(NewsUSA) - A healthy immune system has always been important, but now more than ever, the best products for immune system support are those that boost both respiratory health and heart health.
Consumers looking to make their immune system as strong as possible need to know about several key ingredients that support immune system function at both the heart and respiratory levels.
Most products have been designed to support the immune system by providing the recommended amounts of daily vitamins and minerals to help protect against colds and the flu. Only a few manufacturers have formulated products to meet today's challenging environment. These unique products are engineered to promote respiratory and heart health, to help protect against viruses, and to support the body's ability to reduce inflammation and speed recovery.
"It's like upgrading a black and white TV to a high-definition flat screen color TV," says Dr. James Rouse, a naturopathic family doctor and consultant to BergaMet North America, a manufacturer of exclusive natural supplements.
The Clinical IMMUNE™ supplement product is revolutionizing the immune industry by combining 11 key ingredients including BetaVia™ Complete and Citrus Bergamot SuperFruit™ that focus directly on respiratory and heart heath. BetaVia™ is a patented proprietary form of beta glucans that has been clinically proven to lower respiratory symptoms up to 80%, and Citrus Bergamot Superfruit™ has more than 17 clinical trials that confirm a unique ability to support healthy cardiovascular systems including but not limited to cholesterol and blood sugar.
"We know from the clinical trials that Clinical IMMUNE works. It offers three levels of support: the three P's, Protection, Prevention and Propel," says Dr. Rouse. "With the three P's, the immune system recovers faster and stronger," Dr. Rouse explains. "I speak with so many people who are exhausted and stressed with today's overwhelming challenges. My recommendation is to do everything you can to protect yourself and your loved ones by strengthening your immune system."
Mique, a mother, wife and entrepreur from Colorado says, "I decided to try Clinical IMMUNE for my family and myself. Within days, we noticed that our sinuses and lungs felt clearer. She adds, "I checked with my doctor and I am told that the combination of ingredients in Clinical IMMUNE can be effective immediately," she adds.
Clinical IMMUNE also contains other key ingredients to promote a strong immune system including vitamins C, D, E, and B, as well as zinc and selenium. The addition of natural immune-system boosters alpha lipoic acid, L-glutamine, and olive leaf extract also help defend the body against free radicals and support a healthy metabolism.
Clinical IMMUNE is free of wheat, gluten, fish, egg, dairy, and lactose, and contains no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.
Visit tryclinicalimmune.com for more information about the supplement or call 1-855-556-2131 for more details. The BergaMet North America stock symbol is HYEX.