITTEE

     The Board of Directors adopted a new Audit Committee Charter on February
11, 2004, a copy of which is attached to this proxy statement at Appendix A.

     Among other things, the new Audit Committee Charter:

     - requires pre-approval of all audit and permissible non-audit services;

     - requires that Audit Committee members be "independent" as defined in SEC
       and NYSE rules;

     - vests in the Audit Committee the direct responsibility to appoint,
       retain, compensate and oversee the independent auditor, including the
       resolution of disagreements between management and the independent
       auditor concerning financial statements;

     - requires the Audit Committee to establish procedures for the receipt,
       retention and treatment of complaints received by the Company regarding
       accounting, internal controls or auditing matters and the confidential
       anonymous submission by employees of concerns regarding questionable
       accounting or auditing matters; and

     - requires the Audit Committee to have at least one "audit committee
       financial expert".

     The function of the Audit Committee is to oversee (i) the integrity of the
Company's financial statements, (ii) the Company's compliance with legal and
regulatory requirements, (iii) the independent auditors' qualifications and
independence, and (iv) the performance of the independent auditors and the
Company's internal audit function. While the Audit Committee has the duties and
powers set forth in its Charter, it is not the duty of the Audit Committee to
plan or conduct audits or to determine that the Company's financial statements
and disclosures are complete and accurate and are in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles and applicable rules and regulations. Management
is responsible for the preparation, presentation, and integrity of the Company's
financial statements and for the appropriateness of the accounting principles
and reporting policies that are used by the Company. The independent auditors
are responsible for auditing the Company's financial statements and for
reviewing the Company's unaudited interim financial statements.

     In fulfilling our oversight responsibilities, we reviewed the audited
financial statements in the Annual Report with management, including a
discussion of the quality, not just the acceptability, of the accounting
principles, the reasonableness of significant judgments, and the disclosures in
the financial statements.

     We reviewed with the independent auditors, who are responsible for
expressing an opinion on the conformity of those audited financial statements
with generally accepted accounting principles, their judgments as to the
quality, not just the acceptability of the Company's accounting principles and
such other matters as are required to be discussed with the Committee under
generally accepted auditing standards (including Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 61). In addition, we discussed with the independent auditors the auditors'
independence from management and the Company, including the matters in the
written disclosures required by the Independence Standards Board (including
Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1), and considered the compatibility
of nonaudit services provided by the auditors to the Company with their

     We discussed with the Company's internal and independent auditors the
overall scope and plans for their respective audits. The Committee regularly
meets with the internal and independent auditors, with and without management
present, to discuss the results of their examinations, their evaluations of the
Company's internal controls, and the overall quality of the Company's financial
reporting. The Committee also reviews proposed interim financial statements with
management and the independent auditors. We held seven meetings during fiscal
year 2003.

     In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Committee
recommended to the Board of Directors (and the Board of Directors has accepted
that recommendation) that the audited financial statements be included in the
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the Fiscal year ended January 2, 2004 for filing
with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Committee selects the Company's
independent auditors.

Robert L. Crandall
Melvyn N. Klein
John R. Petty
Thomas C. Theobald


                               PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     Below is a graph comparing total shareholder return on the Company's Common
Stock over the last five years with a broad equity market index and a peer group
index as required by the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.


                                                    ANIXTER INTL INC              RUSSELL 2000               PEER GROUP ONLY
                                                    ----------------              ------------               ---------------
1998                                                     100.00                      100.00                      100.00
1999                                                     101.54                      121.36                       88.75
2000                                                     106.46                      117.83                       77.16
2001                                                     142.81                      120.93                       94.81
2002                                                     114.46                       96.15                       66.03
2003                                                     127.41                      141.60                       86.96

     The Company's Peer Group Index consists of the following companies: Arrow
Electronics Inc., Avnet Inc., W.W. Grainger Inc., Ingram Micro, Agilysis Inc.
(formerly, Pioneer-Standard Electronics, Inc.), Premier Farnell PLC, Richardson
Electronics Ltd., and Tech Data. This peer group was selected based on a review
of publicly available information about these companies and the Company's
determination that they are engaged in distribution businesses similar to that
of the Company.



     The following table sets forth, as of March 31, 2004, certain information
with respect to the Common Stock that may be deemed to be beneficially owned
(including options exercisable within 60 days) by each director or nominee for
director of the Company, the officers named in the Summary Compensation Table
and by all directors and officers as a group.

                                                COMMON        FOR COMMON                 PERCENT
                                                 STOCK          STOCK         TOTAL      OF CLASS
                                               ---------      ----------    ---------    --------
Name of Beneficial Owner(1)
  Lord James Blyth...........................     24,704(7)      10,530        35,234         *
  Robert L. Crandall.........................     16,824(9)           0        16,824         *
  F. Philip Handy............................     65,704(10)     21,060        86,764         *
  Melvyn N. Klein............................     47,704(4)(7)    10,530       58,234         *
  John R. Petty..............................     18,837(3)          --        18,837         *
  Stuart Sloan...............................     49,704(7)      10,530        60,234         *
  Thomas C. Theobald.........................     44,704(16)     10,530        55,234         *
  Mary Agnes Wilderotter.....................      7,488(13)         --         7,488         *
  Matthew Zell...............................     14,580(12)         --        14,580         *
  Samuel Zell................................  5,138,236(5)      78,975     5,217,211     14.2%(6)
  Robert W. Grubbs...........................    182,640(2)   1,005,615     1,188,255      3.2%(6)
  Dennis J. Letham...........................     93,782(8)     400,139       493,921      1.3%(6)
  Terrance A. Faber..........................      7,900(11)      7,739        15,639         *
  John A. Dul................................      9,718(14)     24,482        34,200         *
  Rodney A. Shoemaker........................      9,000(15)     17,638        26,638         *
All directors and executive officers as a
  group including the above named persons....  5,737,525      1,644,626     7,382,151     19.3%

* Percentage of shares beneficially owned does not exceed one percent of the

 (1) Unless otherwise indicated, each person included in the group has sole
     investment power and sole voting power with respect to the securities
     beneficially owned by such person.

 (2) Includes 95,136 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.

 (3) Includes 2,636 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.

 (4) Includes 4,000 shares held in trust for Mr. Klein's minor children and of
     which Mr. Klein disclaims beneficial ownership.

 (5) The shares of Common Stock shown in this table include: 4,647,147 of such
     shares are owned Samstock/SIT, L.L.C., which is held by trusts established
     for the benefit of Mr. Zell and his family (the "Zell Trusts"). 55,588 of
     such shares are owned by Samstock/ZFT, L.L.C., whose sole member is ZFT
     Partnership, of which the general partners are the Zell Trusts. 55,587
     shares that are owned by Samstock/Alpha, L.L.C., whose sole member is
     Alphabet Partners, of which the general partners are the Zell Trusts. The
     trustee of the Zell Trusts is Chai Trust Company, L.L.C. ("Chai Trust").
     Mr. Zell is not an officer or director of Chai Trust and does not have
     voting or dispositive power over such common shares; 285,000 of such shares
     are owned by Samstock/SZRT, L.L.C., whose sole member is the Samuel Zell
     Revocable Trust. Mr. Zell is sole trustee and beneficiary of the Samuel
     Zell Revocable Trust; and 81,334 shares and 13,580 common stock units are
     owned directly by Mr. Zell. Common stock units convert to Common Stock on a
     1 for 1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.
     (See "Security Ownership of Principal Stockholders" below).

 (6) All options exercisable within 60 days of the date of this table which may
     be deemed to be beneficially owned by the person or persons for whom the
     calculation is being made are deemed to have been exercised for the purpose
     of calculating this percentage.


 (7) Includes 24,704 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.

 (8) Includes 46,960 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.

 (9) Includes 14,824 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.

(10) Includes 10,713 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.

(11) Includes 7,500 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.

(12) Includes 9,080 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.

(13) Includes 7,488 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.

(14) Includes 8,500 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.

(15) Includes 6,000 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.

(16) Includes 8,536 common stock units which convert to Common Stock on a 1 for
     1 basis at the time determined when the stock units were granted.


     The following table provides information as of March 31, 2004 with respect
to the shares of the Company's common stock that may be issued under the
Company's existing equity compensation plans.

                                        NUMBER OF SECURITIES      WEIGHTED-AVERAGE    NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                          TO BE ISSUED UPON      EXERCISE PRICE OF     REMAINING AVAILABLE
                                       EXERCISE OF OUTSTANDING      OUTSTANDING        FOR FUTURE ISSUANCE
                                         OPTIONS, WARRANTS,      OPTIONS, WARRANTS,       UNDER EQUITY
                                             AND RIGHTS              AND RIGHTS       COMPENSATION PLANS(4)
                                       -----------------------   ------------------   ---------------------
Equity compensation plans approved by
  security holders...................         4,691,806                $19.99(3)            1,107,357
Equity compensation plans not
  approved by security holders:
  2001 Mid-level stock option plan...           517,324(1)             $24.00                      --
  1998 Mid-level stock option plan...            49,497(2)             $16.60                      --
                                              ---------                ------               ---------
       Total.........................         5,258,627                $20.41               1,107,357
                                              =========                ======               =========

(1) Pursuant to this Plan, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors
    can approve the grant to mid-level employees of options to purchase up to
    700,000 shares of the Company's common stock ("Shares"). The exercise price
    of the option shall not be less than the fair market value of a
    corresponding number of Shares as of the date of grant, no person may be
    granted options to purchase more than 25,000 Shares, no options may be
    granted to any officer and no options may be granted after the 2001 annual
    meeting of the Company's stockholders. Options granted vest annually in
    fourths beginning on the anniversary of the grant date.

(2) Pursuant to this Plan, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors
    can approve the grant to mid-level employees of options to purchase up to
    360,500 shares of the Company's Common Stock ("Shares"). The exercise price
    of the option shall not be less than 85% of the fair market value of a
    corresponding number of Shares as of the date of grant, no person may be
    granted options to purchase more than 5,000 Shares and no options may be
    granted after December 31, 1998. Options granted vest annually in fourths
    beginning on the anniversary of the grant date.


(3) Excludes from the weighted-average price (but not from the number of
    securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options, warrants and
    rights) 672,624 stock units that are granted at no cost to the participant.

(4) Shares represented in this column are available under the following Plans:
The 1983 Stock Incentive Plan (11,122 shares remain available for issuance), The
1987 Key Executive Equity Plan (1,394 shares remain available for issuance), The
1989 Employee Stock Incentive Plan (1,345 shares remain available for issuance),
The 1996 Stock Incentive Plan (2,920 shares remain available for issuance), The
1998 Stock Incentive Plan (47,132 shares remain available for issuance), The
2001 Stock Incentive Plan (858,636 shares remain available for issuance), The
Director Stock Plan (85,000 shares remain available for issuance), and the
Employee Stock Purchase Plan (99,808 shares remain available for purchase under
the plan).


     The following table sets forth information as of March 31, 2004 with
respect to each person who is known by the management of the Company to be the
beneficial owner of more than 5% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock.
Unless otherwise indicated, the beneficial owner has sole voting and investment

 TITLE                   NAME AND ADDRESS OF           AMOUNT AND NATURE OF            PERCENT
--------                 -------------------           --------------------            --------
Common          Ariel Capital Management, Inc.             8,089,925(1)                  22.1%
                200 East Randolph Drive
                Suite 2900
                Chicago, Illinois 60601
Common          Samstock/SZRT, L.L.C.                        285,000(2)                  14.2%(4)
                Samstock/SIT, L.L.C.                       4,647,147(2)
                Samstock/ZFT, L.L.C.                          55,588(2)
                Samstock/Alpha, L.L.C.                        55,587(2)
                Samuel Zell                                  173,889(2)
                Two North Riverside Plaza
                Chicago, Illinois 60606
Common          TCW Group, Inc.                            1,906,477(3)                   5.2%
                865 South Figuero Street
                Los Angeles, CA 90017

(1) According to a Schedule 13G, dated February 11, 2004, Ariel Capital
    Management, Inc. has sole power to vote 6,811,475 shares and sole power to
    dispose of 8,089,925 shares.

(2) Samstock/SZRT, L.L.C. is a limited liability company whose sole member is
    the Samuel Zell Revocable Trust, of which Samuel Zell is the trustee and
    beneficiary. Samstock/SIT, L.L.C. is a limited liability company whose sole
    member is the Sam Investment Trust, whose trustee is the Chai Trust Company,
    L.L.C., a limited liability company. The beneficiaries of the Sam Investment
    Trust are Samuel Zell and members of his family. Samstock/ZFT, L.L.C. is a
    limited liability company whose sole member is ZFT Partnership, an Illinois
    general partnership, whose sole partners are various trusts for the benefit
    of Samuel Zell and members of his family. Samstock/Alpha, L.L.C. is a
    limited liability company whose sole member is Alphabet Partners, an
    Illinois general partnership, whose sole partners are various trusts for the
    benefit of Samuel Zell and members of his family. The amounts shown include
    13,580 common stock units and 78,975 shares obtainable within 60 days of the
    date of this table by the exercise of options by Samuel Zell.

(3) According to a Schedule 13G, dated February 10, 2004, TCW Group Inc. has
    sole power to vote 1,755,577 shares and sole power to dispose of 1,906,477

(4) All options exercisable within 60 days of the date of this table which may
    be deemed to be beneficially owned by the person or persons for whom the
    calculation is being made are deemed to have been exercised for the purpose
    of calculating this percentage.


                                   PROPOSAL 1


     The Board recommends that shareholders approve the Anixter International
Inc. Management Incentive Plan (the "Incentive Plan"), which was adopted by the
Compensation Committee subject to shareholder approval. One of the primary
reasons for seeking shareholder approval of the Incentive Plan is to qualify for
the "performance-based compensation" exception to the tax deduction limit
imposed by Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code"). The key
features of the Incentive Plan are summarized below, with the full text of the
Incentive Plan included in Appendix B to this Proxy Statement.

     The primary objectives of the Incentive Plan are: (i) to attract, motivate,
and retain high-caliber individuals by providing competitive annual incentive
opportunities; (ii) to provide an incentive to key employees of the Company who
have significant responsibility for the success and growth of the Company; and
(iii) to satisfy the requirements of Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code.

     The Incentive Plan shall be administered by the Compensation Committee,
which shall consist exclusively of two (2) or more nonemployee directors. The
Committee shall have full power in its discretion to, among other things: (i)
select key employees who shall participate in the Incentive Plan; (ii) determine
the sizes and types of awards; (iii) determine the terms and conditions of
awards; (iv) construe and interpret the Incentive Plan; and (v) amend or
terminate the Incentive Plan in whole or in part.

     The Committee may select from all eligible employees those to whom awards
shall be granted in any given Incentive Plan Year and shall determine the nature
and amount of each award.

     Because the Incentive Plan provides for broad discretion in selecting
participants and in making awards, the total number of persons who will
participate and the respective benefits to be accorded to them cannot be
determined at this time.

     The Compensation Committee shall establish an Award Pool equal to 3 percent
(3%) of the Company's operating income before extraordinary and nonrecurring
items reported on the Company's consolidated statements of operations for the
Plan Year. The Compensation Committee may, in its discretion, decrease the size
of the Award Pool or the maximum award for any participant. The total amount of
all awards under the Incentive Plan for any Incentive Plan Year may not exceed
one hundred percent (100%) of the amount in the Award Pool for that Incentive
Plan Year. The maximum award for any participant in a given Incentive Plan Year
may not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the applicable Award Pool.

     Payment of all awards under the Incentive Plan shall be made wholly in
cash. The Committee may, in its discretion, authorize payment to a participant
of less than the participant's maximum award or may provide that a participant
may receive no award at all. In exercising its discretion, the Compensation
Committee shall consider such factors as it deems appropriate.

     Unless terminated earlier, the Incentive Plan will remain in effect for a
period of ten (10) years from the date of shareholder approval. Upon termination
of the Incentive Plan, the right to grant awards under the Incentive Plan will
terminate. Prior to that date, the Committee may amend, modify, or terminate the
Incentive Plan, in whole or in part, subject to the terms of the Incentive Plan.
Any amendment or revision that would cause the Incentive Plan to fail to comply
with any requirement of applicable law, regulation, or rule if it were not
approved by shareholders will not be effective unless the shareholders of the
Company approve the amendment or revision.



                                   PROPOSAL 2


     At the Company's 2001 Annual Meeting, the Company's shareholders voted to
approve The Anixter International Inc. 2001 Stock Incentive Plan (the "Stock
Plan"), which authorized the issuance of 2,500,000 shares, not more than 25
percent of which can be awarded in a form other than stock options or stock
appreciation rights ("SARs"). As of March 31, 2004 858,636 shares remain
available for issuance under the Stock Plan. In addition, the Company has
148,913 shares remaining available under the following predecessor plans: The
1983 Stock Incentive Plan, The 1987 Key Executive Equity Plan, The 1989 Employee
Stock Incentive Plan, The 1996 Stock Incentive Plan, The 1998 Stock Incentive
Plan, and The Director Stock Plan (the "Predecessor Plans").

     In 2003, the Company chose to issue a relatively smaller number of
restricted stock units to its employees in lieu of stock options, in order to
minimize dilution to existing shareholders and for other reasons. To enable it
to continue this practice, the Company is asking shareholders to approve an
amendment to the Stock Plan which would:

     - Cancel the remaining authorized shares available under the Predecessor

     - Allow for the grant of 820,000 shares available under the Stock Plan to
       be awarded in a form other than stock options or SARs;

     - Cancel 38,636 shares available under the Stock Plan; and

     - Clarify the Stock Plan language allowing for the grant of restricted
       stock units.

     The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of common stock present in
person or by proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is required for
adoption of the amendment.


     The following summary of the terms of the Stock Plan is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the text of the Stock Plan, which is attached as
Appendix C to this Proxy Statement. As of March 31, 2004, the closing price of a
share on the New York Stock Exchange was $28.25.

     Administration.  The Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of
Directors, such other board committee as the Board may designate, or the Board
itself will administer the Stock Plan (the "Committee").

     Eligibility.  Any key employee, director, or active consultant of the
Company and its subsidiaries is eligible to receive a grant under the Stock
Plan. The Committee will make the determination of the persons to receive
grants, the terms, the form, and level of grants.

     Approximately 210 employees of the Company and its subsidiaries will
currently be eligible to participate; however, because the Stock Plan provides
for broad discretion in selecting participants and in making awards, the total
number of persons who will participate and the respective benefits to be
accorded to them cannot be determined at this time.

     Stock Available for Issuance Through the Stock Plan.  The number of shares
of Company common stock originally authorized for issuance under the Stock Plan
was 2,500,000. Of the 858,636 remaining, 38,636 shares are proposed to be
cancelled. The remaining 820,000 will be adjusted for stock splits, spin-offs,
extraordinary cash dividends, and similar events. The shares may be newly issued
or common stock reacquired by the Company. No person may be granted, in any
period of two consecutive calendar years, awards under the Stock Plan covering
more than 900,000 shares of the Company's common stock. To the extent that
shares subject to an outstanding stock option (other than in connection with the
exercise of a tandem SAR), freestanding SAR, restricted stock, restricted stock
unit, performance share, performance unit, or stock award are not issued or
delivered for any reason including, but not limited to, the expiration,
termination, cancellation, or forfeiture of such award, then such shares shall
again be available under this Stock Plan.


     Description of Awards Under the Stock Plan.  The Committee may award to
eligible employees incentive stock options ("ISOs"), nonqualified stock options
("NQSOs"), stock grants, stock units, SARs, restricted stock, restricted stock
units, performance units, performance shares, dividend equivalent rights, and
reload options.

     Stock Options and SARs.  The Committee will have discretion to award ISOs,
which are intended to comply with Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code (the
"Code"), NQSOs, which are not intended to comply with Section 422 of the Code,
and SARs.

     The exercise price of any stock option or SAR cannot be less than the fair
market value of the corresponding number of shares as of the date of grant,
provided that up to 10 percent of the shares provided by the Stock Plan may be
granted pursuant to stock options or SARs that have exercise prices that are not
less than 85 percent of the fair market value of the corresponding number of
shares as of the date of grant and provided further that stock options or SARs
replacing options or rights not granted by the Company may have exercise prices
that, in the judgment of the Committee, result in options or rights comparable
in value to those being replaced. In the Company's previous grants, the exercise
price of stock options has been fair market value at the time of the grant and
it is anticipated that the Company will continue this practice, absent special

     Stock options granted to participants under the Stock Plan will expire at
such times as the Committee determines at the time of the grant; provided,
however, that no stock option will be exercisable later than ten years from the
date of grant. Each stock option award agreement will set forth the extent to
which the participant will have the right to exercise the stock option following
termination of the participant's employment with the Company. The termination
provisions will be determined within the discretion of the Committee, may differ
among participants, and may reflect distinctions based on the reasons for
termination of employment. Subject to the specific terms of the Stock Plan, the
Committee will have discretion to set such additional terms and conditions on
stock option grants as it deems appropriate.

     No stock option may be repriced by amendment, substitution, or cancellation
and regrant, unless authorized by the stockholders. Adjustments pursuant to
stock splits and other events that adjust the number of shares subject to the
Stock Plan, as explained above, will not be considered repricing.

     The form of payment of an SAR will be determined by the Committee at the
time of grant, and may be in shares of common stock, cash, or a combination of
the two. Upon exercise of the SAR, the participant will receive an amount equal
to the excess of the fair market value of one share of stock on the date of
exercise over the exercise price, multiplied by the number of shares of stock
covered by the SAR.

     Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units.  The Committee will also be
authorized to award shares of restricted common stock under the Stock Plan upon
such terms and conditions as it shall establish. The award agreement will
specify the period(s) of restriction, the number of shares of restricted common
stock, and such other provisions as the Committee shall determine and/or
restrictions under applicable federal or state securities laws. Although
recipients may have the right to vote their restricted shares from the date of
grant, they will not have the right to sell or otherwise transfer the shares
during the applicable period of restriction or until earlier satisfaction of
other conditions imposed by the Committee in its sole discretion. Participants
holding restricted stock may also receive dividends on their shares of
restricted stock and the Committee, in its discretion, will determine how such
dividends on restricted shares are to be paid.

     The Committee will also be authorized to award restricted stock units under
the Stock Plan upon such terms and conditions as it shall establish. Restricted
stock units are similar to restricted stock and are subject to the same
provisions listed above with respect to restricted stock, except that no shares
are actually awarded to the participant on the date of grant, and participants
holding restricted stock units will have no voting rights with respect to such

     Each award agreement for restricted stock or restricted stock units will
set forth the extent to which the participant will have the right to retain the
restricted stock or restricted stock units following termination of the
participant's employment with the Company. These provisions will be determined
in the sole discretion of the Committee, need not be uniform among all shares of
restricted stock issued or restricted stock units

granted pursuant to the Stock Plan, and may reflect distinctions based on
reasons for termination of employment.

     Performance Units and Performance Shares.  The Committee will also have
discretion to award performance units and performance shares under the Stock
Plan upon such terms and conditions as it shall establish.

     Other Stock-Based Awards.  The Committee will also have discretion to award
other stock-based awards under the Stock Plan upon such terms and conditions as
it shall establish. Each stock-based award shall have a value as may be
determined by the Committee.

     The Committee may, from time to time, suspend, terminate, revise, or amend
the Stock Plan or terms of any grant except that, without the approval of
stockholders, no such revision or amendment may change the number of shares
covered by or specified in the Stock Plan, change the restrictions described
above, or expand those eligible for grants under the Stock Plan.


     Options.  With respect to options which qualify as ISOs, a Stock Plan
participant will not recognize income for federal income tax purposes at the
time options are granted or exercised. If the participant disposes of shares
acquired by exercise of an ISO either before the expiration of two years from
the date the options are granted or within one year after the issuance of shares
upon exercise of the ISO (the "holding periods"), the participant will recognize
in the year of disposition: (a) ordinary income, to the extent that the lesser
of either (i) the fair market value of the shares on the date of option
exercise, or (ii) the amount realized on disposition, exceeds the option price;
and (b) capital gain, to the extent the amount realized on disposition exceeds
the fair market value of the shares on the date of option exercise. If the
shares are sold after expiration of the holding periods, the participant
generally will recognize capital gain or loss equal to the difference between
the amount realized on disposition and the option price. The Company receives no
tax deduction for compensation expense with respect to ISOs unless the holding
period requirements are not fulfilled by the participant.

     With respect to NQSOs, the participant will recognize no income upon grant
of the option and, upon exercise, will recognize ordinary income to the extent
of the excess of the fair market value of the shares on the date of option
exercise over the amount paid by the participant for the shares. Upon a
subsequent disposition of the shares received under the option, the participant
generally will recognize capital gain or loss to the extent of the difference
between the fair market value of the shares at the time of exercise and the
amount realized on the disposition. The Company will receive a tax deduction for
compensation expense with respect to NQSOs upon the exercise of the option in an
amount equal to the spread.

     SARs.  The recipient of a grant of SARs will not realize taxable income and
the Company will not be entitled to deduction with respect to such grant on the
date of such grant. Upon the exercise of an SAR, the recipient will realize
ordinary income, and the Company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction,
equal to the amount of cash or stock received.

     Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units.  A participant holding
restricted stock will, at the time the shares vest, realize ordinary income in
an amount equal to the fair market value of the shares and any cash received at
the time of vesting, and the Company will be entitled to a corresponding
deduction for federal income tax purposes. Dividends paid to the participant on
the restricted stock during the restriction period will generally be ordinary
income to the participant and deductible as such by the Company.

     Alternatively, an employee may make an election under Section 83(b) of the
Code to pay tax on the initial value of the restricted grant if he so elects
within 30 days of the date of grant. This election can be made in order to take
advantage of capital gain rates on any subsequent appreciation in lieu of
ordinary income tax rates.

     In general, the Company will receive an income tax deduction at the same
time and in the same amount which is taxable to the employee as compensation,
except as provided below under "Section 162(m)." To the


extent a participant realizes capital gains, as described above, the Company
will not be entitled to any deduction for federal income tax purposes.

     A participant holding restricted stock units will not be taxed until those
units are actually paid out (whether in the form of shares or cash), at which
time the participant will realize ordinary income in an amount equal to the fair
market value of the units and any cash received at the time of payout, and the
Company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction for federal income tax
purposes. Dividends paid to the participant on the restricted stock units during
the restriction period will generally be ordinary income to the participant and
deductible as such by the Company.

     In general, the Company will receive an income tax deduction at the same
time and in the same amount which is taxable to the employee as compensation,
except as provided below under "Section 162(m)."

     Performance Units and Performance Shares.  The recipient of a grant of
performance units and/or performance shares will not realize taxable income and
the Company will not be entitled to a deduction with respect to such grant on
the date of such grant. Upon the payout of such award, the recipient will
realize ordinary income and the Company will be entitled to a corresponding
deduction, equal to the amount of cash received or the value of any stock

     Stock-Based Awards.  The recipient of a grant of stock-based awards will
not realize taxable income and the Company will not be entitled to a deduction
with respect to such grant on the date of such grant. Upon the payout of such
award, the recipient will realize ordinary income and the Company will be
entitled to a corresponding deduction, equal to the amount of the value of any
stock received.

     Section 162(m).  Under Section 162(m) of the Code, compensation paid to
certain executives ("Covered Employees," below) in excess of $1 million for any
taxable year is not deductible unless an exemption from such rule exists.
Compensation paid by the Company in excess of $1 million for any taxable year to
"Covered Employees" will generally be deductible by the Company or its
affiliates for federal income tax purposes if it is based on the performance of
the Company, is paid pursuant to a Stock Plan approved by shareholders of the
Company, and meets certain other requirements. Generally, a "Covered Employee"
under Section 162(m) means the chief executive officer and the four other
highest-paid executive officers of the Company as of the last day of the taxable

                           OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO


     The Audit Committee has selected Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors
of the Company for 2004. Ernst & Young LLP (and predecessor firm) have audited
the Company's financial statements since 1980. Representatives of Ernst & Young
LLP, who are expected to be present at the meeting, will be given an opportunity
to make a statement if they so desire and to respond to appropriate questions
asked by stockholders.

                                   AUDIT FEES

     Fees for audit services totaled approximately $1,369,000 in 2003 and
approximately $1,158,400 in 2002, including fees associated with the annual
audit, reviews of the Company's quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, other SEC
filings, and statutory audits of foreign subsidiaries.

                               AUDIT-RELATED FEES

     Fees for audit-related services totaled approximately $72,000 in 2003 and
approximately $140,000 in 2002. Audit-related services generally include pension
plan audits and accounting consultations.


                                    TAX FEES

     Fees for tax services, including tax compliance, tax advice and tax
planning (including expatriate tax services), totaled approximately $209,000 in
2003 and approximately $453,700 in 2002.

                                 ALL OTHER FEES

     Fees for all other services not included above totaled approximately $7,000
in 2003 and approximately $18,700 in 2002. These fees were for miscellaneous
advisory services generally not exceeding $5,000 per matter.


     The Audit Committee's current practice is to consider for pre-approval
annually all audit and non-audit services (including tax services) proposed to
be provided by the independent auditors each year. The pre-approval policy is
set forth in an Audit Committee position statement. In setting forth
pre-approved services in its position statement, the Audit Committee details the
particular services that may be provided and the policy reason why it is logical
to use Ernst & Young, as opposed to another service provider for such services.
Additional services may be provided without additional approval of the Audit
Committee, so long as such services are pre-approved in the Audit Committee
position statement, and the fees associated with such services do not exceed
limits approved by the Audit Committee. Should the need arise to consider
engaging Ernst & Young to provide non-audit services beyond the scope of what is
outlined in the position statement or in an amount in excess of the amounts
pre-approved by the Audit Committee, management shall bring such proposals to
the Audit Committee Chairman for consideration. The Audit Committee Chairman
shall have the authority to either act on behalf of the Audit Committee or to
call a special meeting of the Audit Committee to consider any such proposal. In
the event that the Audit Committee Chairman acts on behalf of the Audit
Committee and pre-approves such service, the decision shall be reported at the
next meeting of the full Audit Committee. In considering whether to approve
non-audit services, the Audit Committee considers whether the provision of such
services by Ernst & Young is compatible with the maintenance of that firm's


     Based solely upon its review of the Forms 3, 4 and 5 furnished to the
Company pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Company believes that all of its directors, officers and beneficial owners of
more than 10% of its common stock filed all such reports on a timely basis
during 2003, except that Melvyn N. Klein filed one late Form 4 reporting a stock

                             STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Proposals of stockholders intended to be presented at the 2005 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders must be received by the Company at its principal offices
by December 17, 2004 in order to be considered for inclusion in the Company's
Proxy Statement and Proxy relating to the 2005 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
In order for other business to be considered at the 2005 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders, it must be received by the Company on or before April 4, 2005.



     The Board of Directors knows of no other matters to be presented for
stockholder action at the meeting. However, if other matters do properly come
before the meeting, it is intended that the persons named in the proxies will
vote upon them in accordance with their best judgment.

April 13, 2004

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          (/s/ JOHN A. DUL)
                                          JOHN A. DUL, Secretary


                                                                      APPENDIX A



     The Audit Committee of Anixter International Inc. (the "Company") shall be
comprised of at least three directors, each of whom the Board has affirmatively
determined has no material relationship with the Company and each of whom is
otherwise "independent" under applicable law and stock exchange or quotation
system listing requirements. The Board shall also determine that each member is
"financially literate," and that one member of the Audit Committee has
"accounting or related financial management expertise," as such qualifications
are interpreted by the Board of Directors in its business judgment, and whether
any member of the Audit Committee is an "audit committee financial expert," as
defined by rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC").

     No director may serve as a member of the Audit Committee if such director
serves on the audit committees of more than two other public companies unless
the Board of Directors determines that such simultaneous service would not
impair the ability of such director to effectively serve on the Audit Committee,
and discloses this determination in the Company's annual proxy statement. No
member of the Audit Committee may receive, directly or indirectly, any
consulting, advisory or other compensatory fee from the Company other than fees
for service on the Board and its committees.

     Directors recommended by the Nominating and Governance Committee shall be
appointed to the Audit Committee upon approval by the Board and shall serve at
the pleasure of the Board.

     The Audit Committee shall designate one of its members as its chairperson
subject to approval by the Nominating and Governance Committee.


     The purposes of the Audit Committee are to:

     1. assist Board oversight of (i) the integrity of the Company's financial
statements, (ii) the Company's compliance with legal and regulatory
requirements, (iii) the independent auditors' qualifications and independence,
and (iv) the performance of the independent auditors and the Company's internal
audit function; and

     2. prepare the report required to be prepared by the Audit Committee
pursuant to the rules of the SEC for inclusion in the Company's annual proxy

     The function of the Audit Committee is oversight. While the Audit Committee
has the duties and powers set forth in this Charter, it is not the duty of the
Audit Committee to plan or conduct audits or to determine that the Company's
financial statements and disclosures are complete and accurate and are in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and applicable rules
and regulations. Management is responsible for the preparation, presentation,
and integrity of the Company's financial statements and for the appropriateness
of the accounting principles and reporting policies that are used by the
Company. The independent auditors are responsible for auditing the Company's
financial statements and for reviewing the Company's unaudited interim financial

     The independent auditors for the Company are accountable to the Board and
the Audit Committee, as representatives of the shareholders. The Audit Committee
is directly responsible for the appointment, retention, compensation and
oversight of the work of the independent auditors (including resolving
disagreements between management and the independent auditors regarding
financial reporting). The independent auditors shall report directly to the
Audit Committee.

     The independent auditors shall submit to the Audit Committee annually a
formal written statement (the "Auditors' Statement") describing: the auditors'
internal quality-control procedures; any material issues raised by the most
recent internal quality-control review or peer review of the auditors, or by any
inquiry or

investigation by governmental or professional authorities, within the preceding
five years, respecting one or more independent audits carried out by the
auditors, and any steps taken to deal with any such issues; and (to assess the
auditors' independence) all relationships between the independent auditors and
the Company, including at least the matters set forth in Independence Standards
Board No. 1.


     The Audit Committee shall meet once every fiscal quarter, or more
frequently if circumstances dictate or it chooses to do so, to discuss with
management the annual audited financial statements and quarterly financial
statements, as applicable. The Audit Committee shall regularly set aside
adequate time to meet separately with each of management, the director of the
internal auditing department and the independent auditors. The Audit Committee
may request any officer or employee of the Company or the Company's outside
counsel or independent auditors to attend a meeting of the Audit Committee or to
meet with any members of, or consultants to, the Audit Committee.


     To carry out its purposes, the Audit Committee shall have the following
duties and powers:

     1. with respect to the independent auditors,

          (i) to directly appoint, retain, compensate, evaluate, and terminate
     the independent auditors, including sole authority to approve all audit
     engagement fees and terms;

          (ii) to pre-approve all audit and permissible non-audit services to be
     provided by the independent auditors;

          (iii) to ensure that the independent auditors prepare and deliver
     annually an Auditors' Statement (it being understood that the independent
     auditors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this
     Statement), and to discuss with the independent auditors any relationships
     or services disclosed in this Statement that may impact the quality of
     audit services or the objectivity and independence of the Company's
     independent auditors;

          (iv) to obtain from the independent auditors in connection with any
     audit a timely report relating to the Company's annual audited financial
     statements describing all critical accounting policies and practices used,
     all alternative treatments of financial information within generally
     accepted accounting principles that have been discussed with management,
     ramifications of the use of such alternative disclosures and treatments,
     and the treatment preferred by the independent auditors, and any material
     written communications between the independent auditors and management,
     such as any "management" letter or schedule of unadjusted differences;

          (v) to discuss with management, and decide upon, the timing and
     process for implementing the rotation of the lead audit partner, the
     concurring partner and any other active audit engagement team partner and
     consider whether there should be a regular rotation of the audit firm

     2. with respect to the internal auditing department,

          (i) to review and approve (or if necessary, disapprove) the
     appointment and replacement of the director of the internal auditing
     department; and

          (ii) to advise the director of the internal auditing department that
     he or she is expected to provide to the Audit Committee oral or written
     summaries of and complete copies of the significant reports to management
     prepared by the internal auditing department and management's responses

     3. with respect to financial reporting principles and policies and internal
audit controls and procedures,

          (i) to consider any reports or communications (and management's and/or
     the internal audit department's responses thereto) submitted to the Audit
     Committee by the independent auditors required by or referred to in SAS 61
     (as codified by AU Section 380), as it may be modified or supplemented;


          (ii) to meet with management, the independent auditors and, if
     appropriate, the director of the internal auditing department:

           - to discuss the scope of the annual audit;

           - to discuss the annual audited financial statements and quarterly
             financial statements, including the Company's disclosures under
             "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
             Results of Operations", prior to the filing of the Company's Annual
             Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q;

           - to discuss, in association with the review of the interim financial
             statements, the results of the quarterly review and any other
             matters required to be communicated to the Audit Committee by the
             independent auditors under generally accepted auditing standards;

           - to discuss, in association with the audit of the annual financial
             statements, the results of the annual audit and any other matters
             required to be communicated to the Audit Committee by the
             independent auditors under generally accepted auditing standards
             including their judgment about the quality, not just the
             acceptability, of accounting principles, the reasonableness of
             significant judgments, and the clarity of the disclosures in the
             financial statements;

           - to discuss any significant matters arising from any audit,
             including any audit problems or difficulties, whether raised by
             management, the internal auditing department or the independent
             auditors, relating to the Company's financial statements;

           - to discuss any difficulties the independent auditors encountered in
             the course of the audit, including any restrictions on their
             activities or access to requested information and any significant
             disagreements with management;

           - to discuss any "management" or "internal control" letter issued, or
             proposed to be issued, by the independent auditors to the Company;

           - to discuss, as appropriate: (a) any major issues regarding
             accounting principles and financial statement presentations,
             including any significant changes in the Company's selection or
             application of accounting principles, and major issues as to the
             adequacy of the Company's internal controls and any special audit
             steps adopted in light of material control deficiencies; (b)
             analyses prepared by management and/or the independent auditors
             setting forth significant financial reporting issues and judgments
             made in connection with the preparation of the financial
             statements, including analyses of the effects of alternative GAAP
             methods on the financial statements; and (c) the effect of
             regulatory and accounting initiatives, as well as off-balance sheet
             structures, on the financial statements of the Company;

          (iii) to inquire of the Company's chief executive officer and chief
     financial officer as to the existence of any significant deficiencies in
     the design or operation of internal controls that could adversely affect
     the Company's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial
     data, any material weaknesses in internal controls, and any fraud, whether
     or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a
     significant role in the Company's internal controls;

          (iv) to discuss guidelines and policies governing the process by which
     senior management of the Company and the relevant departments of the
     Company assess and manage the Company's exposure to risk, and to discuss
     the Company's major financial risk exposures and the steps management has
     taken to monitor and control such exposures;

          (v) to obtain from the independent auditors assurance that the audit
     was conducted in a manner consistent with Section 10A of the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which sets forth certain procedures to be
     followed in any audit of financial statements required under the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934;


          (vi) to discuss with the Company's General Counsel any significant
     legal, compliance or regulatory matters that may have a material effect on
     the financial statements, or the Company's business or compliance policies,
     including material notices to or inquiries received from governmental

          (vii) to discuss and review the type and presentation of information
     to be included in earnings press releases;

          (viii) to discuss the types of financial information and earnings
     guidance provided, and the types of presentations made, to analysts and
     rating agencies;

          (ix) to establish procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment
     of complaints received by the Company regarding accounting, internal
     accounting controls or auditing matters, and for the confidential,
     anonymous submission by Company employees of concerns regarding
     questionable accounting or auditing matters; and

          (x) confirm with management that it has not hired employees or former
     employees of the independent auditors which would cause such auditors not
     to be independent under Rule 2-01(c)(2)(iii) of Regulation S-X;

     4. with respect to reporting and recommendations,

          (i) to review this Charter at least annually and recommend any changes
     to the full Board of Directors;

          (ii) to report its activities to the full Board of Directors on a
     regular basis and to make such recommendations with respect to the above
     and other matters as the Audit Committee may deem necessary or appropriate;

          (iii) to prepare and review with the Board an annual performance
     evaluation of the Audit Committee, which evaluation must compare the
     performance of the Audit Committee with the requirements of this charter.

     The performance evaluation by the Audit Committee shall be conducted in
     such manner as the Audit Committee deems appropriate. The report to the
     Board may take the form of an oral report by the chairperson of the Audit
     Committee or any other member of the Audit Committee designated by the
     Audit Committee to make this report.


     The Audit Committee may, in its discretion, form and delegate authority to
a subcommittee of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee may, in its
discretion, delegate to one or more of its members the authority to pre-approve
any audit or non-audit services to be performed by the independent auditors,
provided that any such approvals are presented to the Audit Committee at its
next scheduled meeting.


     The Audit Committee shall have the resources and authority appropriate to
discharge its duties and responsibilities, including the authority to select,
retain, terminate, and approve the fees and other retention terms of special or
independent counsel, accountants or other experts and advisors, as it deems
necessary or appropriate, without seeking approval of the Board or management.


                                                                      APPENDIX B

                           ANIXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.

                           MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE PLAN


     1.1  Establishment of the Plan.  Anixter International Inc., a Delaware
corporation (the "Company"), hereby establishes an incentive compensation plan
to be known as the "Anixter International Inc. Management Incentive Plan" (the
"Plan"), as set forth herein and as it may be amended from time to time.

     Subject to approval by the Company's shareholders, the Plan shall become
effective as of the date the shareholders first approve the Plan (the "Effective
Date"), and shall remain in effect as provided in Section 1.3 hereof.

     1.2  Objectives of the Plan.  The primary objectives of the Plan are: (a)
to attract, motivate, and retain high-caliber individuals by providing
competitive annual incentive opportunities, (b) to provide an incentive to key
employees of the Company who have significant responsibility for the success and
growth of the Company, and (c) to satisfy the requirements of Section 162(m) of
the Code.

     1.3  Duration of the Plan.  The Plan shall commence on the Effective Date
and shall remain in effect, subject to the right of the Committee to amend or
terminate the Plan at any time pursuant to Article 9 hereof, for a period of ten
(10) years, at which time the right to grant Awards under the Plan shall


     Whenever the following terms are used in the Plan, with their initial
letter(s) capitalized, they shall have the meanings set forth below:

          (a) "Award" means an award described in Article 5 hereof.

          (b) "Award Pool" means, with respect to a Plan Year, 3 percent (3 %)
     of Operating Income for the Plan Year.

          (c) "Beneficial Owner" or "Beneficial Ownership" shall have the
     meaning ascribed to such term in Rule 13d-3 of the General Rules and
     Regulations under the Exchange Act, as amended from time to time, or any
     successor rule.

          (d) "Board" or "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of
     the Company.

          (e) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
     time to time.

          (f) "Committee" means the Compensation Committee of the Board or any
     other committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan and Awards to
     Participants hereunder, as specified in Article 3 hereof.

          (g) "Company" means Anixter International Inc., a Delaware
     corporation, and any successor thereto as provided in Article 11 hereof.

          (h) "Director" means any individual who is a member of the Board.

          (i) "Effective Date" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in
     Section 1.1 hereof.

          (j) "Employee" means any employee of the Company or of a Subsidiary.
     Directors who are employed by the Company or by a Subsidiary shall be
     considered Employees under the Plan.

          (k) "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
     amended from time to time, or any successor statute.


          (l) "Insider" means an individual who is, on the relevant date,
     subject to the reporting requirements of Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act.

          (m) "Operating Income" means the amount reported on the Company's
     Consolidated Statements of Operations for the Plan Year.

          (n) "Participant" means a key Employee who has been selected to
     receive an Award or who holds an outstanding Award.

          (o) "Performance-Based Exception" means the performance-based
     exception from the tax deductibility limitation imposed by Code Section
     162(m), as set forth in Code Section 162(m)(4)(C).

          (p) "Plan" means the Anixter International Inc. Management Incentive
     Plan, as set forth herein and as it may be amended from time to time.

          (q) "Plan Year" means the Company's fiscal year.

          (r) "Subsidiary" means a corporation, partnership, joint venture, or
     other entity in which the Company has an ownership or other proprietary
     interest of more than fifty percent (50%).


     3.1  General.  Except as otherwise determined by the Board in its
discretion, the Plan shall be administered by the Committee, which shall consist
exclusively of two (2) or more nonemployee directors within the meaning of the
rules promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under Section 16 of
the Exchange Act who also qualify as outside directors within the meaning of
Code Section 162(m) and the related regulations under the Code. The members of
the Committee shall be appointed from time to time by, and shall serve at the
discretion of, the Board. The Committee shall have the authority to delegate
administrative duties to officers or Directors of the Company; provided that the
Committee may not delegate its authority with respect to: (a) nonministerial
actions with respect to Insiders; (b) nonministerial actions with respect to
Awards that are intended to qualify for the Performance-Based Exception; and (c)
certifying that any performance goals and other material terms attributable to
Awards intended to qualify for the Performance-Based Exception have been

     3.2  Authority of the Committee.  Except as limited by law or by the
Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Company, and subject to the
provisions hereof, the Committee shall have full power in its discretion to
select key Employees who shall participate in the Plan; determine the sizes and
types of Awards; determine the terms and conditions of Awards in a manner
consistent with the Plan; construe and interpret the Plan and any Award,
document, or instrument issued under the Plan; establish, amend, or waive rules
and regulations for the Plan's administration; and (subject to the provisions of
Article 9 hereof) amend the terms and conditions of any outstanding Award as
provided in the Plan. Further, the Committee shall make all other determinations
that may be necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan.

     3.3  Decisions Binding.  All determinations and decisions made by the
Committee pursuant to the provisions of the Plan and all related orders and
resolutions of the Committee shall be final, conclusive, and binding on all
persons, including the Company, its shareholders, Directors, Employees,
Participants, and their estates and beneficiaries.

     3.4  Performance-Based Awards.  For purposes of the Plan, it shall be
presumed, unless the Committee indicates to the contrary, that all Awards are
intended to qualify for the Performance-Based Exception. If the Committee does
not intend an Award to qualify for the Performance-Based Exception, the
Committee shall reflect its intent in its records in such manner as the
Committee determines to be appropriate.



     4.1  Eligibility.  All key Employees are eligible to participate in the

     4.2  Actual Participation.  Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the
Committee may, from time to time, select from all eligible Employees those to
whom Awards shall be granted and shall determine the nature and amount of each


     5.1  Grant of Awards.  All Awards under the Plan shall be granted upon
terms approved by the Committee. However, no Award shall be inconsistent with
the terms of the Plan or fail to satisfy the requirements of applicable law.
Each Award shall relate to a designated Plan Year.

     5.2  Award Pool Limitation.  The sum of the Awards for a single Plan Year
shall not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the amount in the Award Pool for
that Plan Year.

     5.3  Individual Maximum Awards.  For any given Plan Year, no one
Participant shall receive an Award in excess of fifty percent (50%) of the Award

     5.4  Limitations on Committee Discretion.  The Committee may reduce, but
may not increase, any of the following:

          (a) The maximum Award for any Participant; and

          (b) The size of the Award Pool.

     5.5  Payment.  Payment of Awards shall be subject to the following:

          (a) Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, in its sole
     discretion, a Participant shall have no right to receive a payment under an
     Award for a Plan Year unless the Participant is employed by the Company or
     a Subsidiary at all times during the Plan Year.

          (b) The Committee may, in its discretion, authorize payment to a
     Participant of less than the Participant's maximum Award and may provide
     that a Participant shall not receive any payment with respect to an Award.
     In exercising its discretion, the Committee shall consider such factors as
     it considers appropriate. The Committee's decision shall be final and
     binding upon any person claiming a right to a payment under the Plan.

          (c) Payments of Awards shall be wholly in cash.

          (d) Each Award shall be paid on a date prescribed by the Committee,
     unless the Participant has elected to defer payment in accordance with the
     rules and regulations established by the Committee.


     Each Participant may, from time to time, name any beneficiary or
beneficiaries (who may be named contingently or successively) to whom any
benefit under the Plan is to be paid in case of the Participant's death before
the Participant receives any or all of such benefit. Each such designation shall
revoke all prior designations by the same Participant with respect to such
benefit, shall be in a form prescribed by the Company, and shall be effective
only when filed by the Participant in writing with the Company during the
Participant's lifetime. In the absence of any such designation, any benefits
remaining unpaid under the Plan at the Participant's death shall be paid to the
Participant's estate.


     The Committee may permit or require a Participant to defer such
Participant's receipt of the payment of cash that would otherwise be due to such
Participant in connection with any Awards. If any such deferral election is
required or permitted, the Committee shall, in its discretion, establish rules
and procedures for such payment deferrals.



     8.1  Employment.  The Plan shall not interfere with or limit in any way the
right of the Company or of any Subsidiary to terminate any Participant's
employment at any time, and the Plan shall not confer upon any Participant the
right to continue in the employ of the Company or of any Subsidiary.

     8.2  Participation.  No Employee shall have the right to be selected to
receive an Award or, having been so selected, to be selected to receive a future


     9.1  Amendment, Modification, and Termination.  Subject to the terms of the
Plan, the Committee may at any time and from time to time, alter, amend,
suspend, or terminate the Plan in whole or in part; provided that unless the
Committee specifically provides otherwise, any revision or amendment that would
cause the Plan to fail to comply with any requirement of applicable law,
regulation, or rule if such amendment were not approved by the shareholders of
the Company shall not be effective unless and until shareholder approval is

     9.2  Adjustment of Awards Upon the Occurrence of Certain Unusual or
Nonrecurring Events.  The Committee may make adjustments in the terms and
conditions of, and the criteria included in, Awards in recognition of unusual or
nonrecurring events affecting the Company or the financial statements of the
Company or of changes in applicable laws, regulations, or accounting principles,
whenever the Committee determines that such adjustments are appropriate in order
to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential benefits
intended to be made available under the Plan; provided that the Committee shall
not be authorized to adjust an Award that the Committee intends to qualify for
the Performance-Based Exception if such adjustment (or the authority to make
such adjustment) would prevent the Award from qualifying for the
Performance-Based Exception.

     9.3  Awards Previously Granted.  Notwithstanding any other provision of the
Plan to the contrary (but subject to Section 1.1 hereof), no termination,
amendment, or modification of the Plan shall cause any previously granted Awards
to be forfeited. After the termination of the Plan, any previously granted Award
shall remain in effect and shall continue to be governed by the terms of the
Plan and the Award.


     The Company and its Subsidiaries shall have the power and the right to
deduct or withhold, or to require a Participant to remit to the Company or to a
Subsidiary, an amount that the Company or a Subsidiary reasonably determines to
be required to comply with federal, state, local, or foreign tax withholding


     All obligations of the Company under the Plan with respect to Awards
granted hereunder shall be binding on any successor to the Company, whether the
existence of such successor is the result of a direct or indirect purchase,
merger, consolidation, or otherwise, of all or substantially all of the business
and/or assets of the Company.


     12.1  Gender and Number.  Except where otherwise indicated by the context,
any masculine term used herein also shall include the feminine, any feminine
term used herein also shall include the masculine, and the plural shall include
the singular and the singular shall include the plural.

     12.2  Severability.  If any provision of the Plan shall be held illegal or
invalid for any reason, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the
remaining parts of the Plan, and the Plan shall be construed and enforced as if
the illegal or invalid provision had not been included.


     12.3  Requirements of Law.  The granting of Awards under the Plan shall be
subject to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and to such approvals by
any governmental agencies as may be required.

     12.4  Governing Law.  The Plan and all Awards shall be construed in
accordance with and governed by the laws of the state of Delaware (without
regard to the legislative or judicial conflict of laws rules of any state),
except to the extent superseded by federal law.


                                                                      APPENDIX C


                           2001 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN

     WHEREAS, Anixter International Inc., a Delaware corporation (the
"Company"), established the Anixter International Inc. 2001 Stock Incentive Plan
(the "2001 Plan") effective as of May 24, 2001 (the date of the 2001
shareholders' meeting).

     WHEREAS, the Company has remaining authorized shares available totaling
858,636 under the 2001 Plan.

     WHEREAS, the Company desires to amend the 2001 Plan to:

          (a) Allow for the grant of 820,000 shares to be awarded in a form
     other than options or stock appreciation rights;

          (b) Cancel 38,636 shares available under the Stock Plan; and

          (c) Clarify the 2001 Plan language allowing for the grant of
     restricted stock units.

     WHEREAS, shareholder approval is required for the above-mentioned

     NOW, THEREFORE, effective upon shareholder approval, the 2001 Plan shall be
amended as follows:

     FIRST: The following language shall be inserted after the words "restricted
stock," in Paragraph 5:

     "restricted stock units"

     SECOND: Paragraph 5(c) shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with
the following language:

     "On or after May 20, 2004, no more than 820,000 Shares may be awarded in a
     form other than options or stock appreciation rights, except as necessary
     to give effect to adjustments specified in Section 3 hereof."


                           ANIXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.

                           2001 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN

     1. Purpose and Effective Date.  Anixter International Inc. (the "Company")
has established this 2001 Stock Incentive Plan (the "Plan") to facilitate the
retention and continued motivation of key employees, consultants and directors
and to align more closely their interests with those of the Company and its
stockholders. The effective date of the Plan shall be the date it is approved by
the Company's stockholders at the 2001 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

     2. Administration.  The Plan shall be administered by the Board of
Directors, or the Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors or
such other Board committee as the Board may designate (the "Committee"). The
Committee has the authority and responsibility for the interpretation,
administration and application of the provisions of the Plan, and the
Committee's interpretations of the Plan, and all actions taken by it and
determinations made by it shall be binding on all persons. No Board or Committee
member shall be liable for any determination, decision or action made in good
faith with respect to the Plan.

     3. Shares Subject To Plan.  A total of 2,500,000 shares of Common Stock of
the Company ("Shares") may be issued pursuant to the Plan. The Shares may be
authorized but unissued Shares or Shares reacquired by the Company and held in
its treasury. Grants of incentive awards under the Plan will reduce the number
of Shares available thereunder by the maximum number of Shares obtainable under
such grants. If all or any portion of the Shares otherwise subject to any grant
under the Plan are not delivered for any reason including, but not limited to,
the cancellation, expiration or termination of any option right or unit, the
settlement of any award in cash, the forfeiture of any restricted stock, or the
repurchase of any Shares by the Company from a participant for the cost of the
participant's investment in the Shares, such number of Shares shall be available
again for issuance under the Plan. The number of Shares covered by or specified
in the Plan and the number of Shares and the purchase price for Shares under any
outstanding awards, may be adjusted proportionately by the Committee for any
increase or decrease in the number of issued Shares or any change in the value
of the Shares resulting from a subdivision or consolidation of Shares,
reorganization, recapitalization, spin-off, payment of stock dividends on the
Shares, any other increase or decrease in the number of issued Shares made
without receipt of consideration by the Company, or the payment of an
extraordinary cash dividend.

     4. Eligibility.  All key employees, active consultants and directors of the
Company and its subsidiaries are eligible to be selected to receive a grant
under the Plan by the Committee. The Committee may condition eligibility under
the Plan or participation under the Plan, and any grant or exercise of an
incentive award under the Plan on such conditions, limitations or restrictions
as the Committee determines to be appropriate for any reason. No person may be
granted in any period of two consecutive calendar years, awards covering more
than 900,000 Shares.

     5. Awards.  The Committee may grant awards under the Plan to eligible
persons in the form of stock options (including incentive stock options within
the meaning of section 422 of the Code), stock grants, stock units, restricted
stock, stock appreciation rights, performance shares and units and dividend
equivalent rights, and reload options to purchase additional Shares if Shares
are delivered in payment of any other options, and shall establish the number of
Shares subject to each such grant and the terms thereof, including any
adjustments for reorganizations and dividends, subject to the following:

          (a) All awards granted under the Plan shall be evidenced by agreements
     in such form and containing such terms and conditions not inconsistent with
     the Plan as the Committee shall prescribe.

          (b) The exercise price of any option or stock appreciation right shall
     not be less than the fair market value of a corresponding number of Shares
     as of the date of grant, except (i) options or stock appreciation rights
     being granted to replace options or rights not initially granted by the
     Company may be granted with exercise prices that in the judgment of the
     Committee result in options or rights having comparable value to the
     options or rights being replaced, and (ii) up to 10% of the Shares may be
     granted pursuant to options or stock appreciation rights that have exercise
     prices of not less than 85% of the fair market value of a corresponding
     number of Shares as of the date of grant.


          (c) No more than 25% of the Shares may be awarded in a form other than
     options or stock appreciation rights.

          (d) No option may be repriced by amendment, substitution or
     cancellation and regrant, unless authorized by the stockholders.
     Adjustments pursuant to Section 3 above shall not be considered repricing.

     6. Amendment of the Plan.  The Board of Directors or the Committee may from
time to time suspend, terminate, revise or amend the Plan or the terms of any
grant in any respect whatsoever, provided that, without the approval of the
stockholders of the Company, no such revision or amendment may increase the
number of Shares subject to the Plan, change the provisions of Section 5 above,
or expand those eligible for grants under the Plan.

     Adopted as of 14th day of February, 2001, by the Compensation Committee of
the Board of Directors of Anixter International Inc.

                                          JAMES E. KNOX


                                  DETACH HERE



The undersigned hereby appoints John A. Dul, Dennis J. Letham and Robert W.
Grubbs and each of them (with full power of substitution in each) proxies of the
undersigned to vote at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Anixter
International Inc. to be held at 9:00 A.M., Central time, May 20, 2004, at 2301
Patriot Boulevard, Glenview, Illinois, and at any adjournments thereof, all of
the shares of Common Stock of Anixter International Inc. in the name of the
undersigned on the record date.


1. Election of the following nominees as directors:

    [ ] FOR all nominees                             [ ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
        (except as marked to the contrary below).        to vote for all nominees listed below.

     Nominees:  Lord James Blyth, Robert L. Crandall, Robert W. Grubbs Jr., F.
                Philip Handy, Melvyn N. Klein, Stuart M. Sloan, Thomas C.
                Theobald, Mary Agnes Wilderotter, Matthew Zell and Samuel Zell.




Please Check Box if you intend to be present at meeting  [ ]


                                  DETACH CARD

                        (Continued from the other side)


2. Approval of the Company's Management Incentive Plan:

   [ ] FOR      [ ] AGAINST      [ ] ABSTAIN


3. Approval of the Amendment to the Company's 2001 Stock Incentive Plan:

   [ ] FOR      [ ] AGAINST      [ ] ABSTAIN

4. In their discretion, such other matters as properly may come before the
   meeting or at any adjournment(s) thereof.

[ ] By checking the box to the left, I consent to future delivery of annual
    reports, proxy statements, prospectuses and other materials and
    shareholder communications electronically via the Internet at a webpage
    which will be disclosed to me. I understand that the Company may no
    longer distribute printed materials to me from any future shareholder
    meeting until such consent is revoked. I understand that I may revoke my
    consent at any time by contacting the Company's transfer agent, National
    City Bank, Cleveland, OH, and that costs normally associated with
    electronic delivery, such as usage and telephone charges as well as any
    costs I may incur in printing documents, will be my responsibility.

                                                  Dated: --------------- , 2004


                                                  (Signature if held jointly)

                                                  IMPORTANT: Please date this
                                                  proxy and sign exactly as your
                                                  name appears hereon. If stock
                                                  is held jointly, both holders
                                                  should sign. Executors,
                                                  administrators, trustees,
                                                  guardians and others signing
                                                  in a representative capacity
                                                  should give full title.
