Urbana, IL - A driving under the influence (DUI) charge follows a person for the rest of their lives, necessitating action to avoid a conviction and the resulting penalties.
For over 35 years, Bruno Law Offices has defended the rights of individuals accused of various crimes, arrested without a search warrant, pulled over when they did nothing wrong, and charged with crimes they didn’t commit. Whether clients are arrested for underage drunk driving, aggravated DUI, or driving under the influence of drugs, the criminal justice attorney understands the tenets of the law to offer guidance, recommend actions, or handle a charge.
Police officers rely on breathalyzers and trust them to read a driver’s blood alcohol concentration despite frequent inaccuracies. A breathalyzer test is rarely questioned; the results are taken as fact, and if the machine determines that a driver’s BAC is above the legal limit, then the individual faces severe consequences.
A first-time DUI offense is a class A misdemeanor, and offenders may face up to one year in prison and a license suspension for six months as an administration penalty. A DUI conviction can also carry a fine between $500 and $25,000.
Individuals who are repeat DUI offenders face increased charges that make it challenging to find a job, a house, or maintain relationships. However, if an aggravated DUI involves the injury or death of another, the accused may face a class 2 felony charge and imprisonment for up to 14 years.
Bruno Law Offices is familiar with the devastating effects of a DUI conviction and is passionate about empowering clients to get back on their feet and move in the right direction. The firm is an invaluable asset skilled in negotiating a plea deal and alternative sentences to lessen the blow.
While the prosecution bears the burden of proving guilt, the DUI lawyer makes this job more difficult by finding personalized defense strategies through police reports, arrest records, and other evidence. In addition, the criminal defense attorney creates a comfortable environment for witness testimony to boost a case.
Beyond DUI defense, Bruno Law Offices handles traffic violations, weapons crimes, drug possession, theft, assault, burglary, homicide, battery, murder, white-collar crimes, conspiracy, resisting arrest, felony offenses, and crimes involving international students or visiting persons.
Potential clients can learn more about their Champaign-Urbana office and their comprehensive approach to defense or read the firm’s glowing reviews;
“Bruno Law Offices is great to work with. I had the pleasure of working with Evan Bruno who is extremely knowledgeable, quick to respond, and explains things in a way that is easy to understand. He worked vigorously to get my traffic case dropped. If you are seeking legal help, I highly recommend this law office!” Allyson, Satisfied Client.
About Bruno Law Offices:
Bruno Law Offices was founded in Urbana, Illinois in 1980 and concentrates on defending serious criminal and DUI cases in state and federal courts. The team has made a name for itself in criminal defense and takes great pride in managing crises and resolving life-threatening charges for clients inside and outside the courtroom.
Media Contact

Bruno Law Offices
Contact name
Anthony Bruno
Contact phone
(217) 328-6000
Contact address
301 W Green St
United States