Charleston, SC, Nov. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With nearly seventy years of experience—over half of which was spent traveling the world—Diane Bilow knows a thing or two about life. Since settling down in what she hopes will be a permanent place, Diane has been meticulously putting together a lifetime’s worth of wisdom in the form of short stories and poems. Now, bound together as her debut compilation, My Little Black Book is a powerful look at the world across seven decades.
The book begins with a poetic voyage through Diane’s life. Laying bare her personal feelings, Diane guides readers through topics like dealing with grief or how to be resilient in the face of change. Following the poetry section, the book concludes with short stories. These expand on themes seen at each stage of Diane’s journey, providing reflections on the state of culture and politics during the time each story takes place. One of the most special of these is the final addition, “A Quiet Healing,” an autobiographical tale that follows Diane on a life-transforming hike through Samaria Gorge.
Indeed, Diane hopes that My Little Black Book will be a transformative read for her audience—especially young adults who are beginning their own lives. By sharing her deepest thoughts, Diane believes readers can experience hope and encouragement while navigating the many twists and turns of life.
My Little Black Book: Poetry and Short Stories from My Youth is available for purchase online at and Barnes and For more information about the author, please visit any of her social media platforms
About the Author:
Army veteran Diane Bilow reclaimed a lifelong love for writing in 2022 when she relocated to Southeast Washington. There, while settling in, she discovered several short stories and poems from earlier stages of her life. Now, Diane has spent over a year chronicling her life’s journey in this collection. Her work speaks to the political climate of each stage of her life. Diane traveled the world for forty-five years while in the Army. Now, she lives contentedly with her adoring cat, Sprout.

Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing